# encoding: UTF-8 module Axlsx require 'axlsx/stylesheet/border.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/border_pr.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/cell_alignment.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/cell_style.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/color.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/fill.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/font.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/gradient_fill.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/gradient_stop.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/num_fmt.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/pattern_fill.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/table_style.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/table_styles.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/table_style_element.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/dxf.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/xf.rb' require 'axlsx/stylesheet/cell_protection.rb' #The Styles class manages worksheet styles # In addition to creating the require style objects for a valid xlsx package, this class provides the key mechanism for adding styles to your workbook, and safely applying them to the cells of your worksheet. # All portions of the stylesheet are implemented here exception colors, which specify legacy and modified pallete colors, and exLst, whic is used as a future feature data storage area. # @see Office Open XML Part 1 18.8.11 for gory details on how this stuff gets put together # @see Styles#add_style # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style class Styles # numFmts for your styles. # The default styles, which change based on the system local, are as follows. # id formatCode # 0 General # 1 0 # 2 0.00 # 3 #,##0 # 4 #,##0.00 # 9 0% # 10 0.00% # 11 0.00E+00 # 12 # ?/? # 13 # ??/?? # 14 mm-dd-yy # 15 d-mmm-yy # 16 d-mmm # 17 mmm-yy # 18 h:mm AM/PM # 19 h:mm:ss AM/PM # 20 h:mm # 21 h:mm:ss # 22 m/d/yy h:mm # 37 #,##0 ;(#,##0) # 38 #,##0 ;[Red](#,##0) # 39 #,##0.00;(#,##0.00) # 40 #,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00) # 45 mm:ss # 46 [h]:mm:ss # 47 mmss.0 # 48 ##0.0E+0 # 49 @ # Axlsx also defines the following constants which you can use in add_style. # NUM_FMT_PERCENT formats to "0%" # NUM_FMT_YYYYMMDD formats to "yyyy/mm/dd" # NUM_FMT_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS formats to "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" # @see Office Open XML Part 1 - 18.8.31 for more information on creating number formats # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :numFmts # The collection of fonts used in this workbook # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :fonts # The collection of fills used in this workbook # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :fills # The collection of borders used in this workbook # Axlsx predefines THIN_BORDER which can be used to put a border around all of your cells. # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :borders # The collection of master formatting records for named cell styles, which means records defined in cellStyles, in the workbook # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :cellStyleXfs # The collection of named styles, referencing cellStyleXfs items in the workbook. # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :cellStyles # The collection of master formatting records. This is the list that you will actually use in styling a workbook. # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :cellXfs # The collection of non-cell formatting records used in the worksheet. # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :dxfs # The collection of table styles that will be available to the user in the excel UI # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @note The recommended way to manage styles is with add_style # @see Styles#add_style attr_reader :tableStyles # Creates a new Styles object and prepopulates it with the requires objects to generate a valid package style part. def initialize() load_default_styles end # Drastically simplifies style creation and management. # @return [Integer] # @option options [String] fg_color The text color # @option options [Integer] sz The text size # @option options [Boolean] b Indicates if the text should be bold # @option options [Boolean] i Indicates if the text should be italicised # @option options [Boolean] u