require 'spec_helper' module Mongoid describe FullTextSearch do context "with several config options defined" do let!(:abcdef) { AdvancedArtwork.create(:title => 'abcdefg hijklmn') } let!(:cesar) { AccentlessArtwork.create(:title => "C\u00e9sar Galicia") } let!(:julio) { AccentlessArtwork.create(:title => "Julio Cesar Morales") } it "should recognize all options" do # AdvancedArtwork is defined with an ngram_width of 4 and a different alphabet (abcdefg) AdvancedArtwork.fulltext_search('abc').should == [] AdvancedArtwork.fulltext_search('abcd').first.should == abcdef AdvancedArtwork.fulltext_search('defg').first.should == abcdef AdvancedArtwork.fulltext_search('hijklmn').should == [] # AccentlessArtwork is just like BasicArtwork, except that we set :remove_accents to false, # so this behaves like the ``old'' version of fulltext_search AccentlessArtwork.fulltext_search("cesar").first.should == julio end end context "with default settings" do let!(:flower_myth) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flower Myth') } let!(:flowers) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers') } let!(:lowered) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Lowered') } let!(:cookies) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Cookies') } let!(:empty) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => '') } let!(:cesar) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "C\u00e9sar Galicia") } let!(:julio) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "Julio Cesar Morales") } let!(:csar) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "Csar") } it "forgets accents" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('cesar', :max_results => 1).first.should == cesar BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('cesar g', :max_results => 1).first.should == cesar BasicArtwork.fulltext_search("C\u00e9sar", :max_results => 1).first.should == cesar BasicArtwork.fulltext_search("C\303\251sar", :max_results => 1).first.should == cesar BasicArtwork.fulltext_search("c%C3%A9sar".encode("ASCII-8BIT"), :max_results => 1).first.should == cesar end it "returns exact matches" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Flower Myth', :max_results => 1).first.should == flower_myth BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Flowers', :max_results => 1).first.should == flowers BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Cookies', :max_results => 1).first.should == cookies BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Lowered', :max_results => 1).first.should == lowered end it "returns exact matches regardless of case" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('fLOWER mYTH', :max_results => 1).first.should == flower_myth BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('FLOWERS', :max_results => 1).first.should == flowers BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('cOOkies', :max_results => 1).first.should == cookies BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('lOWERED', :max_results => 1).first.should == lowered end it "returns all relevant results, sorted by relevance" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Flowers').should == [flowers, flower_myth, lowered] end it "prefers prefix matches" do [flowers, flower_myth].should include(BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Floweockies').first) BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Lowers').first.should == lowered BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Cookilowers').first.should == cookies end it "returns an empty result set for an empty query" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('').empty?.should be_true end it "returns an empty result set for a query that doesn't contain any characters in the alphabet" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('_+=--@!##%#$%%').empty?.should be_true end it "returns results for a query that contains only a single ngram" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('coo').first.should == cookies BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('c!!!oo').first.should == cookies end end context "with default settings" do let!(:flower_myth) { Gallery::BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flower Myth') } let!(:flowers) { Gallery::BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers') } let!(:lowered) { Gallery::BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Lowered') } let!(:cookies) { Gallery::BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Cookies') } let!(:empty) { Gallery::BasicArtwork.create(:title => '') } it "returns exact matches for model within a module" do Gallery::BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Flower Myth', :max_results => 1).first.should == flower_myth Gallery::BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Flowers', :max_results => 1).first.should == flowers Gallery::BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Cookies', :max_results => 1).first.should == cookies Gallery::BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('Lowered', :max_results => 1).first.should == lowered end end context "with default settings" do let!(:yellow) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Yellow') } let!(:yellow_leaves_2) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Yellow Leaves 2') } let!(:yellow_leaves_3) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Yellow Leaves 3') } let!(:yellow_leaves_20) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Yellow Leaves 20') } let!(:yellow_cup) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Yellow Cup') } it "prefers the best prefix that matches a given string" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('yellow').first.should == yellow BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('yellow leaves', :max_results => 3).sort_by{ |x| x.title }.should == \ [yellow_leaves_2, yellow_leaves_3, yellow_leaves_20].sort_by{ |x| x.title } BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('yellow cup').first.should == yellow_cup end end context "with default settings" do let!