class Bard < Thor private def check_dependencies required = { 'bard' => Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("")).match(/"version":"([0-9.]+)"/)[1], 'git' => '1.6.4', 'rubygems' => '1.3.4', 'ruby' => '1.8.6' } actual = { 'bard' => Bard::VERSION, 'git' => `git --version`[/[0-9.]+/], 'rubygems' => Gem::VERSION, 'ruby' => RUBY_VERSION } help = { 'bard' => 'please type `gem install bard` to update', 'git' => 'please visit and install the appropriate package for your architecture', 'rubygems' => 'please type `gem update --system` to update', 'ruby' => 'um... ask micah?' } %w(bard git rubygems ruby).each do |pkg| if actual[pkg] < required[pkg] puts red("#{pkg.ljust(9)} (#{actual[pkg]}) ... NEED (#{required[pkg]})") puts red(" #{help[pkg]}") elsif options.verbose? puts green("#{pkg.ljust(9)} (#{actual[pkg]})") end end end def check_project(project) errors = [] warnings = [] Dir.chdir project do status, stdout, stderr = systemu "rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations" errors << "missing config/database.yml, adapt from config/database.sample.yml." if stderr.include? "config/database.yml" errors << "missing config/database.sample.yml, please complain to micah" if not File.exist? "config/database.sample.yml" errors << "missing database, please run `rake db:create db:migrate" if stderr.include? "Unknown database" errors << "pending migrations, please run `rake db:migrate`" if stdout.include? "pending migrations" errors << "missing submodule, please run git submodule update --init" if `git submodule status` =~ /^-/ errors << "submodule has a detached head, please complain to micah" unless system 'git submodule foreach "git symbolic-ref HEAD"' errors << "missing gems, please run `rake gems:install`" if `rake gems` =~ /\[ \]/ errors << "missing integration branch, please complain to micah" if `git branch` !~ /\bintegration\b/ errors << "integration branch isnt tracking the remote integration branch, please run `grb track integration`" if `git config branch.integration.merge` !~ %r%\brefs/heads/integration\b% errors << "you shouldn't be working on the master branch, please work on the integration branch" if `cat .git/HEAD`.include? "refs/heads/master" if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == "staging" if not File.exist? ".git/hooks/post-receive" errors << "missing git hook, please complain to micah" else errors << "unexecutable git hook, please complain to micah" unless File.executable? ".git/hooks/post-receive" errors << "improper git hook, please complain to micah" unless".git/hooks/post-receive").include? "bard stage $@" end errors << "the git config variable receive.denyCurrentBranch is not set to ignore, please complain to micah" if `git config receive.denyCurrentBranch`.chomp != "ignore" end warnings << "RAILS_ENV is not set, please complain to micah" if ENV['RAILS_ENV'].nil? or ENV['RAILS_ENV'].empty? end if not errors.empty? fatal "#{errors.length} problems detected:\n #{errors.join("\n ")}" elsif not warnings.empty? warn "#{warnings.length} potential problems detected:\n #{warnings.join("\n ")}" else puts green("No problems detected in project: #{project}") if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != "staging" puts "please run it on the staging server by typing `cap shell` and then `bard check [PROJECT_NAME]`" end end end end