class Taxon < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_nested_set :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :taxonomy has_and_belongs_to_many :products before_create :set_permalink validates :name, :presence => true has_attached_file :icon, :styles => { :mini => '32x32>', :normal => '128x128>' }, :default_style => :mini, :url => "/assets/taxons/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/assets/taxons/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :default_url => "/images/default_taxon.png" include ::ProductFilters # for detailed defs of filters # indicate which filters should be used for a taxon # this method should be customized to your own site def applicable_filters fs = [] # fs << ProductFilters.taxons_below(self) ## unless it's a root taxon? left open for demo purposes fs << ProductFilters.price_filter if ProductFilters.respond_to?(:price_filter) fs << ProductFilters.brand_filter if ProductFilters.respond_to?(:brand_filter) fs end # Creates permalink based on .to_url method provided by stringx gem def set_permalink if parent_id.nil? self.permalink = name.to_url if self.permalink.blank? else parent_taxon = Taxon.find(parent_id) self.permalink = [parent_taxon.permalink, (self.permalink.blank? ? name.to_url : self.permalink.split("/").last)].join('/') end end def active_products scope = scope = scope.on_hand unless Spree::Config[:show_zero_stock_products] scope end private # obsolete, kept for backwards compat def escape(str) str.blank? ? "" : str.to_url end end