Indicates if the text should be underlined # @option options [Boolean] strike Indicates if the text should be rendered with a strikethrough # @option options [Boolean] strike Indicates if the text should be rendered with a shadow # @option options [Integer] charset The character set to use. # @option options [Integer] family The font family to use. # @option options [String] font_name The name of the font to use # @option options [Integer] num_fmt The number format to apply # @option options [String] format_code The formatting to apply. # @option options [Integer|Hash] border The border style to use. # borders support style, color and edges options @see parse_border_options # @option options [String] bg_color The background color to apply to the cell # @option options [Boolean] hidden Indicates if the cell should be hidden # @option options [Boolean] locked Indicates if the cell should be locked # @option options [Symbol] type What type of style is this. Options are [:dxf, :xf]. :xf is default # @option options [Hash] alignment A hash defining any of the attributes used in CellAlignment # @see CellAlignment # # @example You Got Style # require "rubygems" # if that is your preferred way to manage gems! # require "axlsx" # # p = Axlsx::Package.new # ws = p.workbook.add_worksheet # # # black text on a white background at 14pt with thin borders! # title = ws.styles.add_style(:bg_color => "FFFF0000", :fg_color=>"#FF000000", :sz=>14, :border=> {:style => :thin, :color => "FFFF0000"} # # ws.add_row ["Least Popular Pets"] # ws.add_row ["", "Dry Skinned Reptiles", "Bald Cats", "Violent Parrots"], :style=>title # ws.add_row ["Votes", 6, 4, 1], :style=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER # f = File.open('example_you_got_style.xlsx', 'w') # p.serialize(f) # # @example Styling specifically # # an example of applying specific styles to specific cells # require "rubygems" # if that is your preferred way to manage gems! # require "axlsx" # # p = Axlsx::Package.new # ws = p.workbook.add_worksheet # # # define your styles # title = ws.styles.add_style(:bg_color => "FFFF0000", # :fg_color=>"#FF000000", # :border=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER, # :alignment=>{:horizontal => :center}) # # date_time = ws.styles.add_style(:num_fmt => Axlsx::NUM_FMT_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, # :border=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER) # # percent = ws.styles.add_style(:num_fmt => Axlsx::NUM_FMT_PERCENT, # :border=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER) # # currency = ws.styles.add_style(:format_code=>"¥#,##0;[Red]¥-#,##0", # :border=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER) # # # build your rows # ws.add_row ["Generated At:", Time.now], :styles=>[nil, date_time] # ws.add_row ["Previous Year Quarterly Profits (JPY)"], :style=>title # ws.add_row ["Quarter", "Profit", "% of Total"], :style=>title # ws.add_row ["Q1", 4000, 40], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # ws.add_row ["Q2", 3000, 30], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # ws.add_row ["Q3", 1000, 10], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # ws.add_row ["Q4", 2000, 20], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # f = File.open('example_you_got_style.xlsx', 'w') # p.serialize(f) # # @example Differential styling # # Differential styles apply on top of cell styles. Used in Conditional Formatting. Must specify :type => :dxf, and you can't use :num_fmt. # require "rubygems" # if that is your preferred way to manage gems! # require "axlsx" # # p = Axlsx::Package.new # wb = p.workbook # ws = wb.add_worksheet # # # define your styles # profitable = wb.styles.add_style(:bg_color => "FFFF0000", # :fg_color=>"#FF000000", # :type => :dxf) # # ws.add_row ["Genreated At:", Time.now], :styles=>[nil, date_time] # ws.add_row ["Previous Year Quarterly Profits (JPY)"], :style=>title # ws.add_row ["Quarter", "Profit", "% of Total"], :style=>title # ws.add_row ["Q1", 4000, 40], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # ws.add_row ["Q2", 3000, 30], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # ws.add_row ["Q3", 1000, 10], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # ws.add_row ["Q4", 2000, 20], :style=>[title, currency, percent] # # ws.add_conditional_formatting("A1:A7", { :type => :cellIs, :operator => :greaterThan, :formula => "2000", :dxfId => profitable, :priority => 1 }) # f = File.open('example_differential_styling', 'w') # p.serialize(f) # def add_style(options={}) # Default to :xf options[:type] ||= :xf raise ArgumentError, "Type must be one of [:xf, :dxf]" unless [:xf, :dxf].include?