#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'time' require 'ldap' require 'ldap/schema' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/schema' require 'treequel/mixins' require 'treequel/constants' require 'treequel/branch' # The object in Treequel that represents a connection to a directory, the # binding to that directory, and the base from which all DNs start. class Treequel::Directory include Treequel::Loggable, Treequel::Constants, Treequel::HashUtilities extend Treequel::Delegation # The default directory options DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :host => 'localhost', :port => LDAP::LDAP_PORT, :connect_type => :tls, :base_dn => nil, :bind_dn => nil, :pass => nil, :results_class => Treequel::Branch, } # Default mapping of SYNTAX OIDs to conversions from an LDAP string. # See #add_attribute_conversions for more information on what a valid conversion is. DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_CONVERSIONS = { OIDS::BIT_STRING_SYNTAX => lambda {|bs, _| bs[0..-1].to_i(2) }, OIDS::BOOLEAN_SYNTAX => { 'TRUE' => true, 'FALSE' => false }, OIDS::GENERALIZED_TIME_SYNTAX => lambda {|string, _| Time.parse(string) }, OIDS::UTC_TIME_SYNTAX => lambda {|string, _| Time.parse(string) }, OIDS::INTEGER_SYNTAX => lambda {|string, _| Integer(string) }, OIDS::DISTINGUISHED_NAME_SYNTAX => lambda {|dn, directory| resclass = directory.results_class resclass.new( directory, dn ) }, } # Default mapping of SYNTAX OIDs to conversions to an LDAP string from a Ruby object. # See #add_object_conversion for more information on what a valid conversion is. DEFAULT_OBJECT_CONVERSIONS = { OIDS::BIT_STRING_SYNTAX => lambda {|bs, _| bs.to_i.to_s(2) }, OIDS::BOOLEAN_SYNTAX => lambda {|obj, _| obj ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' }, OIDS::GENERALIZED_TIME_SYNTAX => lambda {|time, _| time.ldap_generalized }, OIDS::UTC_TIME_SYNTAX => lambda {|time, _| time.ldap_utc }, OIDS::INTEGER_SYNTAX => lambda {|obj, _| Integer(obj).to_s }, OIDS::DISTINGUISHED_NAME_SYNTAX => lambda {|obj, _| obj.dn }, } # :NOTE: the docs for #search_ext2 lie. The method signature is actually: # rb_scan_args (argc, argv, "39", # &base, &scope, &filter, &attrs, &attrsonly, # &serverctrls, &clientctrls, &sec, &usec, &limit, # &s_attr, &s_proc) # The order in which hash arguments should be extracted from Hash parameters to # #search SEARCH_PARAMETER_ORDER = [ :selectattrs, :attrsonly, :server_controls, :client_controls, :timeout_s, :timeout_us, :limit, :sort_attribute, :sort_func, ].freeze # Default values to pass to LDAP::Conn#search_ext2; they'll be passed in the order # specified by SEARCH_PARAMETER_ORDER. SEARCH_DEFAULTS = { :selectattrs => ['*'], :attrsonly => false, :server_controls => nil, :client_controls => nil, :timeout => 0, :limit => 0, :sortby => nil, }.freeze require 'treequel/branch' # The methods that get delegated to the directory's #base branch. DELEGATED_BRANCH_METHODS = Treequel::Branch.instance_methods(false).collect {|m| m.to_sym } ################################################################# ### I N S T A N C E M E T H O D S ################################################################# ### Create a new Treequel::Directory with the given +options+. Options is a hash with one ### or more of the following key-value pairs: ### ### @param [Hash] options the connection options ### @option options [String] :host ('localhost') ### The LDAP host to connect to ### @option options [Fixnum] :port (LDAP::LDAP_PORT) ### The port number to connect to ### @option options [Symbol] :connect_type (:tls) ### The type of connection to establish; :tls, :ssl, or :plain. ### @option options [String] :base_dn (nil) ### The base DN of the directory; defaults to the first naming context of ### the directory's root DSE. ### @option options [String] :bind_dn (nil) ### The DN of the user to bind as; if unset, binds anonymously. ### @option options [String] :pass (nil) ### The password to use when binding. ### @option options [CLass] :results_class (Treequel::Branch) ### The class to instantiate by default for entries fetched from the Directory. def initialize( options={} ) options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options ) @host = options[:host] @port = options[:port] @connect_type = options[:connect_type] @results_class = options[:results_class] @conn = nil @bound_user = nil @object_conversions = DEFAULT_OBJECT_CONVERSIONS.dup @attribute_conversions = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_CONVERSIONS.dup @registered_controls = [] @base_dn = options[:base_dn] || self.get_default_base_dn @base = nil # Immediately bind if credentials are passed to the initializer. if ( options[:bind_dn] && options[:pass] ) self.bind( options[:bind_dn], options[:pass] ) end end ###### public ###### # Delegate some methods to the #base Branch. def_method_delegators :base, *DELEGATED_BRANCH_METHODS # Delegate some methods to the connection via the #conn method def_method_delegators :conn, :controls, :referrals # The host to connect to. # @return [String] attr_accessor :host # The port to connect to. # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :port # The type of connection to establish # @return [Symbol] attr_accessor :connect_type # The Class to instantiate when wrapping results fetched from the Directory. # @return [Class] attr_accessor :results_class # The base DN of the directory # @return [String] attr_accessor :base_dn # The control modules that are registered with the directory # @return [Array] attr_reader :registered_controls # The DN of the user the directory is bound as # @return [String] attr_reader :bound_user ### Fetch the root DSE as a Treequel::Branch. def root_dse return self.search( '', :base, '(objectClass=*)', :selectattrs => ['+'] ).first end ### Fetch the Branch for the base node of the directory. ### @return [Treequel::Branch] def base return @base ||= self.results_class.new( self, self.base_dn ) end ### Returns a string that describes the directory ### @return [String] def to_s return "%s:%d (%s, %s, %s)" % [ self.host, self.port, self.base_dn, self.connect_type, self.bound? ? @bound_user : 'anonymous' ] end ### Return a human-readable representation of the object suitable for debugging ### @return [String] def inspect return %{#<%s:0x%0x %s:%d (%s) base_dn=%p, bound as=%s, schema=%s>} % [ self.class.name, self.object_id / 2, self.host, self.port, @conn ? "connected" : "not connected", self.base_dn, @bound_user ? @bound_user.dump : "anonymous", @schema ? @schema.inspect : "(schema not loaded)", ] end ### Return the LDAP::Conn object associated with this directory, creating it with the ### current options if necessary. ### @return [LDAP::Conn, LDAP::SSLConn] def conn return @conn ||= self.connect end ### Returns +true+ if a connection has been established. This does not necessarily mean ### that the connection is still valid, it just means it successfully established one ### at some point. ### @return [Boolean] def connected? return @conn ? true : false end ### Drop the existing connection and establish a new one. ### @return [Boolean] +true+ if the connection was re-established ### @raise [RuntimeError] if the re-connection failed def reconnect self.log.info "Reconnecting to %s..." % [ self.uri ] @conn = self.connect self.log.info "...reconnected." return true rescue LDAP::ResultError => err self.log.error "%s while attempting to reconnect to %s: %s" % [ err.class.name, self.uri, err.message ] raise "Couldn't reconnect to %s: %s: %s" % [ self.uri, err.class.name, err.message ] end ### Return the URI object that corresponds to the directory. ### @return [URI::LDAP] def uri uri_parts = { :scheme => self.connect_type == :ssl ? 'ldaps' : 'ldap', :host => self.host, :port => self.port, :dn => '/' + self.base_dn } return URI::LDAP.build( uri_parts ) end ### Bind as the specified +user_dn+ and +password+. ### ### @param [String, #dn] user_dn the DN of the user to bind as ### @param [String] password the password to bind with ### ### @return [void] def bind( user_dn, password ) user_dn = user_dn.dn if user_dn.respond_to?( :dn ) self.log.info "Binding with connection %p as: %s" % [ self.conn, user_dn ] self.conn.bind( user_dn.to_s, password ) @bound_user = user_dn.to_s end alias_method :bind_as, :bind ### Execute the provided +block+ after binding as +user_dn+ with the given +password+. After ### the block returns, the original binding (if any) will be restored. ### ### @param (see #bind) ### ### @return [void] def bound_as( user_dn, password ) raise LocalJumpError, "no block given" unless block_given? previous_bind_dn = @bound_user self.with_duplicate_conn do self.bind( user_dn, password ) yield end ensure @bound_user = previous_bind_dn end ### Returns +true+ if the directory's connection is already bound to the directory. ### @return [Boolean] def bound? return self.conn.bound? end alias_method :is_bound?, :bound? ### Ensure that the the receiver's connection is unbound. ### @return [void] def unbind if @conn.bound? old_conn = @conn @conn = old_conn.dup old_conn.unbind end end ### Return the RDN string to the given +dn+ from the base of the directory. ### @param [#to_s] dn the DN of the entry def rdn_to( dn ) base_re = Regexp.new( ',' + Regexp.quote(self.base_dn) + '$' ) return dn.to_s.sub( base_re, '' ) end ### Given a Treequel::Branch object, find its