# Pretty much copied this file from the resque test_helper since we want # to do all the same stuff dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) require 'rubygems' require 'test/unit' require 'mocha' require 'resque' require 'ruby-debug' require File.join(dir, '../lib/resque_aps') $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) + '/../lib' # # make sure we can run redis # if !system("which redis-server") puts '', "** can't find `redis-server` in your path" puts "** try running `sudo rake install`" abort '' end # # start our own redis when the tests start, # kill it when they end # at_exit do next if $! if defined?(MiniTest) exit_code = MiniTest::Unit.new.run(ARGV) else exit_code = Test::Unit::AutoRunner.run end pid = `ps -e -o pid,command | grep [r]edis-test`.split(" ")[0] puts "Killing test redis server..." `rm -f #{dir}/dump.rdb` Process.kill("KILL", pid.to_i) exit exit_code end puts "Starting redis for testing at localhost:9736..." `redis-server #{dir}/redis-test.conf` Resque.redis = 'localhost:9736' ## # test/spec/mini 3 # http://gist.github.com/25455 # chris@ozmm.org # def context(*args, &block) return super unless (name = args.first) && block require 'test/unit' klass = Class.new(defined?(ActiveSupport::TestCase) ? ActiveSupport::TestCase : Test::Unit::TestCase) do def self.test(name, &block) define_method("test_#{name.gsub(/\W/,'_')}", &block) if block end def self.xtest(*args) end def self.setup(&block) define_method(:setup, &block) end def self.teardown(&block) define_method(:teardown, &block) end end (class << klass; self end).send(:define_method, :name) { name.gsub(/\W/,'_') } klass.class_eval &block end class SomeJob def self.perform(repo_id, path) end end class SomeIvarJob < SomeJob @queue = :ivar end