# SOAP4R - literal mapping registry. # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'soap/baseData' require 'soap/mapping/mapping' require 'soap/mapping/typeMap' require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport' require 'xsd/namedelements' module SOAP module Mapping class LiteralRegistry include RegistrySupport attr_accessor :excn_handler_obj2soap attr_accessor :excn_handler_soap2obj def initialize super() @excn_handler_obj2soap = nil @excn_handler_soap2obj = nil end def obj2soap(obj, qname, obj_class = nil) soap_obj = nil if obj.is_a?(SOAPElement) soap_obj = obj else soap_obj = any2soap(obj, qname, obj_class) end return soap_obj if soap_obj if @excn_handler_obj2soap soap_obj = @excn_handler_obj2soap.call(obj) { |yield_obj| Mapping.obj2soap(yield_obj, nil, nil, MAPPING_OPT) } return soap_obj if soap_obj end raise MappingError.new("cannot map #{obj.class.name} as #{qname}") end # node should be a SOAPElement def soap2obj(node, obj_class = nil) cause = nil begin return any2obj(node, obj_class) rescue MappingError cause = $! end if @excn_handler_soap2obj begin return @excn_handler_soap2obj.call(node) { |yield_node| Mapping.soap2obj(yield_node, nil, nil, MAPPING_OPT) } rescue Exception end end raise MappingError.new("cannot map #{node.elename.name}/#{node.type.name} to Ruby object", cause) end private MAPPING_OPT = { :no_reference => true } def definedobj2soap(obj, definition) obj2soap(obj, definition.elename, definition.mapped_class) end def any2soap(obj, qname, obj_class) ele = nil if obj.is_a?(SOAP::Mapping::Object) return mappingobj2soap(obj, qname) end class_definition = schema_definition_from_class(obj.class) if class_definition.nil? and obj_class class_definition = schema_definition_from_class(obj_class) end elename_definition = schema_definition_from_elename(qname) if !class_definition and !elename_definition # no definition found return anyobj2soap(obj, qname) end if !class_definition or !elename_definition # use found one return stubobj2soap(obj, qname, class_definition || elename_definition) end # found both: if class_definition.class_for == elename_definition.class_for # if two definitions are for the same class, give qname a priority. return stubobj2soap(obj, qname, elename_definition) end # it should be a derived class return stubobj2soap(obj, qname, class_definition) end def anyobj2soap(obj, qname) ele = nil case obj when Hash ele = SOAPElement.from_obj(obj, nil) ele.elename = qname when Array # treat as a list of simpletype ele = SOAPElement.new(qname, obj.join(" ")) when XSD::QName ele = SOAPElement.new(qname) ele.text = obj else # expected to be a basetype or an anyType. # SOAPStruct, etc. is used instead of SOAPElement. begin ele = Mapping.obj2soap(obj, nil, nil, MAPPING_OPT) ele.elename = qname rescue MappingError ele = SOAPElement.new(qname, obj.to_s) end end add_attributes2soap(obj, ele) ele end def stubobj2soap(obj, qname, definition) if obj.nil? ele = SOAPNil.new ele.elename = qname elsif obj.is_a?(::String) ele = SOAPElement.new(qname, obj) else ele = SOAPElement.new(qname) end ele.qualified = definition.qualified if definition.type ele.type = definition.type if definition.basetype or Mapping.root_type_hint Mapping.reset_root_type_hint ele.force_typed = true end end if qname.nil? and definition.elename ele.elename = definition.elename end return ele if obj.nil? stubobj2soap_elements(obj, ele, definition.elements) add_definedattributes2soap(obj, ele, definition) ele end def stubobj2soap_elements(obj, ele, definition, is_choice = false) added = false case definition when SchemaSequenceDefinition, SchemaEmptyDefinition definition.each do |eledef| ele_added = stubobj2soap_elements(obj, ele, eledef, is_choice) added = true if ele_added end when SchemaChoiceDefinition definition.each do |eledef| added = stubobj2soap_elements(obj, ele, eledef, true) break if added end else added = true if definition.as_any? any = Mapping.get_attributes_for_any(obj) SOAPElement.from_objs(any).each do |child| ele.add(child) end elsif obj.respond_to?(:each) and definition.as_array? obj.each do |item| ele.add(definedobj2soap(item, definition)) end else child = Mapping.get_attribute(obj, definition.varname) if child.nil? and (is_choice or definition.minoccurs == 0) added = false else if child.respond_to?(:each) and definition.as_array? if child.empty? added = false else child.each do |item| ele.add(definedobj2soap(item, definition)) end end else ele.add(definedobj2soap(child, definition)) end end end end added end def mappingobj2soap(obj, qname) ele = SOAPElement.new(qname) obj.