collectionView = Luca.register "Luca.components.CollectionView" # The CollectionView facilitates the rendering of a Collection # of models into a group of many rendered templates # # Example: # # new Luca.components.CollectionView # itemTemplate: "template_name" # collection: "collection_class_name" # pagination: # page: 1 # limit: 15 # filterable: # query: # default: 'value' # collectionView.extends "Luca.components.Panel" collectionView.mixesIn "QueryCollectionBindings", "LoadMaskable", "Filterable", "Paginatable" collectionView.triggers "before:refresh", "after:refresh", "refresh", "empty:results" # IDEA: # # For validation of component configuration, # we could define a convention like: # # collectionView.validatesConfigurationWith # requiresValidCollectionAt: "collection" # requiresPresenceOf: # either: ["itemTemplate", "itemRenderer", "itemProperty"] # # collectionView.publicConfiguration tagName: "ol" bodyClassName: "collection-ui-panel" itemTagName: 'li' itemClassName: 'collection-item' itemTemplate: undefined itemRenderer: undefined itemProperty: undefined collectionView.defines initialize: (@options={})-> _.extend(@, @options) _.bindAll @, "refresh" # IDEA: # # This type of code could be moved into a re-usable concern # which higher order components can mixin to make it easier # to extend them, instantiate them, etc. unless @collection? or @options.collection console.log "Error on initialize of collection view", @ throw "Collection Views must specify a collection" unless @itemTemplate? || @itemRenderer? || @itemProperty? throw "Collection Views must specify an item template or item renderer function" if _.isString(@collection) if Luca.CollectionManager.get() @collection = Luca.CollectionManager.get().getOrCreate(@collection) else console.log "String Collection but no collection manager" unless Luca.isBackboneCollection(@collection) console.log "Missing Collection on #{ @name || @cid }", @, @collection throw "Collection Views must have a valid backbone collection" @collection.on "before:fetch", ()=> @trigger "enable:loadmask" @collection.bind "reset", ()=> @refresh() @trigger "disable:loadmask" @collection.bind "remove", ()=> @refresh() @collection.bind "add", ()=> @refresh() if @observeChanges is true @collection.on "change", @refreshModel, @ Luca.components.Panel::initialize.apply(@, arguments) @on "refresh", @refresh, @ attributesForItem: (item, model)-> _.extend {}, class: @itemClassName, "data-index": item.index, "data-model-id": item.model.get('id') contentForItem: (item={})-> if @itemTemplate? and templateFn = Luca.template(@itemTemplate) return content =, item) if @itemRenderer? and _.isFunction( @itemRenderer ) return content =, item, item.model, item.index) if @itemProperty and item.model? return content = @itemProperty ) "" makeItem: (model, index)-> item = if @prepareItem? then, model, index) else (model:model, index: index) attributes = @attributesForItem(item, model) content = @contentForItem(item) # TEMP # Figure out why calls to make are failing with an unexpected string error try make(@itemTagName, attributes, content) catch e console.log "Error generating DOM element for CollectionView", @, model, index #no op locateItemElement: (id)-> @$(".#{ @itemClassName }[data-model-id='#{ id }']") refreshModel: (model)-> index = @collection.indexOf( model ) @locateItemElement(model.get('id')).empty().append( @contentForItem({model,index}, model) ) @trigger("model:refreshed", index, model) refresh: (query,options,models)-> query ||= @getQuery() options ||= @getQueryOptions() models ||= @getModels(query, options) @$bodyEl().empty() @trigger("before:refresh", models, query, options) if models.length is 0 @trigger("empty:results") index = 0 for model in models @$append @makeItem(model, index++) @trigger("after:refresh", models, query, options) @ registerEvent: (domEvent, selector, handler)-> if !handler? and _.isFunction(selector) handler = selector selector = undefined eventTrigger = _([domEvent,"#{ @itemTagName }.#{ @itemClassName }", selector]).compact().join(" ") Luca.View::registerEvent(eventTrigger,handler) render: ()-> @refresh() @$attach() if @$el.parent().length > 0 and @container? @ # Private Helpers make = Luca.View::make