require 'spout/helpers/array_statistics' require 'spout/helpers/table_formatting' module Spout module Helpers class ChartTypes def self.get_bucket(buckets, value) buckets.each do |b| return "#{b[0].round(1)} to #{b[1].round(1)}" if value >= b[0] and value <= b[1] end nil end def self.continuous_buckets(values) return [] if values.count == 0 minimum_bucket = values.min maximum_bucket = values.max max_buckets = [(maximum_bucket - minimum_bucket), 12].min bucket_size = (maximum_bucket - minimum_bucket) / max_buckets buckets = [] (0..(max_buckets-1)).to_a.each do |index| start = minimum_bucket + index * bucket_size stop = start + bucket_size buckets << [start,stop] end buckets end def self.get_json(file_name, file_type) file = Dir.glob("#{file_type.to_s.downcase}s/**/#{file_name.to_s.downcase}.json", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).first json = JSON.parse( rescue json = nil json end def self.get_variable(variable_name) get_json(variable_name, 'variable') end def self.get_domain(json) get_json(json['domain'], 'domain') end def self.domain_array(variable_name) variable_file = Dir.glob("variables/**/#{variable_name.to_s.downcase}.json", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).first json = JSON.parse( rescue json = nil if json domain_json = get_domain(json) domain_json ? domain_json.collect{|option_hash| [option_hash['display_name'], option_hash['value']]} : [] else [] end end def self.chart_arbitrary_choices_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method) # CHART TYPE IS THE QUARTILE VARIABLE return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless domain_json = get_domain(json) title = "#{json['display_name']} by #{chart_variable_json['display_name']}" subtitle = "By Visit" # categories = ["Quartile One", "Quartile Two", "Quartile Three", "Quartile Four"] units = 'percent' series = [] filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(method) != nil and s.send(chart_type) != nil }.sort_by(&chart_type.to_sym) categories = [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].collect do |quartile| bucket = filtered_subjects.send(quartile).collect(&chart_type.to_sym) "#{bucket.min} to #{bucket.max}" end domain_json.each do |option_hash| data = [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].collect do |quartile| filtered_subjects.send(quartile).select{ |s| s.send(method) == option_hash['value'] }.count end series << { name: option_hash['display_name'], data: data } unless filtered_subjects.size == 0 end { title: title, subtitle: subtitle, categories: categories, units: units, series: series, stacking: 'percent' } end def self.chart_arbitrary_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method, visits) # CHART TYPE IS THE QUARTILE VARIABLE return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return chart_arbitrary_choices_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method) if json['type'] == 'choices' title = "#{json['display_name']} by #{chart_variable_json['display_name']}" subtitle = "By Visit" categories = ["Quartile One", "Quartile Two", "Quartile Three", "Quartile Four"] units = json["units"] series = [] series = [] visits.each do |visit_display_name, visit_value| data = [] filtered_subjects ={ |s| s._visit == visit_value and s.send(method) != nil and s.send(chart_type) != nil }.sort_by(&chart_type.to_sym) [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].each do |quartile| array = filtered_subjects.send(quartile).collect(&method.to_sym) data << { y: (array.mean.round(1) rescue 0.0), stddev: ("%0.1f" % array.standard_deviation rescue ''), median: ("%0.1f" % array.median rescue ''), min: ("%0.1f" % array.min rescue ''), max: ("%0.1f" % array.max rescue ''), n: array.n } end series << { name: visit_display_name, data: data } unless filtered_subjects.size == 0 end { title: title, subtitle: subtitle, categories: categories, units: units, series: series } end def self.table_arbitrary_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle = nil) return table_arbitrary_choices_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle) if json['type'] == 'choices' # CHART TYPE IS THE QUARTILE VARIABLE return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) headers = [ [""] + Spout::Helpers::ArrayStatistics::calculations.collect{|calculation_label, calculation_method| calculation_label} + ["Total"] ] filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(method) != nil and s.send(chart_type) != nil }.sort_by(&chart_type.to_sym) rows = [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].collect do |quartile| bucket = filtered_subjects.send(quartile) row_subjects = bucket.collect(&method.to_sym) data = Spout::Helpers::ArrayStatistics::calculations.collect do |calculation_label, calculation_method, calculation_type, calculation_format| TableFormatting::format_number(row_subjects.send(calculation_method), calculation_type, calculation_format) end row_name = if row_subjects.size == 0 quartile.to_s.capitalize.gsub('_one', ' One').gsub('_two', ' Two').gsub('_three', ' Three').gsub('_four', ' Four') else "#{bucket.collect(&chart_type.to_sym).min} to #{bucket.collect(&chart_type.to_sym).max} #{chart_variable_json['units']}" end [row_name] + data + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(row_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] end total_values = Spout::Helpers::ArrayStatistics::calculations.collect do |calculation_label, calculation_method, calculation_type, calculation_format| total_count = filtered_subjects.collect(&method.to_sym).send(calculation_method) { text: TableFormatting::format_number(total_count, calculation_type, calculation_format), style: "font-weight:bold" } end footers = [ [{ text: "Total", style: "font-weight:bold" }] + total_values + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(filtered_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] ] { title: "#{chart_variable_json['display_name']} vs #{json['display_name']}", subtitle: subtitle, headers: headers, footers: footers, rows: rows } end def self.table_arbitrary_choices_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle) # CHART TYPE IS THE QUARTILE VARIABLE return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless domain_json = get_domain(json) filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(method) != nil and s.send(chart_type) != nil }.sort_by(&chart_type.to_sym) categories = [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].collect do |quartile| bucket = filtered_subjects.send(quartile).collect(&chart_type.to_sym) "#{bucket.min} to #{bucket.max} #{chart_variable_json['units']}" end headers = [ [""] + categories + ["Total"] ] rows = [] rows = domain_json.collect do |option_hash| row_subjects ={ |s| s.send(method) == option_hash['value'] } data = [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].collect do |quartile| bucket = filtered_subjects.send(quartile).select{ |s| s.send(method) == option_hash['value'] } TableFormatting::format_number(bucket.count, :count) end [option_hash['display_name']] + data + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(row_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] end total_values = [:quartile_one, :quartile_two, :quartile_three, :quartile_four].collect do |quartile| { text: TableFormatting::format_number(filtered_subjects.send(quartile).count, :count), style: "font-weight:bold" } end footers = [ [{ text: "Total", style: "font-weight:bold" }] + total_values + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(filtered_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] ] { title: "#{json['display_name']} vs #{chart_variable_json['display_name']}", subtitle: subtitle, headers: headers, footers: footers, rows: rows } end def self.chart_arbitrary_choices(chart_type, subjects, json, method) return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless chart_variable_domain = domain_array(chart_type) return unless domain_json = get_domain(json) title = "#{json['display_name']} by #{chart_variable_json['display_name']}" subtitle = "By Visit" categories = chart_variable_domain.collect{|a| a[0]} units = 'percent' series = [] domain_json.each do |option_hash| domain_values ={ |s| s.send(method) == option_hash['value'] } data = chart_variable_domain.collect do |display_name, value|{ |s| s.send(chart_type) == value }.count end series << { name: option_hash['display_name'], data: data } end { title: title, subtitle: subtitle, categories: categories, units: units, series: series, stacking: 'percent' } end def self.chart_arbitrary(chart_type, subjects, json, method, visits) return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless chart_variable_domain = domain_array(chart_type) return chart_arbitrary_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method, visits) if ['numeric', 'integer'].include?(chart_variable_json['type']) return chart_arbitrary_choices(chart_type, subjects, json, method) if json['type'] == 'choices' title = "#{json['display_name']} by #{chart_variable_json['display_name']}" subtitle = "By Visit" categories = [] units = json["units"] series = [] data = [] visits.each do |visit_display_name, visit_value| visit_subjects ={ |s| s._visit == visit_value and s.send(method) != nil } if visit_subjects.count > 0 chart_variable_domain.each_with_index do |(display_name, value), index| values ={|s| s.send(chart_type) == value }.collect(&method.to_sym) data[index] ||= [] data[index] << (values.mean.round(2) rescue 0.0) end categories << visit_display_name end end chart_variable_domain.each_with_index do |(display_name, value), index| series << { name: display_name, data: data[index] } end { title: title, subtitle: subtitle, categories: categories, units: units, series: series } end def self.table_arbitrary(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle = nil) return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless chart_variable_domain = domain_array(chart_type) return table_arbitrary_by_quartile(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle) if ['numeric', 'integer'].include?