require 'spec_helper' describe Parole::Comment do describe :Validations do before do spawn_comment_model spawn_commenter_model 'User' spawn_commentable_model 'Article' run_migration do create_table(:users, force: true) create_table(:articles, force: true) end end let(:errors) do subject.valid? subject.errors.full_messages end describe :validates_comment do subject { } it { expect(errors).to include("Comment can't be blank") } end describe :validates_commenter_presence do subject { } it { expect(errors).to include("Commenter can't be blank") } end describe :validates_commentable_presence do subject { } it { expect(errors).to include("Commentable can't be blank") } end describe :validates_commentable do subject { } it { expect(errors).to include("Commentable is invalid") } end end describe :ClassMethods do describe :create do context 'through general `comments` association' do before do spawn_comment_model spawn_commenter_model 'User' spawn_commentable_model 'Article' run_migration do create_table(:articles, force: true) create_table(:users, force: true) end end let(:commenter) { User.create } let(:commentable) { Article.create } context 'without role attribute' do let(:comment) { commentable.comments.create(commenter: commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect(comment).to be_persisted } it { expect(comment.comment).to eql 'Booya' } it { expect(comment.commenter).to eql commenter } it { expect(comment.commentable).to eql commentable } end context 'with role attribute' do let(:comment) { commentable.comments.create(role: 'YEP', commenter: commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect(comment).to_not be_persisted } it { expect(comment.errors.full_messages).to eql ['Role is invalid'] } end end context 'through a role-specific comments association' do before do spawn_comment_model spawn_commenter_model 'User' spawn_commentable_model 'Article' do acts_as_commentable roles: [:photos, :videos] end run_migration do create_table(:articles, force: true) create_table(:users, force: true) end end let(:commenter) { User.create } let(:commentable) { Article.create } context 'with commentable role association method' do let(:comment) { commentable.photos_comments.create(commenter: commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect(comment).to be_persisted } it { expect(comment.role).to eql 'photos' } it { expect(comment.comment).to eql 'Booya' } it { expect(comment.commenter).to eql commenter } it { expect(comment.commentable).to eql commentable } end context 'with commentable main association method' do context 'with valid role' do let(:comment) { commentable.comments.create(role: 'photos', commenter: commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect(comment).to be_persisted } it { expect(comment.role).to eql 'photos' } it { expect(comment.comment).to eql 'Booya' } it { expect(comment.commenter).to eql commenter } it { expect(comment.commentable).to eql commentable } end context 'with invalid role' do let(:comment) { commentable.comments.create(role: 'NOPE', commenter: commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect(comment).to_not be_persisted } it { expect(comment.errors.full_messages).to eql ['Role is invalid'] } end end end end end describe :InstanceMethods do describe :update_cache_counters do before do spawn_comment_model spawn_commenter_model 'User' spawn_commentable_model 'Article' do acts_as_commentable roles: [:photos, :videos] end run_migration do create_table(:users, force: true) create_table(:articles, force: true) do |t| t.integer :photos_comments_count, default: 0 t.integer :videos_comments_count, default: 0 t.integer :comments_count, default: 0 end end end let(:commenter) { User.create } let(:commentable) { Article.create } let(:create_comment!) { commentable.photos_comments.create(commenter: commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect { create_comment! }.to change { commentable.reload.photos_comments_count }.from(0).to(1) } it { expect { create_comment! }.to_not change { commentable.reload.videos_comments_count } } it { expect { create_comment! }.to change { commentable.reload.comments_count }.from(0).to(1) } end end describe :ensure_valid_role_for_commentable do before do spawn_comment_model spawn_commenter_model 'User' run_migration do create_table(:users, force: true) end end let(:commenter) { User.create } context 'without associated commentable' do let(:comment) { commenter, comment: 'Booya') } it { expect { comment.valid? }.to_not raise_error } end end end