(:monet) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'claude monet') } let!(:one_month_weather_permitting) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'one month weather permitting monday') } it "finds better matches within exact strings" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('monet').first.should == monet end end context "with default settings" do let!(:abc) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "abc") } let!(:abcd) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "abcd") } let!(:abcde) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "abcde") } let!(:abcdef) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "abcdef") } let!(:abcdefg) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "abcdefg") } let!(:abcdefgh) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "abcdefgh") } it "returns exact matches from a list of similar prefixes" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('abc').first.should == abc BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('abcd').first.should == abcd BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('abcde').first.should == abcde BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('abcdef').first.should == abcdef BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('abcdefg').first.should == abcdefg BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('abcdefgh').first.should == abcdefgh end end context "with an index name specified" do let!(:pablo_picasso) { ExternalArtist.create(:full_name => 'Pablo Picasso') } let!(:portrait_of_picasso) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Portrait of Picasso') } let!(:andy_warhol) { ExternalArtist.create(:full_name => 'Andy Warhol') } let!(:warhol) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Warhol') } let!(:empty) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => '') } it "returns results of different types from the same query" do results = ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('picasso', :max_results => 2).map{ |result| result } results.member?(portrait_of_picasso).should be_true results.member?(pablo_picasso).should be_true results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('picasso', :max_results => 2).map{ |result| result } results.member?(portrait_of_picasso).should be_true results.member?(pablo_picasso).should be_true end it "returns exact matches" do ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Pablo Picasso', :max_results => 1).first.should == pablo_picasso ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Portrait of Picasso', :max_results => 1).first.should == portrait_of_picasso ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Andy Warhol', :max_results => 1).first.should == andy_warhol ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Warhol', :max_results => 1).first.should == warhol ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Pablo Picasso', :max_results => 1).first.should == pablo_picasso ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Portrait of Picasso', :max_results => 1).first.should == portrait_of_picasso ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Andy Warhol', :max_results => 1).first.should == andy_warhol ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Warhol', :max_results => 1).first.should == warhol end it "returns exact matches regardless of case" do ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('pABLO pICASSO', :max_results => 1).first.should == pablo_picasso ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('PORTRAIT OF PICASSO', :max_results => 1).first.should == portrait_of_picasso ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('andy warhol', :max_results => 1).first.should == andy_warhol ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('wArHoL', :max_results => 1).first.should == warhol end it "returns all relevant results, sorted by relevance" do ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Pablo Picasso').should == [pablo_picasso, portrait_of_picasso] ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Pablo Picasso').should == [pablo_picasso, portrait_of_picasso] ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Portrait of Picasso').should == [portrait_of_picasso, pablo_picasso] ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Portrait of Picasso').should == [portrait_of_picasso, pablo_picasso] ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Andy Warhol').should == [andy_warhol, warhol] ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Andy Warhol').should == [andy_warhol, warhol] ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('Warhol').should == [warhol, andy_warhol] ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('Warhol').should == [warhol, andy_warhol] end it "prefers prefix matches" do ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('PabloWarhol').first.should == pablo_picasso ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('AndyPicasso').first.should == andy_warhol end it "returns an empty result set for an empty query" do ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('').empty?.should be_true end it "returns an empty result set for a query that doesn't contain any characters in the alphabet" do ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('#$%!$#*%*').empty?.should be_true end it "returns results for a query that contains only a single ngram" do ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('and').first.should == andy_warhol end end context "with an index name specified" do let!(:andy_warhol) { ExternalArtist.create(:full_name => 'Andy Warhol') } let!(:warhol) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Warhol') } it "doesn't blow up if garbage is in the index collection" do ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('warhol').should == [warhol, andy_warhol] index_collection = ExternalArtist.collection.db.collection(ExternalArtist.mongoid_fulltext_config.keys.first) index_collection.update({'document_id' =>}, {'$set' => { 'document_id' => }}, :multi => true) # We should no longer be able to find warhol, but that shouldn't keep it from returning results ExternalArtist.fulltext_search('warhol').should == [andy_warhol] end end context "with an index name specified" do let!