# Example: # # = simple_form_for Event.new do |f| # = f.input :when, as: :date_time_picker, input_html: \ # { data: \ # { \ # date_format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm A Z", \ # date_day_view_header_format: 'MMM YYYY', \ # date_side_by_side: true, \ # date_min_date: Time.current.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') \ # } \ # } # # Refer to http://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/#options for a full list of options. # class DateTimePickerInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput def input(wrapper_options) input_html_options[:type] = "text" input_html_options[:data] ||= {} input_html_options[:data].reverse_merge!(date_format: picker_pattern) input_html_options[:value] ||= I18n.localize(attr_value, format: display_pattern) if attr_value.present? template.content_tag :div, class: "input-group date datetime_picker" do input = super(wrapper_options) input += template.content_tag :span, class: "input-group-btn" do template.content_tag :button, class: "btn btn-default", type: "button" do template.content_tag :i, "", class: "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar" end end input end end def input_html_classes super.push "" # 'form-control' end private def display_pattern "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" end def picker_pattern "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ" end def attr_value object.send(attribute_name) if object.respond_to? attribute_name end end