(options[:type] ) fill = parse_fill_options options font = parse_font_options options numFmt = parse_num_fmt_options options border = parse_border_options options alignment = parse_alignment_options options protection = parse_protection_options options case options[:type] when :dxf style = Dxf.new :fill => fill, :font => font, :numFmt => numFmt, :border => border, :alignment => alignment, :protection => protection else style = Xf.new :fillId=>fill || 0, :fontId=>font || 0, :numFmtId=>numFmt || 0, :borderId=>border || 0, :alignment => alignment, :protection => protection, :applyFill=>!fill.nil?, :applyFont=>!font.nil?, :applyNumberFormat =>!numFmt.nil?, :applyBorder=>!border.nil?, :applyAlignment => !alignment.nil?, :applyProtection => !protection.nil? end options[:type] == :xf ? cellXfs << style : dxfs << style end # parses add_style options for protection styles # noop if options hash does not include :hide or :locked key # @option options [Boolean] hide boolean value defining cell protection attribute for hiding. # @option options [Boolean] locked boolean value defining cell protection attribute for locking. # @return [CellProtection] def parse_protection_options(options={}) return if (options.keys & [:hidden, :locked]).empty? CellProtection.new(options) end # parses add_style options for alignment # noop if options hash does not include :alignment key # @option options [Hash] alignment A hash of options to prive the CellAlignment intializer # @return [CellAlignment] # @see CellAlignment def parse_alignment_options(options={}) return unless options[:alignment] CellAlignment.new options[:alignment] end # parses add_style options for fonts. If the options hash contains :type => :dxf we return a new Font object. # if not, we return the index of the newly created font object in the styles.fonts collection. # @note noop if none of the options described here are set on the options parameter. # @option options [Symbol] type The type of style object we are working with (dxf or xf) # @option options [String] fg_color The text color # @option options [Integer] sz The text size # @option options [Boolean] b Indicates if the text should be bold # @option options [Boolean] i Indicates if the text should be italicised # @option options [Boolean] u Indicates if the text should be underlined # @option options [Boolean] strike Indicates if the text should be rendered with a strikethrough # @option options [Boolean] outline Indicates if the text should be rendered with a shadow # @option options [Integer] charset The character set to use. # @option options [Integer] family The font family to use. # @option options [String] font_name The name of the font to use # @return [Font|Integer] def parse_font_options(options={}) return if (options.keys & [:fg_color, :sz, :b, :i, :u, :strike, :outline, :shadow, :charset, :family, :font_name]).empty? fonts.first.instance_values.each do |key, value| # Thanks for that 1.8.7 - cant do a simple merge... options[key.to_sym] = value unless options.keys.include?(key.to_sym) end font = Font.new(options) font.color = Color.new(:rgb => options[:fg_color]) if options[:fg_color] font.name = options[:font_name] if options[:font_name] options[:type] == :dxf ? font : fonts << font end # parses add_style options for fills. If the options hash contains :type => :dxf we return a Fill object. If not, we return the index of the fill after being added to the fills collection. # @note noop if :bg_color is not specified in options # @option options [String] bg_color The rgb color to apply to the fill # @return [Fill|Integer] def parse_fill_options(options={}) return unless options[:bg_color] color = Color.new(:rgb=>options[:bg_color]) dxf = options[:type] == :dxf color_key = dxf ? :bgColor : :fgColor pattern = PatternFill.new(:patternType =>:solid, color_key=>color) fill = Fill.new(pattern) dxf ? fill : fills << fill end # parses Style#add_style options for borders. # @note noop if :border is not specified in options # @option options [Hash|Integer] A border style definition hash or the index of an existing border. # Border style definition hashes must include :style and :color key-value entries and # may include an :edges entry that references an array of symbols identifying which border edges # you wish to apply the style or any other valid Border initializer options. # If the :edges entity is not provided the style is applied to all edges of cells that reference this style. # Also available :border_top, :border_right, :border_bottom and :border_left options with :style and/or :color # key-value entries, which override :border values. # @example # #apply a thick red border to the top and bottom # { :border => { :style => :thick, :color => "FFFF0000", :edges => [:top, :bottom] } # @return [Border|Integer] def parse_border_options(options={}) return unless options[:border] b_opts = options[:border] if b_opts.