corresponding LDAP::Entry and return ### it. ### ### @param [Treequel::Branch] branch the branch to look up def get_entry( branch ) self.log.debug "Looking up entry for %p" % [ branch.dn ] return self.conn.search_ext2( branch.dn, SCOPE[:base], '(objectClass=*)' ).first rescue LDAP::ResultError => err self.log.info " search for %p failed: %s" % [ branch.dn, err.message ] return nil end ### Given a Treequel::Branch object, find its corresponding LDAP::Entry and return ### it with its operational attributes (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4512#section-3.4) ### included. ### ### @param [Treequel::Branch] branch the branch to look up def get_extended_entry( branch ) self.log.debug "Looking up entry (with operational attributes) for %p" % [ branch.dn ] return self.conn.search_ext2( branch.dn, SCOPE[:base], '(objectClass=*)', %w[* +] ).first rescue LDAP::ResultError => err self.log.info " search for %p failed: %s" % [ branch.dn, err.message ] return nil end ### Fetch the schema from the server. def schema unless @schema schemahash = self.conn.schema @schema = Treequel::Schema.new( schemahash ) end return @schema end ### Perform a +scope+ search at +base+ using the specified +filter+. ### ### @param [String, #dn] base The base DN of the search. ### @param [Symbol] scope The scope to use in the search; can be one of ### +:onelevel+, +:base+, or +:subtree+. ### @param [#to_s] filter The search filter (RFC4515), either as a String ### or something that stringifies to an filter string. ### @param [Hash] options Search options. ### ### @option options [Class] :results_class (Treequel::Branch) ### The Class to use when wrapping results; if not specified, defaults to the class ### of +base+ if it responds to #new_from_entry, or the directory object's ### #results_class if it does not. ### @option options [Array] :selectattrs (['*']) ### The attributes to return from the search; defaults to '*', which means to ### return all non-operational attributes. Specifying '+' will cause the search ### to include operational parameters as well. ### @option options [Boolean] :attrsonly (false) ### If +true, the LDAP::Entry objects returned from the search won't have attribute values. ### This has no real effect on Treequel::Branches, but is provided in case other ### +results_class+ classes need it. ### @option options [Array] :server_controls (nil) ### Any server controls that should be sent with the search. ### @option options [Array] :client_controls (nil) ### Any client controls that should be applied to the search. ### @option options [Fixnum] :timeout_s (0) ### The number of seconds (in addition to :timeout_us) after which the search request should ### be aborted. ### @option options [Fixnum] :timeout_us (0) ### The number of microseconds (in addition to :timeout_s) after which the search request ### should be aborted. ### @option options [Fixnum] :limit ### The maximum number of results to return from the server. ### @option options [Array] :sort_attribute ### An Array of String attribute names to sort by. ### @option options [Proc] :sort_func ### A function that will provide sorting. ### ### @return [Array] the array of results, each of which is wrapped in the ### options[:results_class]. If a block is given, it acts like a filter: ### the return vaule from the block is returned instead. ### ### @yield [branch] an optional block, which will receive the results one at a time ### @yieldparam [Treequel::Branch] branch the resulting entry, wrapped in ### the options[:results_class]. def search( base, scope=:subtree, filter='(objectClass=*)', options={} ) collectclass = nil # If the base argument is an object whose class knows how to create instances of itself # from an LDAP::Entry, use it instead of Treequel::Branch to wrap results if options.key?( :results_class ) collectclass = options.delete( :results_class ) else collectclass = base.class.respond_to?( :new_from_entry ) ? base.class : self.results_class end # Format the arguments in the way #search_ext2 expects them base_dn, scope, filter, searchopts = self.normalize_search_parameters( base, scope, filter, options ) # Unwrap the search options from the hash in the correct order self.log.debug { attrlist = SEARCH_PARAMETER_ORDER.inject([]) do |list, param| list << "%s: %p" % [ param, searchopts[param] ] end "searching with base: %p, scope: %p, filter: %p, %s" % [ base_dn, scope, filter, attrlist.join(', ') ] } parameters = searchopts.values_at( *SEARCH_PARAMETER_ORDER ) # Wrap each result in the class derived from the 'base' argument self.log.debug "Searching via search_ext2 with arguments: %p" % [[ base_dn, scope, filter, *parameters ]] results = [] self.conn.search_ext2( base_dn, scope, filter, *parameters ).each do |entry| branch = collectclass.new_from_entry( entry, self ) branch.include_operational_attrs = true if base.respond_to?