(:pop) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Pop') } let!(:pop_culture) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Pop Culture') } let!(:contemporary_pop) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Contemporary Pop') } let!(:david_poppie) { ExternalArtist.create(:full_name => 'David Poppie') } let!(:kung_fu_lollipop) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Kung-Fu Lollipop') } it "prefers the best prefix that matches a given string" do ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('pop').first.should == pop ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('poppie').first.should == david_poppie ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('pop cult').first.should == pop_culture ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('pop', :max_results => 5)[4].should == kung_fu_lollipop end end context "with an index name specified" do let!(:abc) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "abc") } let!(:abcd) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "abcd") } let!(:abcde) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "abcde") } let!(:abcdef) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "abcdef") } let!(:abcdefg) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "abcdefg") } let!(:abcdefgh) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "abcdefgh") } it "returns exact matches from a list of similar prefixes" do ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('abc').first.should == abc ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('abcd').first.should == abcd ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('abcde').first.should == abcde ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('abcdef').first.should == abcdef ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('abcdefg').first.should == abcdefg ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('abcdefgh').first.should == abcdefgh end end context "with an index name specified" do it "cleans up item from the index after they're destroyed" do foobar = ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "foobar") barfoo = ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "barfoo") ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar').should == [foobar, barfoo] foobar.destroy ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar').should == [barfoo] barfoo.destroy ExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar').should == [] end end context "with an index name specified and no fields provided to index" do let!(:big_bang) { ExternalArtworkNoFieldsSupplied.create(:title => 'Big Bang', :artist => 'David Poppie', :year => '2009') } it "indexes the string returned by to_s" do ExternalArtworkNoFieldsSupplied.fulltext_search('big bang').first.should == big_bang ExternalArtworkNoFieldsSupplied.fulltext_search('poppie').first.should == big_bang ExternalArtworkNoFieldsSupplied.fulltext_search('2009').first.should == big_bang end end context "with multiple indexes defined" do let!(:pop) { MultiExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Pop', :year => '1970', :artist => 'Joe Schmoe') } let!(:pop_culture) { MultiExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Pop Culture', :year => '1977', :artist => 'Jim Schmoe') } let!(:contemporary_pop) { MultiExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Contemporary Pop', :year => '1800', :artist => 'Bill Schmoe') } let!(:kung_fu_lollipop) { MultiExternalArtwork.create(:title => 'Kung-Fu Lollipop', :year => '2006', :artist => 'Michael Anderson') } it "allows searches to hit a particular index" do title_results = MultiExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('pop', :index => 'mongoid_fulltext.titles').sort_by{ |x| x.title } title_results.should == [pop, pop_culture, contemporary_pop, kung_fu_lollipop].sort_by{ |x| x.title } year_results = MultiExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('197', :index => 'mongoid_fulltext.years').sort_by{ |x| x.title } year_results.should == [pop, pop_culture].sort_by{ |x| x.title } all_results = MultiExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('1800 and', :index => 'mongoid_fulltext.all').sort_by{ |x| x.title } all_results.should == [contemporary_pop, kung_fu_lollipop].sort_by{ |x| x.title } end it "should raise an error if you don't specify which index to search with" do lambda { MultiExternalArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar') }.should raise_error(Mongoid::FullTextSearch::UnspecifiedIndexError) end end context "with multiple fields indexed and the same index used by multiple models" do let!(:andy_warhol) { MultiFieldArtist.create(:full_name => 'Andy Warhol', :birth_year => '1928') } let!(:warhol) { MultiFieldArtwork.create(:title => 'Warhol', :year => '2010') } let!(:pablo_picasso) { MultiFieldArtist.create(:full_name => 'Pablo Picasso', :birth_year => '1881') } let!(:portrait_of_picasso) { MultiFieldArtwork.create(:title => 'Portrait of Picasso', :year => '1912') } it "allows searches across all models on both fields indexed" do MultiFieldArtist.fulltext_search('2010').first.should == warhol MultiFieldArtist.fulltext_search('andy').first.should == andy_warhol MultiFieldArtist.fulltext_search('pablo').first.should == pablo_picasso MultiFieldArtist.fulltext_search('1881').first.should == pablo_picasso MultiFieldArtist.fulltext_search('portrait 1912').first.should == portrait_of_picasso MultiFieldArtwork.fulltext_search('2010').first.should == warhol MultiFieldArtwork.fulltext_search('andy').first.should == andy_warhol MultiFieldArtwork.fulltext_search('pablo').first.should == pablo_picasso MultiFieldArtwork.fulltext_search('1881').first.should == pablo_picasso MultiFieldArtwork.fulltext_search('portrait 1912').first.should == portrait_of_picasso end end context "with filters applied to multiple models" do let!