/* dump.c * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Peter Ohler nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ruby.h" #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H #include "ruby/st.h" #else #include "st.h" #endif #include "base64.h" #include "cache8.h" #include "ox.h" typedef struct _Str { const char *str; size_t len; } *Str; typedef struct _Element { struct _Str clas; struct _Str attr; unsigned long id; int indent; // < 0 indicates no \n int closed; char type; } *Element; typedef struct _Out { void (*w_start)(struct _Out *out, Element e); void (*w_end)(struct _Out *out, Element e); void (*w_time)(struct _Out *out, VALUE obj); char *buf; char *end; char *cur; Cache8 circ_cache; unsigned long circ_cnt; int indent; int depth; // used by dumpHash Options opts; } *Out; static void dump_obj_to_xml(VALUE obj, Options copts, Out out); static void dump_first_obj(VALUE obj, Out out); static void dump_obj(ID aid, VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out); static void dump_gen_doc(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out); static void dump_gen_element(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out); static int dump_gen_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out); static int dump_gen_nodes(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out); static void dump_gen_val_node(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, const char *pre, size_t plen, const char *suf, size_t slen, Out out); static void dump_start(Out out, Element e); static void dump_end(Out out, Element e); static void grow(Out out, size_t len); static void dump_value(Out out, const char *value, size_t size); static int dump_var(ID key, VALUE value, Out out); static void dump_num(Out out, VALUE obj); static void dump_time_thin(Out out, VALUE obj); static void dump_time_xsd(Out out, VALUE obj); static int dump_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out); static int is_xml_friendly(const u_char *str, int len); static char xml_friendly_chars[256] = "\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ ooxoooxxooooooooooooooooooooxoxo\ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo\ xoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooox\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; inline static int is_xml_friendly(const u_char *str, int len) { for (; 0 < len; str++, len--) { if ('x' == xml_friendly_chars[*str]) { return 0; } } return 1; } inline static Type obj_class_code(VALUE obj) { switch (rb_type(obj)) { case T_NIL: return NilClassCode; case T_ARRAY: return ArrayCode; case T_HASH: return HashCode; case T_TRUE: return TrueClassCode; case T_FALSE: return FalseClassCode; case T_FIXNUM: return FixnumCode; case T_FLOAT: return FloatCode; case T_STRING: return (is_xml_friendly((u_char*)StringValuePtr(obj), (int)RSTRING_LEN(obj))) ? StringCode : String64Code; case T_SYMBOL: { const char *sym = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(obj)); return (is_xml_friendly((u_char*)sym, (int)strlen(sym))) ? SymbolCode : Symbol64Code; } case T_DATA: return (rb_cTime == rb_obj_class(obj)) ? TimeCode : 0; case T_STRUCT: return (rb_cRange == rb_obj_class(obj)) ? RangeCode : StructCode; case T_OBJECT: return (ox_document_clas == rb_obj_class(obj) || ox_element_clas == rb_obj_class(obj)) ? RawCode : ObjectCode; case T_REGEXP: return RegexpCode; case T_BIGNUM: return BignumCode; #ifdef T_COMPLEX case T_COMPLEX: return ComplexCode; #endif #ifdef T_RATIONAL case T_RATIONAL: return RationalCode; #endif case T_CLASS: return ClassCode; default: return 0; } } inline static void fill_indent(Out out, int cnt) { if (0 <= cnt) { *out->cur++ = '\n'; for (; 0 < cnt; cnt--) { *out->cur++ = ' '; } } } inline static void fill_value(Out out, const char *value, size_t len) { if (6 < len) { memcpy(out->cur, value, len); out->cur += len; } else { for (; '\0' != *value; value++) { *out->cur++ = *value; } } } inline static void fill_attr(Out out, char name, const char *value, size_t len) { *out->cur++ = ' '; *out->cur++ = name; *out->cur++ = '='; *out->cur++ = '"'; if (6 < len) { memcpy(out->cur, value, len); out->cur += len; } else { for (; '\0' != *value; value++) { *out->cur++ = *value; } } *out->cur++ = '"'; } inline static const char* ulong2str(uint64_t num, char *end) { char *b; *end-- = '\0'; for (b = end; 0 < num || b == end; num /= 10, b--) { *b = (num % 10) + '0'; } b++; return b; } static int check_circular(Out out, VALUE obj, Element e) { uint64_t *slot; uint64_t id; int result; if (0 == (id = ox_cache8_get(out->circ_cache, obj, &slot))) { out->circ_cnt++; id = out->circ_cnt; *slot = id; e->id = id; result = 0; } else { e->type = RefCode; e->clas.len = 0; e->clas.str = 0; e->closed = 1; e->id = id; out->w_start(out, e); result = 1; } return result; } static void grow(Out out, size_t len) { size_t size = out->end - out->buf; long pos = out->cur - out->buf; char *buf; size *= 2; if (size <= len * 2 + pos) { size += len; } if (0 == (buf = (char*)realloc(out->buf, size + 10))) { // 1 extra for terminator character plus extra (paranoid) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Failed to create string. [%d:%s]\n", ENOSPC, strerror(ENOSPC)); } out->buf = buf; out->end = buf + size; out->cur = out->buf + pos; } static void dump_start(Out out, Element e) { size_t size = e->indent + 4; if (0 < e->attr.len) { // a="attr" size += e->attr.len + 5; } if (0 < e->clas.len) { // c="class" size += e->clas.len + 5; } if (0 < e->id) { // i="id" size += 24; // over estimate, 19 digits } if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } if (out->buf < out->cur) { fill_indent(out, e->indent); } *out->cur++ = '<'; *out->cur++ = e->type; if (0 < e->attr.len) { fill_attr(out, 'a', e->attr.str, e->attr.len); } if ((ObjectCode == e->type || StructCode == e->type || ClassCode == e->type) && 0 < e->clas.len) { fill_attr(out, 'c', e->clas.str, e->clas.len); } if (0 < e->id) { char buf[32]; char *end = buf + sizeof(buf); const char *s = ulong2str(e->id, end); fill_attr(out, 'i', s, end - s); } if (e->closed) { *out->cur++ = '/'; } *out->cur++ = '>'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_end(Out out, Element e) { size_t size = e->indent + 5; if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } fill_indent(out, e->indent); *out->cur++ = '<'; *out->cur++ = '/'; *out->cur++ = e->type; *out->cur++ = '>'; *out->cur = '\0'; } inline static void dump_value(Out out, const char *value, size_t size) { if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } if (6 < size) { memcpy(out->cur, value, size); out->cur += size; } else { for (; '\0' != *value; value++) { *out->cur++ = *value; } } *out->cur = '\0'; } inline static void dump_num(Out out, VALUE obj) { char buf[32]; char *b = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; long num = NUM2LONG(obj); int neg = 0; if (0 > num) { neg = 1; num = -num; } *b-- = '\0'; if (0 < num) { for (; 0 < num; num /= 10, b--) { *b = (num % 10) + '0'; } if (neg) { *b = '-'; } else { b++; } } else { *b = '0'; } if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)(sizeof(buf) - (b - buf))) { grow(out, sizeof(buf) - (b - buf)); } for (; '\0' != *b; b++) { *out->cur++ = *b; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_time_thin(Out out, VALUE obj) { char buf[64]; char *b = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; time_t sec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); long usec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, tv_usec_id, 0, 0)); char *dot = b - 7; long size; *b-- = '\0'; for (; dot < b; b--, usec /= 10) { *b = '0' + (usec % 10); } *b-- = '.'; for (; 0 < sec; b--, sec /= 10) { *b = '0' + (sec % 10); } b++; size = sizeof(buf) - (b - buf) - 1; if (out->end - out->cur <= size) { grow(out, size); } memcpy(out->cur, b, size); out->cur += size; } static