( :include_operational_attrs? ) && base.include_operational_attrs? if block_given? results << yield( branch ) else results << branch end end return results rescue RuntimeError => err conn = self.conn # The LDAP library raises a plain RuntimeError with an incorrect message if the # connection goes away, so it's caught here to rewrap it case err.message when /no result returned by search/i raise LDAP::ResultError.new( LDAP.err2string(conn.err) ) else raise end end ### Modify the entry specified by the given +dn+ with the specified +mods+, which can be ### either an Array of LDAP::Mod objects or a Hash of attribute/value pairs. def modify( branch, mods ) if mods.first.respond_to?( :mod_op ) self.log.debug "Modifying %s with LDAP mod objects: %p" % [ branch.dn, mods ] self.conn.modify( branch.dn, mods ) else normattrs = normalize_attributes( mods ) self.log.debug "Modifying %s with: %p" % [ branch.dn, normattrs ] self.conn.modify( branch.dn, normattrs ) end end ### Delete the entry specified by the given +branch+. def delete( branch ) self.log.info "Deleting %s from the directory." % [ branch ] self.conn.delete( branch.dn ) end ### Create the entry for the given +branch+, setting its attributes to +newattrs+. ### @param [Treequel::Branch, #to_s] branch the branch to create (or a DN string) ### @param [Hash, Array] newattrs the attributes to create the entry with. This ### can be either a Hash of attributes, or an Array of ### LDAP::Mod objects. def create( branch, newattrs={} ) newattrs = normalize_attributes( newattrs ) if newattrs.is_a?( Hash ) self.conn.add( branch.to_s, newattrs ) return true end ### Move the entry from the specified +branch+ to the new entry specified by ### +newdn+. Returns the (moved) branch object. def move( branch, newdn ) source_rdn, source_parent_dn = branch.split_dn( 2 ) new_rdn, new_parent_dn = newdn.split( /\s*,\s*/, 2 ) if new_parent_dn.nil? new_parent_dn = source_parent_dn newdn = [new_rdn, new_parent_dn].join(',') end if new_parent_dn != source_parent_dn raise Treequel::Error, "can't (yet) move an entry to a new parent" end self.log.debug "Modrdn (move): %p -> %p within %p" % [ source_rdn, new_rdn, source_parent_dn ] self.conn.modrdn( branch.dn, new_rdn, true ) branch.dn = newdn end ### Add +conversion+ mapping for attributes of specified +oid+ to a Ruby object. A ### conversion is any object that responds to #[] with a String ### argument(e.g., Proc, Method, Hash); the argument is the raw value String returned ### from the LDAP entry, and it should return the converted value. Adding a mapping ### with a nil +conversion+ effectively clears it. ### @see #convert_to_object def add_attribute_conversion( oid, conversion=nil ) conversion = Proc.new if block_given? @attribute_conversions[ oid ] = conversion end ### Add +conversion+ mapping for the specified +oid+. A conversion is any object that ### responds to #[] with an object argument(e.g., Proc, Method, Hash); the argument is ### the Ruby object that's being set as a value in an LDAP entry, and it should return the ### raw LDAP string. Adding a mapping with a nil +conversion+ effectively clears it. ### @see #convert_to_attribute def add_object_conversion( oid, conversion=nil ) conversion = Proc.new if block_given? @object_conversions[ oid ] = conversion end ### Register the specified +modules+ def register_controls( *modules ) supported_controls = self.supported_control_oids self.log.debug "Got %d supported controls: %p" % [ supported_controls.length, supported_controls ] modules.each do |mod| oid = mod.const_get( :OID ) if mod.const_defined?( :OID ) raise NotImplementedError, "%s doesn't define an OID" % [ mod.name ] if oid.nil? self.log.debug "Checking for directory support for %p (%s)" % [ mod, oid ] if supported_controls.include?( oid ) @registered_controls << mod else raise Treequel::UnsupportedControl, "%s is not supported by %s" % [ mod.name, self.uri ] end end end alias_method :register_control, :register_controls ### Map the specified LDAP +attribute+ to its Ruby datatype if one is registered for the given ### syntax +oid+. If there is no conversion registered, just return the +value+ as-is. def convert_to_object( oid, attribute ) return attribute unless conversion = @attribute_conversions[ oid ] if conversion.respond_to?