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, (ERR_INVALID_BORDER_OPTIONS % b_opts) unless b_opts.keys.include?(:style) && b_opts.keys.include?(:color) border = Border.new b_opts (b_opts[:edges] || [:left, :right, :top, :bottom]).each do |edge| edge_options = options["border_#{edge}".to_sym] || {} border_edge = b_opts.merge(edge_options) b_options = { :name => edge, :style => border_edge[:style], :color => Color.new(:rgb => border_edge[:color]) } border.prs << BorderPr.new(b_options) end options[:type] == :dxf ? border : borders << border elsif b_opts.is_a? Integer raise ArgumentError, (ERR_INVALID_BORDER_ID % b_opts) unless b_opts < borders.size if options[:type] == :dxf borders[b_opts].clone else border = b_opts end end end # Parses Style#add_style options for number formatting. # noop if neither :format_code or :num_format options are set. # @option options [Hash] A hash describing the :format_code and/or :num_fmt integer for the style. # @return [NumFmt|Integer] def parse_num_fmt_options(options={}) return if (options.keys & [:format_code, :num_fmt]).empty? #When the user provides format_code - we always need to create a new numFmt object #When the type is :dxf we always need to create a new numFmt object if options[:format_code] || options[:type] == :dxf #If this is a standard xf we pull from numFmts the highest current and increment for num_fmt options[:num_fmt] ||= (@numFmts.map{ |num_fmt| num_fmt.numFmtId }.max + 1) if options[:type] != :dxf numFmt = NumFmt.new(:numFmtId => options[:num_fmt] || 0, :formatCode=> options[:format_code].to_s) options[:type] == :dxf ? numFmt : (numFmts << numFmt; numFmt.numFmtId) else options[:num_fmt] end end # Serializes the object # @param [String] str # @return [String] def to_xml_string(str = '') str << ('') [:numFmts, :fonts, :fills, :borders, :cellStyleXfs, :cellXfs, :cellStyles, :dxfs, :tableStyles].each do |key| self.instance_values[key.to_s].to_xml_string(str) unless self.instance_values[key.to_s].nil? end str << '' end private # Creates the default set of styles the exel requires to be valid as well as setting up the # Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER def load_default_styles @numFmts = SimpleTypedList.new NumFmt, 'numFmts' @numFmts << NumFmt.new(:numFmtId => NUM_FMT_YYYYMMDD, :formatCode=> "yyyy/mm/dd") @numFmts << NumFmt.new(:numFmtId => NUM_FMT_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, :formatCode=> "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss") @numFmts.lock @fonts = SimpleTypedList.new Font, 'fonts' @fonts << Font.new(:name => "Arial", :sz => 11, :family=>1) @fonts.lock @fills = SimpleTypedList.new Fill, 'fills' @fills << Fill.new(Axlsx::PatternFill.new(:patternType=>:none)) @fills << Fill.new(Axlsx::PatternFill.new(:patternType=>:gray125)) @fills.lock @borders = SimpleTypedList.new Border, 'borders' @borders << Border.new black_border = Border.new [:left, :right, :top, :bottom].each do |item| black_border.prs << BorderPr.new(:name=>item, :style=>:thin, :color=>Color.new(:rgb=>"FF000000")) end @borders << black_border @borders.lock @cellStyleXfs = SimpleTypedList.new Xf, "cellStyleXfs" @cellStyleXfs << Xf.new(:borderId=>0, :numFmtId=>0, :fontId=>0, :fillId=>0) @cellStyleXfs.lock @cellStyles = SimpleTypedList.new CellStyle, 'cellStyles' @cellStyles << CellStyle.new(:name =>"Normal", :builtinId =>0, :xfId=>0) @cellStyles.lock @cellXfs = SimpleTypedList.new Xf, "cellXfs" @cellXfs << Xf.new(:borderId=>0, :xfId=>0, :numFmtId=>0, :fontId=>0, :fillId=>0) @cellXfs << Xf.new(:borderId=>1, :xfId=>0, :numFmtId=>0, :fontId=>0, :fillId=>0) # default date formatting @cellXfs << Xf.new(:borderId=>0, :xfId=>0, :numFmtId=>14, :fontId=>0, :fillId=>0, :applyNumberFormat=>1) @cellXfs.lock @dxfs = SimpleTypedList.new(Dxf, "dxfs"); @dxfs.lock @tableStyles = TableStyles.new(:defaultTableStyle => "TableStyleMedium9", :defaultPivotStyle => "PivotStyleLight16"); @tableStyles.lock end end end