Tagen, a core and extra extension to Ruby library.
**Homepage**: [https://github.com/GutenLinux/tagen](https://github.com/GutenLinux/tagen)
**Author**: Guten
**Contributors**: See Contributors section below
**License**: MIT License
**Documentation**: [http://rubydoc.info/gems/tagen/frames](http://rubydoc.info/gems/tagen/frames)
**Issue Tracker**: [https://github.com/GutenLinux/tagen/issues](https://github.com/GutenLinux/tagen/issues)
Ruby has an 'Open Class' feature, so we can extend any class by ourself.
This library provides some usefull Ruby core extension. some comes from ActiveSupport. ActiveSupport is mainly target to Rails, but tagen is target to generic ruby development, and tagen is smaller. It is a colletion of most common core,extra extensions.
This library comes with a path lib named {Pa} and a string format lib named {PyFormat}.
use core extension
require "tagen/core"
then we have String#blank? method, for a list of core extensions, see {file:docs/CoreExtensions.md docs/CoreExtensions}.
use extra extension
require "pathname"
require "tagen/pathname"
require "tagen/pathname" # auto require "pathname"
this will add #path method to Pathname, see API doc.
tested: ruby1.9 linux
An Introduction to Pa
require "tagen/core"
pa = Pa('/home/foo')
pa.exists? #=> false
pa.dir #=> '/home'
pa.base #=> 'foo'
pa.join('a.ogg') #=> '/home/a.ogg'
pa.join(a.ogg).exists? #=> true.
Pa.exists?('/home/foo') # alternate way
which rspec
Pa('/home/foo').should be_exists
more see API doc
An Introduction to PyFormat
require "tagen/core"
"I like %{fruit} and %{sport}".format('apple', 'football')
"I like %{fruit} and %{sport}".format(apple: 'apple', footbal: 'football')
"it costs %{howmatch:.2f} dollars".format(1.123) #=> "it costs 1.12 dollars"
more see API doc
* {file:docs/CoreExtensions.md CoreExtensions} A list of core extensions.
* {file:docs/ExtraExtensions.md ExtraExtensions} A list of extra extensions.
* {file:docs/Architecture.md Architecture} Source code architecture.
gem install tagen
* report bugs/featues to issue tracker.
* fork it and pull a request.
* improve documentation.
* any ideas are welcome.
Copyright © 2011 by Guten. this library released under MIT-License, See {file:LICENSE} for futher details.