( :call ) return conversion.call( attribute, self ) else return conversion[ attribute ] end end ### Map the specified Ruby +object+ to its LDAP string equivalent if a conversion is ### registered for the given syntax +oid+. If there is no conversion registered, just ### returns the +value+ as a String (via #to_s). def convert_to_attribute( oid, object ) return object.to_s unless conversion = @object_conversions[ oid ] if conversion.respond_to?( :call ) return conversion.call( object, self ) else return conversion[ object ] end end ### Return an Array of Symbols for the controls supported by the Directory, as listed ### in the directory's root DSE. Any controls which aren't known (i.e., don't have an ### entry in Treequel::Constants::CONTROL_NAMES), the numeric OID will be returned as-is. def supported_controls return self.supported_control_oids.collect {|oid| CONTROL_NAMES[oid] || oid } end ### Return an Array of OID strings representing the controls supported by the Directory, ### as listed in the directory's root DSE. def supported_control_oids return self.root_dse[:supportedControl] end ### Return an Array of Symbols for the extensions supported by the Directory, as listed ### in the directory's root DSE. Any extensions which aren't known (i.e., don't have an ### entry in Treequel::Constants::EXTENSION_NAMES), the numeric OID will be returned as-is. def supported_extensions return self.supported_extension_oids.collect {|oid| EXTENSION_NAMES[oid] || oid } end ### Return an Array of OID strings representing the extensions supported by the Directory, ### as listed in the directory's root DSE. def supported_extension_oids return self.root_dse[:supportedExtension] end ### Return an Array of Symbols for the features supported by the Directory, as listed ### in the directory's root DSE. Any features which aren't known (i.e., don't have an ### entry in Treequel::Constants::FEATURE_NAMES), the numeric OID will be returned as-is. def supported_features return self.supported_feature_oids.collect {|oid| FEATURE_NAMES[oid] || oid } end ### Return an Array of OID strings representing the features supported by the Directory, ### as listed in the directory's root DSE. def supported_feature_oids return self.root_dse[:supportedFeatures] end ######### protected ######### ### Delegate attribute/value calls on the directory itself to the directory's #base Branch. def method_missing( attribute, *args ) return self.base.send( attribute, *args ) end ### Create a new LDAP::Conn object with the current host, port, and connect_type ### and return it. def connect conn = nil case @connect_type when :tls self.log.debug "Connecting using TLS to %s:%d" % [ @host, @port ] conn = LDAP::SSLConn.new( @host, @port, true ) when :ssl self.log.debug "Connecting using SSL to %s:%d" % [ @host, @port ] conn = LDAP::SSLConn.new( @host, @port ) else self.log.debug "Connecting using an unencrypted connection to %s:%d" % [ @host, @port ] conn = LDAP::Conn.new( @host, @port ) end conn.set_option( LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 ) conn.set_option( LDAP::LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP::LDAP_OPT_OFF ) return conn end ### Fetch the default base dn for the server from the server's Root DSE. def get_default_base_dn return self.root_dse[:namingContexts].first.dn end ### Execute a block with a copy of the current connection, restoring the original ### after the block returns. def with_duplicate_conn original_conn = self.conn @conn = original_conn.dup self.log.info "Executing with %p, a copy of connection %p" % [ @conn, original_conn ] yield ensure self.log.info " restoring original connection %p." % [ original_conn ] @conn = original_conn end ### Normalize the parameters to the #search method into the format expected by ### the LDAP::Conn#Search_ext2 method and return them as a Hash. def normalize_search_parameters( base, scope, filter, parameters ) search_paramhash = SEARCH_DEFAULTS.merge( parameters ) # Use the DN of the base object if it's an object that knows what a DN is base = base.dn if base.respond_to?( :dn ) scope = SCOPE[scope.to_sym] if scope.respond_to?( :to_sym ) && SCOPE.key?( scope.to_sym ) filter = filter.to_s # Split seconds and microseconds from the timeout value, convert the # fractional part to µsec timeout = search_paramhash.delete( :timeout ) || 0 search_paramhash[:timeout_s] = timeout.truncate search_paramhash[:timeout_us] = Integer((timeout - timeout.truncate) * 1_000_000) ### Sorting in Ruby-LDAP is not significantly more useful than just sorting ### the returned entries from Ruby, as it happens client-side anyway (i.e., entries ### are still returned from the server in arbitrary/insertion order, and then the client ### sorts those search_paramhash[:sort_func] = nil search_paramhash[:sort_attribute] = '' return base, scope, filter, search_paramhash end end # class Treequel::Directory