John had always been a bit of a loner, content to spend his time tinkering away in his garage rather than socializing with his neighbors. Over time, this behavior had only worsened, and he had become increasingly isolated from those around him. At first, it bothered John a bit. He knew that he should try to make friends and connections, but it just wasn't in his nature. As time went on, though, he stopped caring altogether. He was focused solely on his passion for inventing and creating new things, and nothing else mattered. Despite his worsening social relations, John managed to accomplish something truly remarkable. He invented a new type of battery that was more efficient and longer-lasting than any other on the market. The invention was a huge success, and John became a millionaire overnight. Even with his newfound success, John didn't regret his lack of concern for social relationships. He was content to live his life on his own terms, and he knew that his achievements were a testament to his dedication and hard work. Over time, some people in John's community began to see his brilliance, and he became somewhat of a local legend. Even still, he remained aloof and uninterested in socializing. But for John, that was just fine. He didn't need the approval of others to feel accomplished or fulfilled. He had his inventions, and that was all he needed to be happy.