require 'spec_helper' describe Dnsimple::Client, ".nameservers / vanity_name_servers" do subject { "", username: "user", api_token: "token").name_servers } describe "#enable_vanity_name_servers" do before do stub_request(:post, %r[/v1/domains/.+/vanity_name_servers]). to_return(read_fixture("nameservers/vanity_name_servers/enabled.http")) end it "builds the correct request" do subject.enable_vanity_name_servers("", { "ns1" => "", "ns2" => "" }) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, ""). with(body: { "vanity_nameserver_configuration" => { "server_source" => "external", "ns1" => "", "ns2" => "" } }). with(headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }) end it "allows submission of extra options" do subject.enable_vanity_name_servers("", { "ns1" => "", "ns2" => "" }, {headers: { "X-FAKE-HEADER" => "Some value" }}) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, ""). with(body: { "vanity_nameserver_configuration" => { "server_source" => "external", "ns1" => "", "ns2" => "" } }). with(headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', "X-FAKE-HEADER" => "Some value" }) end it "returns nothing" do result = subject.enable_vanity_name_servers("", { ns1: "", ns2: "" }) expect(result).to be_truthy end end describe "#disable_vanity_name_servers" do before do stub_request(:delete, %r[/v1/domains/.+/vanity_name_servers]). to_return(read_fixture("nameservers/vanity_name_servers/disabled.http")) end it "builds the correct request" do subject.disable_vanity_name_servers("") expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:delete, ""). with(headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }) end it "allows submission of extra options" do subject.disable_vanity_name_servers("", {headers: { "X-FAKE-HEADER" => "Some value" }}) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:delete, ""). with(headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', "X-FAKE-HEADER" => "Some value" }) end it "returns nothing" do result = subject.disable_vanity_name_servers("") expect(result).to be_truthy end end end