(:foobar_artwork) { FilteredArtwork.create(:title => 'foobar') } let!(:barfoo_artwork) { FilteredArtwork.create(:title => 'barfoo') } let!(:foobar_artist) { FilteredArtist.create(:full_name => 'foobar') } let!(:barfoo_artist) { FilteredArtist.create(:full_name => 'barfoo') } it "allows filtered searches" do FilteredArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => true).should == [foobar_artwork, barfoo_artwork] FilteredArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => true).should == [foobar_artwork, barfoo_artwork] FilteredArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => true, :is_foobar => true).should == [foobar_artwork] FilteredArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => true, :is_foobar => false).should == [barfoo_artwork] FilteredArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => false, :is_foobar => true).should == [foobar_artist] FilteredArtwork.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => false, :is_foobar => false).should == [barfoo_artist] FilteredArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => true, :is_foobar => true).should == [foobar_artwork] FilteredArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => true, :is_foobar => false).should == [barfoo_artwork] FilteredArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => false, :is_foobar => true).should == [foobar_artist] FilteredArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :is_artwork => false, :is_foobar => false).should == [barfoo_artist] end end context "with different filters applied to multiple models" do let!(:foo_artwork) { FilteredArtwork.create(:title => 'foo') } let!(:bar_artist) { FilteredArtist.create(:full_name => 'bar') } let!(:baz_other) { FilteredOther.create(:name => 'baz') } # These three models are all indexed by the same mongoid_fulltext index, but have different filters # applied. The index created on the mongoid_fulltext collection should include the ngram and score # fields as well as the union of all the filter fields to allow for efficient lookups. it "creates a proper index for searching efficiently" do [ FilteredArtwork, FilteredArtist, FilteredOther].each do |klass| klass.create_indexes end index_collection = FilteredArtwork.collection.db.collection('mongoid_fulltext.artworks_and_artists') ngram_indexes = index_collection.index_information.find_all{ |name, definition| definition['key'].has_key?('ngram') } ngram_indexes.length.should == 1 keys = ngram_indexes.first[1]['key'].keys expected_keys = ['ngram','score', 'filter_values.is_fuzzy', 'filter_values.is_awesome', 'filter_values.is_foobar', 'filter_values.is_artwork', 'filter_values.is_artist'].sort keys.sort.should == expected_keys end end context "with partitions applied to a model" do let!(:artist_2) { PartitionedArtist.create(:full_name => 'foobar', :exhibitions => [ "Art Basel 2011", "Armory NY" ]) } let!(:artist_1) { PartitionedArtist.create(:full_name => 'foobar', :exhibitions => [ "Art Basel 2011", ]) } let!(:artist_0) { PartitionedArtist.create(:full_name => 'foobar', :exhibitions => [ ]) } it "allows partitioned searches" do artists_by_exhibition_length = [ artist_0, artist_1, artist_2 ].sort_by{ |x| x.exhibitions.length } PartitionedArtist.fulltext_search('foobar').sort_by{ |x| x.exhibitions.length }.should == artists_by_exhibition_length PartitionedArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :exhibitions => [ "Armory NY" ]).should == [ artist_2 ] art_basel_only = PartitionedArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :exhibitions => [ "Art Basel 2011" ]).sort_by{ |x| x.exhibitions.length } art_basel_only.should == [ artist_1, artist_2 ].sort_by{ |x| x.exhibitions.length } PartitionedArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :exhibitions => [ "Art Basel 2011", "Armory NY" ]).should == [ artist_2 ] end end context "using search options" do let!(:patterns) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flower Patterns') } let!(:flowers) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers') } it "returns max_results" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('flower', { :max_results => 1 }).length.should == 1 end it "returns scored results" do results = BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('flowers', { :return_scores => true }) first_result = results[0] first_result.is_a?(Array).should be_true first_result.size.should == 2 first_result[0].should == flowers first_result[1].is_a?(Float).should be_true end end context "with various word separators" do let!(:hard_edged_painting) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "Hard-edged painting") } let!(:edgy_painting) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "Edgy painting") } let!(:hard_to_find_ledge) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => "Hard to find ledge") } it "should treat dashes as word separators, giving a score boost to each dash-separated word" do BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('hard-edged').first.should == hard_edged_painting BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('hard edge').first.should == hard_edged_painting BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('hard edged').first.should == hard_edged_painting end end context "returning scores" do # Since we return scores, let's make some weak guarantees about what they actually mean let!(:mao_yan) { ExternalArtist.create(:full_name => "Mao Yan") } let!(:mao) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "Mao by Andy Warhol") } let!(:maox) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "Maox by Randy Morehall") } let!(:somao) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "Somao by Randy Morehall") } it "returns basic matches that don't match a whole word and aren't prefixes with score < 1" do ['paox', 'porehall'].each do |query| results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search(query, { :return_scores => true }) results.length.should > 0{ |result| result[-1] }.inject(true){ |accum, item| accum &= (item < 1) }.should be_true end end it "returns prefix matches with a score >= 1 but < 2" do ['warho', 'rand'].each do |query| results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search(query, { :return_scores => true }) results.length.should > 0{ |result| result[-1] if result[0].to_s.starts_with?