module Fastlane module Actions class SetChangelogAction < Action def require 'spaceship' UI.message("Login to iTunes Connect (#{params[:username]})") Spaceship::Tunes.login(params[:username]) Spaceship::Tunes.select_team UI.message("Login successful") app = Spaceship::Application.find(params[:app_identifier]) || Spaceship::Application.find(params[:app_identifier], mac: true) UI.user_error!("Couldn't find app with identifier #{params[:app_identifier]}") if app.nil? version_number = params[:version] unless version_number # Automatically fetch the latest version UI.message("Fetching the latest version for this app") if app.edit_version && app.edit_version.version version_number = app.edit_version.version else UI.message("You have to specify a new version number: ") version_number = STDIN.gets.strip end end UI.message("Going to update version #{version_number}") changelog = params[:changelog] unless changelog path = default_changelog_path UI.message("Looking for changelog in '#{path}'...") if File.exist?(path) changelog = else UI.error("Couldn't find changelog.txt") UI.message("Please enter the changelog here:") changelog = STDIN.gets end end UI.important("Going to update the changelog to:\n\n#{changelog}\n\n") if (v = app.edit_version) if v.version != version_number # Version is already there, make sure it matches the one we want to create UI.message("Changing existing version number from '#{v.version}' to '#{version_number}'") v.version = version_number! else UI.message("Updating changelog for existing version #{v.version}") end else UI.message("Creating the new version: #{version_number}") app.create_version!(version_number) app = Spaceship::Application.find(params[:app_identifier]) # Replace with .reload method once available v = app.edit_version end v.release_notes.languages.each do |lang| v.release_notes[lang] = changelog end UI.message("Found and updated changelog for the following languages: #{v.release_notes.languages.join(', ')}") UI.message("Uploading changes to iTunes Connect...")! UI.success("👼 Successfully pushed the new changelog to #{v.url}") end def self.default_changelog_path File.join(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path.to_s, 'changelog.txt') end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Set the changelog for all languages on iTunes Connect" end def self.details [ "This is useful if you have only one changelog for all languages.", "You can store the changelog in `#{default_changelog_path}` and it will automatically get loaded from there. This integration is useful if you support e.g. 10 languages and want to use the same \"What's new\"-text for all languages.", "Defining the version is optional, fastlane will try to automatically detect it if you don't provide one" ].join("\n") end def self.available_options user = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itunes_connect_id) user ||= CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id) [ :app_identifier, short_option: "-a", env_name: "FASTLANE_APP_IDENTIFIER", description: "The bundle identifier of your app", code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier), default_value_dynamic: true), :username, short_option: "-u", env_name: "FASTLANE_USERNAME", description: "Your Apple ID Username", default_value: user, default_value_dynamic: true), :version, env_name: "FL_SET_CHANGELOG_VERSION", description: "The version number to create/update", optional: true), :changelog, env_name: "FL_SET_CHANGELOG_CHANGELOG", description: "Changelog text that should be uploaded to iTunes Connect", optional: true), :team_id, short_option: "-k", env_name: "FL_SET_CHANGELOG_TEAM_ID", description: "The ID of your iTunes Connect team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, is_string: false, # as we also allow integers, which we convert to strings anyway code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_id), default_value_dynamic: true, verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID"] = value.to_s end), :team_name, short_option: "-e", env_name: "FL_SET_CHANGELOG_TEAM_NAME", description: "The name of your iTunes Connect team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_name), default_value_dynamic: true, verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME"] = value.to_s end) ] end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'set_changelog(changelog: "Changelog for all Languages")', 'set_changelog(app_identifier: "", version: "1.0", changelog: "Changelog for all Languages")' ] end def self.category :beta end end end end