__xmlele.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(::Array) value.each do |item| ele.add(obj2soap(item, key)) end else ele.add(obj2soap(value, key)) end end obj.__xmlattr.each do |key, value| ele.extraattr[key] = value end ele end def any2obj(node, obj_class = nil) is_compound = node.is_a?(::SOAP::SOAPCompoundtype) # trust xsi:type first if is_compound and node.type definition = schema_definition_from_type(node.type) end # element name next definition ||= schema_definition_from_elename(node.elename) # class defined in parent type last if obj_class definition ||= schema_definition_from_class(obj_class) end if definition obj_class = definition.class_for end if is_compound if definition return elesoap2stubobj(node, obj_class, definition) elsif node.is_a?(::SOAP::SOAPNameAccessible) return elesoap2plainobj(node) end end obj = Mapping.soap2obj(node, nil, obj_class, MAPPING_OPT) add_attributes2obj(node, obj) obj end def elesoap2stubobj(node, obj_class, definition) obj = nil if obj_class == ::String obj = node.text elsif obj_class < ::String and node.respond_to?(:text) obj = obj_class.new(node.text) else obj = Mapping.create_empty_object(obj_class) add_elesoap2stubobj(node, obj, definition) end add_attributes2stubobj(node, obj, definition) obj end def elesoap2plainobj(node) obj = nil if !node.have_member obj = base2obj(node, ::SOAP::SOAPString) else obj = anytype2obj(node) add_elesoap2plainobj(node, obj) end add_attributes2obj(node, obj) obj end def anytype2obj(node) if node.is_a?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype) return node.data end ::SOAP::Mapping::Object.new end def add_elesoap2stubobj(node, obj, definition) vars = {} node.each do |name, value| item = definition.elements.find_element(value.elename) if item child = elesoapchild2obj(value, item) else # unknown element is treated as anyType. child = any2obj(value) end if item and item.as_array? (vars[name] ||= []) << child elsif vars.key?(name) vars[name] = [vars[name], child].flatten else vars[name] = child end end if obj.is_a?(::Array) and is_stubobj_elements_for_array(vars) Array.instance_method(:replace).bind(obj).call(vars.values[0]) else Mapping.set_attributes(obj, vars) end end def elesoapchild2obj(value, eledef) if eledef.mapped_class if eledef.mapped_class.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype) base2obj(value, eledef.mapped_class) else any2obj(value, eledef.mapped_class) end else child_definition = schema_definition_from_elename(eledef.elename) if child_definition any2obj(value, child_definition.class_for) else # untyped element is treated as anyType. any2obj(value) end end end def add_attributes2stubobj(node, obj, definition) return if obj.nil? or node.extraattr.empty? if attributes = definition.attributes define_xmlattr(obj) attributes.each do |qname, class_name| child = node.extraattr[qname] next if child.nil? if class_name klass = Mapping.class_from_name(class_name) if klass.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype) child = klass.to_data(child) end end obj.__xmlattr[qname] = child define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname) end end end def add_elesoap2plainobj(node, obj) node.each do |name, value| obj.__add_xmlele_value(value.elename, any2obj(value)) end end def add_attributes2obj(node, obj) return if obj.nil? or node.extraattr.empty? define_xmlattr(obj) node.extraattr.each do |qname, value| obj.__xmlattr[qname] = value define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname) end end # Mapping.define_attr_accessor calls define_method with proc and it exhausts # much memory for each singleton Object. just instance_eval instead of it. def define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname) # untaint depends GenSupport.safemethodname name = Mapping.safemethodname('xmlattr_' + qname.name).untaint unless obj.respond_to?(name) # untaint depends QName#dump qnamedump = qname.dump.untaint obj.instance_eval <<-EOS def #{name} @__xmlattr[#{qnamedump}] end def #{name}=(value) @__xmlattr[#{qnamedump}] = value end EOS end end # Mapping.define_attr_accessor calls define_method with proc and it exhausts # much memory for each singleton Object. just instance_eval instead of it. def define_xmlattr(obj) obj.instance_variable_set('@__xmlattr', {}) unless obj.respond_to?(:__xmlattr) obj.instance_eval <<-EOS def __xmlattr @__xmlattr end EOS end end end end end