module Shamu module Rails # Manages loading an entity as part of a controller action. See {.entity} # for details. module Entity extend ActiveSupport::Concern private def fetch_entity( service, param ) service.find( params[ param ] ) end def fetch_entities( service, param ) service.list( param ? params[ param ] : params ) end def fetch_entity_request( service, entity, param_key ) action = params[ :action ].to_sym return unless service.respond_to?( :request_for ) return unless request = service.request_for( action, entity ) param_key ||= entity.model_name.param_key strong_param = :"#{ param_key }_params" if respond_to?( strong_param, true ) request.assign_attributes( send( strong_param ) ) else request.assign_attributes( params[ param_key ] ) end service.authorize!( action, entity, request ) if service.respond_to?( :authorize! ) request end def load_entity( method:, list_method:, action: nil, only: nil, except: nil ) action ||= params[ :action ].to_sym return unless matching_entity_action?( action, only: only, except: except ) send list_action?( action ) ? list_method : method end def matching_entity_action?( action, only:, except: ) return if only.present? && !only.include?( action ) return if except.present? && except.include?( action ) true end def list_action?( action ) action == :index end class_methods do # Declare an entity dependency to be resolved before the requested # controller action. Shamu will attempt to load an entity through the # service and make it available to the controller as an attribute and # a helper method. # # Adds a method named after the entity excluding the namespace and # "Entity" suffix (Users::UserEntity => #user). It also makes an # entity_request method available for mutating actions such as new, # create, update, edit, etc. # # ``` # class UsersController < ApplicationController # service :users_service, Users::UsersService # entity Users::UserEntity # # def show # render json: { name:, id: } # end # # def update # result = users_service.update( user_request ) # respond_with result # end # end # ``` # # @param [Class] entity_class an {Entities::Entity} class to be loaded. # @param [Symbol] through the name of the service to fetch the entity # from. If not set, guesses the name of the service from the entity # class. # @param [Symbol] as the name of the method to expose the entity # through. # @param [Symbol] list the name of the method to expose the list of # entities for index actions. # @param [Array] only load the entity only for the given # actions. # @param [Array] except load the entity except for the given # actions. # @param [Symbol] param the request param that holds the id of the # entity. # @param [Symbol] list_param request param that hols list scope params. # @param [Symbol] param_key request param that holds the attributes used # to populate the service change request. # @param [Symbol] action override the default action detection. For # example always use :show for a secondary or root entity that is # not being modified in an :update request. def entity( entity_class, through: nil, as: nil, list: nil, only: nil, except: nil, param: :id, list_param: nil, action: nil, param_key: nil ) # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength as ||= entity_as_name( entity_class ) through ||= :"#{ as }_service" list ||= as.to_s.pluralize.to_sym define_entity_method( as, through, param ) define_entities_method( list, through, list_param ) define_entity_request_method( as, through, param_key ) before_action do load_entity( method: as, list_method: list, action: action, only: only && Array( only ), except: except && Array( except ) ) end end private def entity_as_name( entity_class ) entity_class.model_name.element end def define_entity_method( as, through, param ) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 private def #{ as } # def entity return @#{ as } if defined? @#{ as } # return @entity if defined? @entity @#{ as } = fetch_entity( #{ through }, :#{ param } ) # @entity = fetch_entity( entity_service, :id ) end # end helper_method :#{ as } RUBY end def define_entities_method( as, through, param ) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 private def #{ as } # def entities return @#{ as } if defined? @#{ as } # return @entities if defined? @entities @#{ as } = fetch_entities( #{ through }, #{ param ? ":#{ param }" : 'nil' } ) # @entities = fetch_entities( entity_service, nil ) end # end helper_method :#{ as } RUBY end def define_entity_request_method( as, through, param ) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 private def #{ as }_request # def entity_request return @#{ as }_request if defined? @#{ as }_request # return @entity_request if defined? @entity_request @#{ as }_request = fetch_entity_request( #{ through }, #{ as }, :#{ as } ) # @entity_request = fetch_entity_request( entity_service, entity, :entity ) end # end helper_method :#{ as }_request RUBY end end end end end