(chart_variable_json['type']) return table_arbitrary_choices(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle) if json['type'] == 'choices' headers = [ [""] + Spout::Helpers::ArrayStatistics::calculations.collect{|calculation_label, calculation_method| calculation_label} + ["Total"] ] filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) != nil } rows = chart_variable_domain.collect do |display_name, value| row_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) == value } row_cells = Spout::Helpers::ArrayStatistics::calculations.collect do |calculation_label, calculation_method, calculation_type, calculation_format| count = row_subjects.collect(&method.to_sym).send(calculation_method) (count == 0 && calculation_method == :count) ? { text: '-', class: 'text-muted' } : TableFormatting::format_number(count, calculation_type, calculation_format) end [display_name] + row_cells + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(row_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] end total_values = Spout::Helpers::ArrayStatistics::calculations.collect do |calculation_label, calculation_method, calculation_type, calculation_format| total_count = filtered_subjects.collect(&method.to_sym).send(calculation_method) { text: TableFormatting::format_number(total_count, calculation_type, calculation_format), style: "font-weight:bold" } end footers = [ [{ text: "Total", style: "font-weight:bold" }] + total_values + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(filtered_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] ] { title: "#{chart_variable_json['display_name']} vs #{json['display_name']}", subtitle: subtitle, headers: headers, footers: footers, rows: rows } end def self.table_arbitrary_choices(chart_type, subjects, json, method, subtitle) return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless chart_variable_domain = domain_array(chart_type) return unless domain_json = get_domain(json) headers = [ [""] + chart_variable_domain.collect{|display_name, value| display_name} + ["Total"] ] filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) != nil } rows = domain_json.collect do |option_hash| row_subjects ={ |s| s.send(method) == option_hash['value'] } row_cells = chart_variable_domain.collect do |display_name, value| count ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) == value }.count count > 0 ? TableFormatting::format_number(count, :count) : { text: '-', class: 'text-muted' } end total = row_subjects.count [option_hash['display_name']] + row_cells + [total == 0 ? { text: '-', class: 'text-muted' } : { text: TableFormatting::format_number(total, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] end if{|s| s.send(method) == nil }.count > 0 unknown_values = chart_variable_domain.collect do |display_name, value| { text: TableFormatting::format_number({ |s| s.send(chart_type) == value and s.send(method) == nil }.count, :count), class: 'text-muted' } end rows << [{ text: 'Unknown', class: 'text-muted'}] + unknown_values + [ { text: TableFormatting::format_number({|s| s.send(method) == nil}.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold', class: 'text-muted' } ] end total_values = chart_variable_domain.collect do |display_name, value| total_count ={|s| s.send(chart_type) == value }.count { text: (total_count == 0 ? "-" : TableFormatting::format_number(total_count, :count)), style: "font-weight:bold" } end footers = [ [{ text: "Total", style: "font-weight:bold" }] + total_values + [{ text: TableFormatting::format_number(filtered_subjects.count, :count), style: 'font-weight:bold'}] ] { title: "#{json['display_name']} vs #{chart_variable_json['display_name']}", subtitle: subtitle, headers: headers, footers: footers, rows: rows } end def self.chart_histogram_choices(chart_type, subjects, json, method) return unless domain_json = get_domain(json) return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless chart_variable_domain = domain_array(chart_type) title = "#{json['display_name']}" subtitle = "By Visit" categories = domain_json.collect{|option_hash| option_hash['display_name']} units = "Subjects" series = [] chart_variable_domain.each do |display_name, value| visit_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) == value and s.send(method) != nil }.collect(&method.to_sym) next unless visit_subjects.size > 0 data = [] domain_json.each do |option_hash| data <<{ |v| v == option_hash['value'] }.count end series << { name: display_name, data: data } end { title: title, subtitle: subtitle, categories: categories, units: units, series: series } end def self.chart_histogram(chart_type, subjects, json, method) return chart_histogram_choices(chart_type, subjects, json, method) if json['type'] == 'choices' return unless chart_variable_json = get_variable(chart_type) return unless chart_variable_domain = domain_array(chart_type) title = "#{json['display_name']}" subtitle = "By Visit" categories = [] units = "Subjects" series = [] all_subject_values = subjects.collect(&method.to_sym).compact.sort return nil if all_subject_values.count == 0 buckets = continuous_buckets(all_subject_values) categories = buckets.collect{|b| "#{b[0].round(1)} to #{b[1].round(1)}"} chart_variable_domain.each do |display_name, value| visit_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) == value and s.send(method) != nil }.collect(&method.to_sym).sort next unless visit_subjects.size > 0 data = [] visit_subjects.group_by{|v| get_bucket(buckets, v) }.each do |key, values| data[categories.index(key)] = values.count if categories.index(key) end series << { name: display_name, data: data } end { title: title, subtitle: subtitle, categories: categories, units: units, series: series } end end end end