open Core open OUnit2 open Parser open Model let printer (r: (Model.tests, Parser.error) Result.t): string = match r with | Ok tests -> tests_to_string tests | Error e -> "error" let ae (exp: (Model.tests, Parser.error) Result.t) (got: (Model.tests, Parser.error) Result.t) _test_ctxt = assert_equal exp got ~printer let single x = Ok (Single x) let call_parser json = parse_json_text json "cases" |> ~f:(fun c -> c.tests) let parser_tests = [ "gives an error with a json map that does not have the key cases in" >:: ae (Error (TestMustHaveKeyCalledCases "cases")) (call_parser "{\"case\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"expected\" : 100}]}"); "gives an error with cases that is not a json list" >:: ae (Error ExpectingListOfCases) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : 11}"); "gives an error with a case that is not a json map" >:: ae (Error ExpectingMapForCase) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [\"key\"]}"); "parses a single element with a description and expected string output" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `String "value")]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : {}, \"expected\" : \"value\"}]}"); "parses a single element with a description and expected float output" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Float 100.)]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : {}, \"expected\" : 100.0}]}"); "parses a single element with a description and expected bool output" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Bool true)];}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : {}, \"expected\" : true}]}"); "parses a single element with a description and expected int list output" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `List [`Int 1;`Int 2;`Int 3])]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : {}, \"expected\" : [1, 2, 3]}]}"); "parses a single element with a description and expected null output" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Null)]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : {}, \"expected\" : null}]}"); "parses a single element with an int key value pair" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Bool true); ("year", `Int 1996)]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\": { \"year\" : 1996 }, \"expected\" : true}]}"); "parses a single element with a string key value pair" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Int 85); ("string", `String "some-string")]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\": { \"string\" : \"some-string\" }, \"expected\" : 85}]}"); "parses a single element with a string list key value pair" >:: ae (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Int 85); ("list", `List [`String "s1"; `String "s2"])]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : { \"list\" : [\"s1\", \"s2\"] }, \"expected\" : 85}]}"); "an element without a description is an Error" >:: ae (Error NoDescription) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"input\" : 11, \"expected\" : 85}]}"); "an element with a description which is an int is an Error" >:: ae (Error BadDescription) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : 1, \"input\" : 11, \"expected\" : 85}]}"); "an element without description is an Error" >:: ae (Error NoDescription) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"input\" : 11}]}"); "parses a map in the expected parameter" >::(fun _ctx -> assert_equal (single [{description = "d1"; parameters = [("expected", `Assoc [("one", `Int 1); ("two", `Int 2)])]}]) (call_parser "{\"cases\" : [{\"description\" : \"d1\", \"input\" : {}, \"expected\" : {\"one\": 1, \"two\": 2}}]}"); ); "parses leap.json" >::(fun ctxt -> match call_parser @@ In_channel.read_all "test/leap.json" with | Ok (Single p) -> assert_equal 4 (List.length p) | Ok (Suite p) -> assert_failure "was suite" | Error e -> assert_failure ("failed to parse leap.json: " ^ show_error e) ); "parses hello_world.json which has a # element as documentation" >::(fun ctxt -> match call_parser @@ In_channel.read_all "test/hello_world.json" with | Ok (Single p) -> () | Ok (Suite p) -> assert_failure "was suite" | Error e -> assert_failure ("failed to parse hello_world.json: " ^ show_error e) ); "parses difference_of_squares.json" >::(fun ctxt -> match call_parser @@ In_channel.read_all "test/difference_of_squares.json" with | Ok (Suite p) -> assert_equal [ "square_the_sum_of_the_numbers_up_to_the_given_number"; "sum_the_squares_of_the_numbers_up_to_the_given_number"; "subtract_sum_of_squares_from_square_of_sums"] ( ~f:(fun x -> p) | Ok (Single p) -> assert_failure "was single" | Error e -> assert_failure ("failed to parse difference_of_squares.json: " ^ show_error e) ); "parses nested json in beer-song by dropping intermediate nesting levels" >::(fun ctxt -> match call_parser @@ In_channel.read_all "test/beer-song.json" with | Ok (Suite p) -> assert_equal [ "verse"; "lyrics"] ( ~f:(fun x -> p) | Ok (Single p) -> assert_failure "was single" | Error e -> assert_failure ("failed to parse beer-song.json: " ^ show_error e) ); "parses json with a methods key for dynamic languages" >::(fun ctxt -> match call_parser @@ In_channel.read_all "test/with-methods-key.json" with | Ok (Suite p) -> assert_failure "was suite" | Ok (Single p) -> () | Error e -> assert_failure ("failed to parse with-methods-key.json: " ^ show_error e) ); ]