import '@github/clipboard-copy-element'; const CLIPBOARD_COPY_TIMER_DURATION = 2000; function showSVG(svg) { = 'inline-block'; } function hideSVG(svg) { = 'none'; } // Toggle a copy button. function showCopy(button) { const [copyIcon, checkIcon] = button.querySelectorAll('.octicon'); if (!copyIcon || !checkIcon) return; showSVG(copyIcon); hideSVG(checkIcon); } // Toggle a copy button. function showCheck(button) { const [copyIcon, checkIcon] = button.querySelectorAll('.octicon'); if (!copyIcon || !checkIcon) return; hideSVG(copyIcon); showSVG(checkIcon); } const clipboardCopyElementTimers = new WeakMap(); document.addEventListener('clipboard-copy', ({ target }) => { if (!(target instanceof HTMLElement)) return; if (!target.hasAttribute('data-view-component')) return; const currentTimeout = clipboardCopyElementTimers.get(target); const clipboardCopyLiveRegion = target.parentNode?.querySelector('[data-clipboard-copy-feedback]'); const copiedAnnouncement = 'Copied!'; if (currentTimeout) { clearTimeout(currentTimeout); clipboardCopyElementTimers.delete(target); } else { showCheck(target); if (clipboardCopyLiveRegion) { if (clipboardCopyLiveRegion.textContent === copiedAnnouncement) { /* This is a hack due to the way the aria live API works. A screen reader will not read a live region again if the text is the same. Adding a space character tells the browser that the live region has updated, which will cause it to read again, but with no audible difference. */ clipboardCopyLiveRegion.textContent = `${copiedAnnouncement}\u00A0`; } else { clipboardCopyLiveRegion.textContent = copiedAnnouncement; } } } clipboardCopyElementTimers.set(target, setTimeout(() => { showCopy(target); clipboardCopyElementTimers.delete(target); }, CLIPBOARD_COPY_TIMER_DURATION)); });