require 'yaml' require 'active_support/core_ext/class' require 'pathname' module Figleaf class Settings class_attribute :auto_define self.auto_define = false def self.configure_with_auto_define self.auto_define.tap do |cached_auto_define| self.auto_define = true yield self self.auto_define = cached_auto_define end end def self.configure self.auto_define.tap do |cached_auto_define| self.auto_define = false yield self self.auto_define = cached_auto_define end end def self.override_with_local!(local_file) #this file (i.e. test.local.rb) is an optional place to put settings local_file.tap do |local_settings_path| eval(, binding) if File.exists?(local_settings_path) end end def self.method_missing(method_name, *args) if self.auto_define && method_name.to_s =~ /=$/ && args.length == 1 self.define_cattr_methods(method_name) self.send(method_name, args.shift) else super end end def self.define_cattr_methods(setter_name) getter_name = setter_name.to_s.gsub('=','') cattr_writer getter_name define_singleton_method(getter_name) do result = class_variable_get "@@#{getter_name}" result.respond_to?(:call) ? : result end end # Load all files in config/settings and set their contents as first level # citizen of Settings: # config/settings/some_service.yml contains # production: # foo: bar # --> = bar def self.load_settings Dir.glob(root.join('config', 'settings', '*.yml')).each do |file| property_name = File.basename(file, '.yml') property = YAML.load_file(file)[env] configure_with_auto_define do |s| s.send("#{property_name}=", property) end end end def self.root return Rails.root if defined?(Rails)'.') end def self.env return Rails.env if defined?(Rails) ENV['ENVIRONMENT'] end end end