void dump_time_xsd(Out out, VALUE obj) { struct tm *tm; time_t sec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); long usec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, tv_usec_id, 0, 0)); int tzhour, tzmin; char tzsign = '+'; if (out->end - out->cur <= 33) { grow(out, 33); } // 2010-07-09T10:47:45.895826+09:00 tm = localtime(&sec); if (0 > tm->tm_gmtoff) { tzsign = '-'; tzhour = (int)(tm->tm_gmtoff / -3600); tzmin = (int)(tm->tm_gmtoff / -60) - (tzhour * 60); } else { tzhour = (int)(tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600); tzmin = (int)(tm->tm_gmtoff / 60) - (tzhour * 60); } sprintf(out->cur, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld%c%02d:%02d", tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, usec, tzsign, tzhour, tzmin); } static void dump_first_obj(VALUE obj, Out out) { char buf[128]; Options copts = out->opts; int cnt; if (Yes == copts->with_xml) { if ('\0' == *copts->encoding) { dump_value(out, "", 21); } else { cnt = sprintf(buf, "", copts->encoding); dump_value(out, buf, cnt); } } if (Yes == copts->with_instruct) { cnt = sprintf(buf, "%s", (out->buf < out->cur) ? "\n" : "", (Yes == copts->circular) ? " circular=\"yes\"" : ((No == copts->circular) ? " circular=\"no\"" : ""), (Yes == copts->xsd_date) ? " xsd_date=\"yes\"" : ((No == copts->xsd_date) ? " xsd_date=\"no\"" : "")); dump_value(out, buf, cnt); } if (Yes == copts->with_dtd) { cnt = sprintf(buf, "%s", (out->buf < out->cur) ? "\n" : "", obj_class_code(obj)); dump_value(out, buf, cnt); } dump_obj(0, obj, 0, out); } static void dump_obj(ID aid, VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out) { struct _Element e; char value_buf[64]; int cnt; if (0 == aid) { //e.attr.str = 0; e.attr.len = 0; } else { e.attr.str = rb_id2name(aid); e.attr.len = strlen(e.attr.str); } e.closed = 0; if (0 == depth) { e.indent = (0 <= out->indent) ? 0 : -1; } else if (0 > out->indent) { e.indent = -1; } else if (0 == out->indent) { e.indent = 0; } else { e.indent = depth * out->indent; } e.id = 0; e.clas.len = 0; e.clas.str = 0; switch (rb_type(obj)) { case T_NIL: e.type = NilClassCode; e.closed = 1; out->w_start(out, &e); break; case T_ARRAY: if (0 != out->circ_cache && check_circular(out, obj, &e)) { break; } cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(obj); e.type = ArrayCode; e.closed = (0 >= cnt); out->w_start(out, &e); if (!e.closed) { VALUE *np = RARRAY_PTR(obj); int i; int d2 = depth + 1; for (i = cnt; 0 < i; i--, np++) { dump_obj(0, *np, d2, out); } out->w_end(out, &e); } break; case T_HASH: if (0 != out->circ_cache && check_circular(out, obj, &e)) { break; } cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(obj); e.type = HashCode; e.closed = (0 >= cnt); out->w_start(out, &e); if (0 < cnt) { unsigned int od = out->depth; out->depth = depth + 1; rb_hash_foreach(obj, dump_hash, (VALUE)out); out->depth = od; out->w_end(out, &e); } break; case T_TRUE: e.type = TrueClassCode; e.closed = 1; out->w_start(out, &e); break; case T_FALSE: e.type = FalseClassCode; e.closed = 1; out->w_start(out, &e); break; case T_FIXNUM: e.type = FixnumCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_num(out, obj); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); break; case T_FLOAT: e.type = FloatCode; cnt = sprintf(value_buf, "%0.16g", RFLOAT_VALUE(obj)); // used sprintf due to bug in snprintf out->w_start(out, &e); dump_value(out, value_buf, cnt); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); break; case T_STRING: { const char *str; if (0 != out->circ_cache && check_circular(out, obj, &e)) { break; } str = StringValuePtr(obj); cnt = (int)RSTRING_LEN(obj); if (is_xml_friendly((u_char*)str, cnt)) { e.type = StringCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_value(out, str, cnt); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); } else { char buf64[4096]; char *b64 = buf64; uint64_t size = b64_size(cnt); e.type = String64Code; if (sizeof(buf64) < size) { if (0 == (b64 = (char*)malloc(size + 1))) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Failed to create string. [%d:%s]\n", ENOSPC, strerror(ENOSPC)); } } to_base64((u_char*)str, cnt, b64); out->w_start(out, &e); dump_value(out, b64, size); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); if (buf64 != b64) { free(b64); } } break; } case T_SYMBOL: { const char *sym = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(obj)); cnt = (int)strlen(sym); if (is_xml_friendly((u_char*)sym, cnt)) { e.type = SymbolCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_value(out, sym, cnt); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); } else { char buf64[4096]; char *b64 = buf64; uint64_t size = b64_size(cnt); e.type = Symbol64Code; if (sizeof(buf64) < size) { if (0 == (b64 = (char*)malloc(size + 1))) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Failed to create string. [%d:%s]\n", ENOSPC, strerror(ENOSPC)); } } to_base64((u_char*)sym, cnt, b64); out->w_start(out, &e); dump_value(out, b64, size); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); if (buf64 != b64) { free(b64); } } break; } case T_DATA: { VALUE clas; clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (rb_cTime == clas) { e.type = TimeCode; out->w_start(out, &e); out->w_time(out, obj); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); } else { if (StrictEffort == out->opts->effort) { rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Failed to dump T_DATA %s\n", rb_class2name(clas)); } else { e.type = NilClassCode; e.closed = 1; out->w_start(out, &e); } } break; } case T_STRUCT: { VALUE clas; if (0 != out->circ_cache && check_circular(out, obj, &e)) { break; } clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (rb_cRange == clas) { VALUE beg = RSTRUCT_PTR(obj)[0]; VALUE end = RSTRUCT_PTR(obj)[1]; VALUE excl = RSTRUCT_PTR(obj)[2]; int d2 = depth + 1; e.type = RangeCode; e.clas.len = 5; e.clas.str = "Range"; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_obj(beg_id, beg, d2, out); dump_obj(end_id, end, d2, out); dump_obj(excl_id, excl, d2, out); out->w_end(out, &e); } else { char num_buf[16]; VALUE *vp; int i; int d2 = depth + 1; e.type = StructCode; e.clas.str = rb_class2name(clas); e.clas.len = strlen(e.clas.str); out->w_start(out, &e); cnt = (int)RSTRUCT_LEN(obj); for (i = 0, vp = RSTRUCT_PTR(obj); i < cnt; i++, vp++) { dump_obj(rb_intern(ulong2str(i, num_buf + sizeof(num_buf) - 1)), *vp, d2, out); } out->w_end(out, &e); } break; } case T_OBJECT: { VALUE clas; if (0 != out->circ_cache && check_circular(out, obj, &e)) { break; } clas = rb_obj_class(obj); e.clas.str = rb_class2name(clas); e.clas.len = strlen(e.clas.str); if (ox_document_clas == clas) { e.type = RawCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_gen_doc(obj, depth + 1, out); out->w_end(out, &e); } else if (ox_element_clas == clas) { e.type = RawCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_gen_element(obj, depth + 1, out); out->w_end(out, &e); } else { // Object // use encoding as the indicator for Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.x #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H e.type = ObjectCode; cnt = (int)rb_ivar_count(obj); e.closed = (0 >= cnt); out->w_start(out, &e); if (0 < cnt) { unsigned int od = out->depth; out->depth = depth + 1; rb_ivar_foreach(obj, dump_var, (VALUE)out); out->depth = od; out->w_end(out, &e); } #else VALUE vars = rb_obj_instance_variables(obj); e.type = ObjectCode; cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(vars); e.closed = (0 >= cnt); out->w_start(out, &e); if (0 < cnt) { VALUE *np = RARRAY_PTR(vars); ID vid; unsigned int od = out->depth; int i; out->depth = depth + 1; for (i = cnt; 0 < i; i--, np++) { vid = rb_to_id(*np); dump_var(vid, rb_ivar_get(obj, vid), out); } out->depth = od; out->w_end(out, &e); } #endif } break; } case T_REGEXP: { #if 1 VALUE