module Interpret class Translation < I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation default_scope order('locale ASC') validates_uniqueness_of :key, :scope => :locale validates_presence_of :locale validate :key_format after_update :set_stale before_validation :downcase_key scope :stale, where(:stale => true) private # If this translations is in the main language, mark this translation in # other languages as stale, so the translators know that they must change # it. def set_stale return unless locale == I18n.default_locale.to_s Translation.where(:key => key).where(Translation.arel_table[:locale].not_eq(locale)).update_all({:stale => true}) end def downcase_key self.key = key.downcase end def key_format errors.add(:key, "has an invalid format") unless key =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\._]+$/ end class << self def allowed s = order("") if Interpret.wild_blacklist.any? black_keys ={|x| "#{CGI.escape(x)}%"} s = s.where(arel_table[:key].does_not_match_all(black_keys)) end if Interpret.fixed_blacklist.any? black_keys ={|x| "#{CGI.escape(x)}"} s = s.where(arel_table[:key].does_not_match_all(black_keys)) end s end # Generates a hash representing the tree structure of the translations # for the given locale. It includes only "folders" in the sense of # locale keys that includes some real translations, or other keys. def get_tree(lang = I18n.default_locale) t = arel_table all_trans = locale(lang).select(t[:key]).where(t[:key].matches("%.%")).all tree = LazyHash.build_hash all_trans ={|x| x.key.split(".")[0..-2].join(".")}.uniq all_trans.each do |x| LazyHash.add(tree, x, {}) end # Generate a new clean hash without the proc's from LazyHash. # Includes a root level for convenience, to be exactly like the # structure of a .yml file which has the "en" root key for example. {"index" => eval(tree.inspect)} end # Generate a hash from the given translations. That hash can be # ya2yaml'ized to get a standard .yml locale file. def export(translations) res = LazyHash.build_hash translations.each do |e| LazyHash.add(res, "#{e.locale}.#{e.key}", e.value) end if res.any? && res.keys.size != 1 raise IndexError, "Generated hash must have only one root key. Your translation data in database may be corrupted." end res end # Import the contents of the given .yml locale file into the database # backend. If a given key already exists in database, it will be # overwritten, otherwise it won't be touched. This means that it won't # delete any existing translation, it only overwrites the ones you give # in the file. # # The language will be obtained from the first unique key of the yml # file. def import(file) hash = YAML.load file raise ArgumentError, "the YAML file must contain an unique first key representing the locale" unless hash.keys.count == 1 lang = hash.keys.first unless lang.to_s == I18n.locale.to_s raise ArgumentError, "the language doesn't match" end records = parse_hash(hash.first[1], lang) transaction do records.each do |x| if tr = locale(lang).find_by_key(x.key) tr.value = x.value! else! end end end end # Dump all contents from *.yml locale files into the database. # If Interpret.soft is set to false, all existing translations will be # removed def dump files = Dir[Rails.root.join("config", "locales", "*.yml").to_s] delete_all unless Interpret.soft records = [] files.each do |f| ar = YAML.load_file f locale = ar.keys.first records += parse_hash(ar.first[1], locale) end # TODO: Replace with activerecord-import bulk inserts transaction do records.each {|x| => false)} end end # Run a smart update from the translations in .yml files into the # databse backend. It issues a merging from both, comparing each key # present in the db with the one from the yml file. # # The use case beyond this arquitecture presuposes some things: # # 1) You're working in development mode with the default I18n backend, # that is with the translations in the config/locales/*.yml files. # # 2) Your application is deployed in production and running well. Also, # it has support to modify it's contents (from this very gem of course) # on live, so its possible that your customer has changed a sentence or # a title of the site. And you want to preserve that. # # 3) In general, from the very moment you choose to give the users (or # admins) of your site the ability to change the contents, that contents # are no longer part of the "project" (are checked in in git, to be # specific), they are now part of the dynamic contents of the site just # as if they were models in your db. # # In development, you define a "content layout" in the sense of a # specific locale keys hierarchy. How many paragraphs are in your views, # how many titles, etc... But the real paragraphs are in the production # database. # # So, with this "update" action, you are updating that "contents layout" # with the new one you just designed in development. # # Also keep in mind that rails let you have a diferent locale key # hierarchy for each language, and this behaviour is prohibited in # interpret. # Here, the I18n.default_locale configured in your app is considered the # main one, that is, the only language that can be trusted to have all # the required and correct locale keys. # This will be used to check for inconsitent translations into other # languages, knowing what you haven't translated yet. # # What does all that means? # # - First of all, get the locale keys for the main language from yml files. # - For all of these locale keys, do: # - If the key is not present in the db, it's new. So, create a new # entry for that key in the main language. If the key also exists in # some other languages in yml files, also create the entry for that # languages. But, do not create entries for the languages that does # not have this key. Later you will be notified about that missing # translations. # - If the key already exists in the db, do nothing. Maybe somone has # changed that content in production, and you don't want to lose # that. Or maybe you do want to change that content, because you # just added the correct sentence in the yml files. It's up to you to # do the right thing. # Also, if the key is missing in other languages in database but # present in yml files, create the new entry for that language. # - If a key is present in the db, but not in the new ones, remove # it. You have removed it from the new content layout, so it's no longer # needed. # def update files = Dir[Rails.root.join("config", "locales", "*.yml").to_s] @languages = {} files.each do |f| ar = YAML.load_file f lang = ar.keys.first if @languages.has_key?(lang.to_s) @languages[lang.to_s] = @languages[lang.to_s].deep_merge(ar.first[1]) else @languages[lang.to_s] = ar.first[1] end end sync(@languages[I18n.default_locale.to_s]) end private def sync(hash, prefix = "", existing = nil) if existing.nil? translations = locale(I18n.default_locale).all existing = export(translations) existing = existing.first[1] unless existing.empty? end hash.keys.each do |x| if hash[x].kind_of?(Hash) sync(hash[x], "#{prefix}#{x}.", existing[x]) else existing.delete(x) old = locale(I18n.default_locale).find_by_key("#{prefix}#{x}") unless old # Creates the new entry create_new_translation("#{prefix}#{x}", hash[x]) else # Check if the entry exists in the other languages check_in_other_langs("#{prefix}#{x}") end end end if prefix.blank? && !Interpret.soft remove_unused_keys(existing) end end # Check if the given key exists in @languages for locales other than # I18n.default_locale. Create the existing ones. def check_in_other_langs(key) (@languages.keys - [I18n.default_locale]).each do |lang| trans = locale(lang).find_by_key(key) if trans.nil? if value = get_value_from_hash(@languages[lang], key) foo = new( :locale => lang, :key => key, :value => value ) => false) "New key created [#{key}] for language [#{lang}]" end end end end def get_value_from_hash(hash, key) key.split(".")[0..-2].each do |k| break if hash.nil? hash = hash[k] end hash.nil? ? nil : hash[key.split(".").last] end def create_new_translation(missing_key, main_value) foo = new(:locale => I18n.default_locale, :key => missing_key, :value => main_value) => false) "New key created [#{missing_key}] for language [#{I18n.default_locale}]" check_in_other_langs(missing_key) end def remove_unused_keys(hash, prefix = "") hash.keys.each do |x| if hash[x].kind_of?(Hash) remove_unused_keys(hash[x], "#{prefix}#{x}.") else delete_all(:locale => @languages.keys, :key => "#{prefix}#{x}") "Removing unused key #{prefix}#{x}" end end end def parse_hash(dict, locale, prefix = "") res = [] dict.keys.each do |x| if dict[x].kind_of?(Hash) res += parse_hash(dict[x], locale, "#{prefix}#{x}.") else res << new(:locale => locale, :key => "#{prefix}#{x}", :value => dict[x]) end end res end end end end