# frozen_string_literal: true summary 'show all available plugins' aliases :info usage 'show-plugins [options]' description <<~EOS Show a list of available plugins, including filters and data sources. If the current directory contains a Nanoc web site, the plugins defined in this site will be shown as well. EOS module Nanoc::CLI::Commands class ShowPlugins < ::Nanoc::CLI::CommandRunner def run # Check arguments if arguments.any? raise Nanoc::Int::Errors::GenericTrivial, "usage: #{command.usage}" end # Get list of plugins (before and after) plugins_before = PLUGIN_CLASSES.keys.each_with_object({}) { |c, acc| acc[c] = c.all } site = load_site site&.code_snippets plugins_after = PLUGIN_CLASSES.keys.each_with_object({}) { |c, acc| acc[c] = c.all } # Divide list of plugins into builtin and custom plugins_builtin = plugins_before plugins_custom = plugins_after.each_with_object({}) do |(superclass, klasses), acc| acc[superclass] = klasses - plugins_before[superclass] end # Find max identifiers length all_identifiers = plugins_after.values.flatten.map(&:identifiers) max_identifiers_length = all_identifiers.map(&:to_s).map(&:size).max PLUGIN_CLASS_ORDER.each do |superclass| plugins_with_this_superclass = { builtin: plugins_builtin.fetch(superclass, []), custom: plugins_custom.fetch(superclass, []), } # Print kind kind = name_for_plugin_class(superclass) puts "#{kind}:" puts # Print plugins organised by subtype %i[builtin custom].each do |type| # Find relevant plugins relevant_plugins = plugins_with_this_superclass[type] # Print type puts " #{type}:" if relevant_plugins.empty? puts ' (none)' next end # Print plugins relevant_plugins.sort_by { |k| k.identifiers.join(', ') }.each do |plugin| # Display puts format( " %-#{max_identifiers_length}s (%s)", plugin.identifiers.join(', '), plugin.to_s.sub(/^::/, ''), ) end end puts end end private PLUGIN_CLASS_ORDER = [ Nanoc::Filter, Nanoc::DataSource, Nanoc::Deploying::Deployer, ].freeze PLUGIN_CLASSES = { Nanoc::Filter => 'Filters', Nanoc::DataSource => 'Data Sources', Nanoc::Deploying::Deployer => 'Deployers', }.freeze def name_for_plugin_class(klass) PLUGIN_CLASSES[klass] end end end runner Nanoc::CLI::Commands::ShowPlugins