rs = rb_funcall2(obj, inspect_id, 0, 0); const char *s = StringValuePtr(rs); cnt = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rs); #else const char *s = RREGEXP_SRC_PTR(obj); int options = rb_reg_options(obj); cnt = (int)RREGEXP_SRC_LEN(obj); #endif e.type = RegexpCode; out->w_start(out, &e); if (is_xml_friendly((u_char*)s, cnt)) { //dump_value(out, "/", 1); dump_value(out, s, cnt); } else { char buf64[4096]; char *b64 = buf64; uint64_t size = b64_size(cnt); if (sizeof(buf64) < size) { if (0 == (b64 = (char*)malloc(size + 1))) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Failed to create string. [%d:%s]\n", ENOSPC, strerror(ENOSPC)); } } to_base64((u_char*)s, cnt, b64); dump_value(out, b64, size); if (buf64 != b64) { free(b64); } } #if 0 dump_value(out, "/", 1); if (0 != (ONIG_OPTION_MULTILINE & options)) { dump_value(out, "m", 1); } if (0 != (ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE & options)) { dump_value(out, "i", 1); } if (0 != (ONIG_OPTION_EXTEND & options)) { dump_value(out, "x", 1); } #endif e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); break; } case T_BIGNUM: { VALUE rs = rb_big2str(obj, 10); e.type = BignumCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_value(out, StringValuePtr(rs), RSTRING_LEN(rs)); e.indent = -1; out->w_end(out, &e); break; } #ifdef T_COMPLEX case T_COMPLEX: e.type = ComplexCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_obj(0, RCOMPLEX(obj)->real, depth + 1, out); dump_obj(0, RCOMPLEX(obj)->imag, depth + 1, out); out->w_end(out, &e); break; #endif #ifdef T_RATIONAL case T_RATIONAL: e.type = RationalCode; out->w_start(out, &e); dump_obj(0, RRATIONAL(obj)->num, depth + 1, out); dump_obj(0, RRATIONAL(obj)->den, depth + 1, out); out->w_end(out, &e); break; #endif case T_CLASS: { e.type = ClassCode; e.clas.str = rb_class2name(obj); e.clas.len = strlen(e.clas.str); e.closed = 1; out->w_start(out, &e); break; } default: if (StrictEffort == out->opts->effort) { rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Failed to dump %s Object (%02x)\n", rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(obj)), rb_type(obj)); } else { e.type = NilClassCode; e.closed = 1; out->w_start(out, &e); } break; } } static int dump_var(ID key, VALUE value, Out out) { if (T_DATA == rb_type(value) && rb_cTime != rb_obj_class(value)) { /* There is a secret recipe that keeps Exception mesg attributes as a * T_DATA until it is needed. StringValue() makes the value needed and * it is converted to a regular Ruby Object. It might seem reasonable * to expect that this would be done before calling the foreach * callback but it isn't. A slight hack fixes the inconsistency. If * the var is not something that can be represented as a String then * this will fail. */ StringValue(value); } dump_obj(key, value, out->depth, out); return ST_CONTINUE; } static int dump_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out) { dump_obj(0, key, out->depth, out); dump_obj(0, value, out->depth, out); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_gen_doc(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out) { VALUE attrs = rb_attr_get(obj, attributes_id); VALUE nodes = rb_attr_get(obj, nodes_id); if (Yes == out->opts->with_xml) { dump_value(out, "", 2); } if (Yes == out->opts->with_instruct) { if (out->buf < out->cur) { dump_value(out, "\n", 36); } else { dump_value(out, "", 35); } } if (Qnil != nodes) { dump_gen_nodes(nodes, depth, out); } } static void dump_gen_element(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out) { VALUE rname = rb_attr_get(obj, value_id); VALUE attrs = rb_attr_get(obj, attributes_id); VALUE nodes = rb_attr_get(obj, nodes_id); const char *name = StringValuePtr(rname); long nlen = RSTRING_LEN(rname); size_t size; int indent; if (0 > out->indent) { indent = -1; } else if (0 == out->indent) { indent = 0; } else { indent = depth * out->indent; } size = indent + 4 + nlen; if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } fill_indent(out, indent); *out->cur++ = '<'; fill_value(out, name, nlen); if (Qnil != attrs) { rb_hash_foreach(attrs, dump_gen_attr, (VALUE)out); } if (Qnil != nodes) { int do_indent; *out->cur++ = '>'; do_indent = dump_gen_nodes(nodes, depth, out); if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } if (do_indent) { fill_indent(out, indent); } *out->cur++ = '<'; *out->cur++ = '/'; fill_value(out, name, nlen); } else { *out->cur++ = '/'; } *out->cur++ = '>'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static int dump_gen_nodes(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, Out out) { long cnt = RARRAY_LEN(obj); int indent_needed = 1; if (0 < cnt) { VALUE *np = RARRAY_PTR(obj); VALUE clas; int d2 = depth + 1; for (; 0 < cnt; cnt--, np++) { clas = rb_obj_class(*np); if (ox_element_clas == clas) { dump_gen_element(*np, d2, out); } else if (rb_cString == clas) { dump_value(out, StringValuePtr(*np), RSTRING_LEN(*np)); indent_needed = (1 == cnt) ? 0 : 1; } else if (ox_comment_clas == clas) { dump_gen_val_node(*np, d2, "", 4, out); } else if (ox_cdata_clas == clas) { dump_gen_val_node(*np, d2, "", 3, out); } else if (ox_doctype_clas == clas) { dump_gen_val_node(*np, d2, "", 2, out); } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Unexpected class, %s, while dumping generic XML\n", rb_class2name(clas)); } } } return indent_needed; } static int dump_gen_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out) { const char *ks = (T_SYMBOL == rb_type(key)) ? rb_id2name(SYM2ID(key)) : StringValuePtr(key); size_t klen = strlen(ks); size_t size = 4 + klen + RSTRING_LEN(value); if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } *out->cur++ = ' '; fill_value(out, ks, klen); *out->cur++ = '='; *out->cur++ = '"'; fill_value(out, StringValuePtr(value), RSTRING_LEN(value)); *out->cur++ = '"'; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_gen_val_node(VALUE obj, unsigned int depth, const char *pre, size_t plen, const char *suf, size_t slen, Out out) { VALUE v = rb_attr_get(obj, value_id); const char *val; size_t vlen; size_t size; int indent; if (T_STRING != rb_type(v)) { return; } val = StringValuePtr(v); vlen = RSTRING_LEN(v); if (0 > out->indent) { indent = -1; } else if (0 == out->indent) { indent = 0; } else { indent = depth * out->indent; } size = indent + plen + slen + vlen; if (out->end - out->cur <= (long)size) { grow(out, size); } fill_indent(out, indent); fill_value(out, pre, plen); fill_value(out, val, vlen); fill_value(out, suf, slen); *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_obj_to_xml(VALUE obj, Options copts, Out out) { VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(obj); out->w_time = (Yes == copts->xsd_date) ? dump_time_xsd : dump_time_thin; out->buf = (char*)malloc(65336); out->end = out->buf + 65336; out->cur = out->buf; out->circ_cache = 0; out->circ_cnt = 0; out->opts = copts; if (Yes == copts->circular) { ox_cache8_new(&out->circ_cache); } out->indent = copts->indent; if (ox_document_clas == clas) { dump_gen_doc(obj, -1, out); } else if (ox_element_clas == clas) { dump_gen_element(obj, 0, out); } else { out->w_start = dump_start; out->w_end = dump_end; dump_first_obj(obj, out); } dump_value(out, "\n", 1); if (Yes == copts->circular) { ox_cache8_delete(out->circ_cache); } } char* write_obj_to_str(VALUE obj, Options copts) { struct _Out out; dump_obj_to_xml(obj, copts, &out); return out.buf; } void write_obj_to_file(VALUE obj, const char *path, Options copts) { struct _Out out; size_t size; FILE *f; dump_obj_to_xml(obj, copts, &out); size = out.cur - out.buf; if (0 == (f = fopen(path, "w"))) { rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (size != fwrite(out.buf, 1, size, f)) { int err = ferror(f); rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Write failed. [%d:%s]\n", err, strerror(err)); } free(out.buf); fclose(f); }