require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' module God class Process # def fork # raise "You forgot to stub fork" # end def exec(*args) raise "You forgot to stub exec" end end end class TestProcessChild < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup God.internal_init @p = = 'foo' @p.stubs(:test).returns true # so we don't try to mkdir_p Process.stubs(:detach) # because we stub fork ::Process::Sys.stubs(:setuid).returns(true) ::Process::Sys.stubs(:setgid).returns(true) end # valid? def test_valid_should_return_true_if_auto_daemonized_and_log @p.start = 'qux' @p.log = 'bar' assert @p.valid? end def test_valid_should_return_true_if_auto_daemonized_and_no_stop @p.start = 'qux' @p.log = 'bar' assert @p.valid? end def test_valid_should_return_true_if_uid_exists @p.start = 'qux' @p.log = '/tmp/foo.log' @p.uid = 'root' assert @p.valid? end def test_valid_should_return_true_if_uid_does_not_exists @p.start = 'qux' @p.log = '/tmp/foo.log' @p.uid = 'foobarbaz' no_stdout do no_stderr do assert !@p.valid? end end end def test_valid_should_return_true_if_gid_exists @p.start = 'qux' @p.log = '/tmp/foo.log' @p.gid = 'wheel' assert @p.valid? end def test_valid_should_return_true_if_gid_does_not_exists @p.start = 'qux' @p.log = '/tmp/foo.log' @p.gid = 'foobarbaz' no_stdout do no_stderr do assert !@p.valid? end end end # call_action def test_call_action_should_write_pid # Only for start, restart [:start, :restart].each do |action| @p.stubs(:test).returns true IO.expects(:pipe).returns(['1234'),]) @p.expects(:fork) Process.expects(:waitpid) File.expects(:open).with(@p.default_pid_file, 'w') @p.send("#{action}=", "run") @p.call_action(action) end end end ############################################################################### # # Daemon # ############################################################################### class TestProcessDaemon < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup God.internal_init @p = = 'foo' @p.pid_file = '' @p.stubs(:test).returns true # so we don't try to mkdir_p Process.stubs(:detach) # because we stub fork end # alive? def test_alive_should_call_system_process_exists File.expects(:read).with('').times(2).returns('1234') System::Process.any_instance.expects(:exists?).returns(false) assert !@p.alive? end def test_alive_should_return_false_if_no_such_file File.expects(:read).with('').raises(Errno::ENOENT) assert !@p.alive? end # valid? def test_valid_should_return_false_if_no_start = 'foo' @p.stop = 'baz' no_stdout do assert !@p.valid? end end def test_valid_should_return_false_if_self_daemonized_and_no_stop @p.start = 'bar' @p.pid_file = 'foo' no_stdout do assert !@p.valid? end end # pid def test_pid_should_return_integer_for_valid_pid_files File.stubs(:read).returns("123") assert_equal 123, end def test_pid_should_return_nil_for_missing_files @p.pid_file = '' assert_equal nil, end def test_pid_should_return_nil_for_invalid_pid_files File.stubs(:read).returns("four score and seven years ago") assert_equal nil, end def test_pid_should_retain_last_pid_value_if_pid_file_is_removed File.stubs(:read).returns("123") assert_equal 123, File.stubs(:read).raises(Errno::ENOENT) assert_equal 123, File.stubs(:read).returns("246") assert_equal 246, end # defaul_pid_file def test_default_pid_file assert_equal File.join(God.pid_file_directory, ''), @p.default_pid_file end # call_action # These actually excercise call_action in the back at this point - Kev def test_call_action_with_string_should_call_system @p.start = "do something" @p.expects(:fork) Process.expects(:waitpid2).returns([123, 0]) @p.call_action(:start) end def test_call_action_with_lambda_should_call cmd = lambda { puts "Hi" } cmd.expects(:call) @p.start = cmd @p.call_action(:start) end def test_call_action_with_invalid_command_class_should_raise @p.start = 5 @p.stop = 'baz' assert @p.valid? assert_raise NotImplementedError do @p.call_action(:start) end end # start!/stop!/restart! def test_start_stop_restart_bang [:start, :stop, :restart].each do |x| @p.expects(:call_action).with(x) @p.send("#{x}!") end end end