(query)} .compact .inject(true){ |accum, item| accum &= (item >= 1 and item < 2) } .should be_true end end it "returns full-word matches with a score >= 2" do ['andy', 'warhol', 'mao'].each do |query| results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search(query, { :return_scores => true }) results.length.should > 0{ |result| result[-1] if result[0].to_s.split(' ').member?(query) } .compact .inject(true){ |accum, item| accum &= (item >= 2) } .should be_true end end end context "with stop words defined" do let!(:flowers) { StopwordsArtwork.create(:title => "Flowers by Andy Warhol") } let!(:many_ands) { StopwordsArtwork.create(:title => "Foo and bar and baz and foobar") } let!(:harry) { StopwordsArtwork.create(:title => "Harry in repose by JK Rowling") } it "doesn't give a full-word score boost to stopwords" do StopwordsArtwork.fulltext_search("andy").map{ |a| a.title }.should == [flowers.title, many_ands.title] StopwordsArtwork.fulltext_search("warhol and other stuff").map{ |a| a.title }.should == [flowers.title, many_ands.title] end it "allows searching on words that are more than one letter, less than the ngram length and not stopwords" do StopwordsArtwork.fulltext_search("jk").map{ |a| a.title }.should == [harry.title] StopwordsArtwork.fulltext_search("by").map{ |a| a.title }.should == [] end end context "indexing short prefixes" do let!(:dimethyl_mercury) { ShortPrefixesArtwork.create(:title => "Dimethyl Mercury by Damien Hirst") } let!(:volume) { ShortPrefixesArtwork.create(:title => "Volume by Dadamaino") } let!(:damaged) { ShortPrefixesArtwork.create(:title => "Damaged: Photographs from the Chicago Daily News 1902-1933 (Governor) by Lisa Oppenheim") } let!(:frozen) { ShortPrefixesArtwork.create(:title => "Frozen Fountain XXX by Evelyn Rosenberg") } let!(:skull) { ShortPrefixesArtwork.create(:title => "Skull by Andy Warhol") } it "finds the most relevant items with prefix indexing" do ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("damien").first.should == dimethyl_mercury ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("dami").first.should == dimethyl_mercury ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("dama").first.should == damaged ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("dam").first.should_not == volume ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("dadamaino").first.should == volume ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("kull").first.should == skull end it "doesn't index prefixes of stopwords" do # damaged has the word "from" in it, which shouldn't get indexed. ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("fro").should == [frozen] end it "does index prefixes that would be stopwords taken alone" do # skull has the word "andy" in it, which should get indexed as "and" even though "and" is a stopword ShortPrefixesArtwork.fulltext_search("and").should == [skull] end end context "remove_from_ngram_index" do let!(:flowers1) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 1') } let!(:flowers2) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 1') } it "removes all records from the index" do BasicArtwork.remove_from_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('flower').length.should == 0 end it "removes a single record from the index" do flowers1.remove_from_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('flower').length.should == 1 end end context "update_ngram_index" do let!(:flowers1) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 1') } let!(:flowers2) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 2') } context "when config[:update_if] exists" do let(:painting) { :title => 'Painting' } let(:conditional_index) { BasicArtwork.mongoid_fulltext_config["mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional"] } before(:all) do BasicArtwork.class_eval do fulltext_search_in :title, :index_name => "mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional" end end after(:all) do Mongoid.master["mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional"].remove BasicArtwork.mongoid_fulltext_config.delete "mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional" end context "and is a symbol" do before(:all) do conditional_index[:update_if] = :persisted? end context "when sending the symbol to the document evaluates to false" do it "doesn't update the index for the document" do painting.update_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('painting', :index => "mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional").length.should be 0 end end end context "and is a string" do before(:all) do conditional_index[:update_if] = 'false' end context "when evaluating the string within the document's instance evaluates to false" do it "doesn't update the index for the document" do painting.update_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('painting', :index => "mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional").length.should be 0 end end end context "and is a proc" do before(:all) do conditional_index[:update_if] = { false } end context "when evaluating the string within the document's instance evaluates to false" do it "doesn't update the index for the document" do painting.update_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('painting', :index => "mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional").length.should be 0 end end end context "and is not a symbol, string, or proc" do before(:all) do conditional_index[:update_if] = %w(this isn't a symbol, string, or proc) end it "doesn't update the index for the document" do painting.update_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('painting', :index => "mongoid_fulltext.index_conditional").length.should be 0 end end end context "from scratch" do before(:each) do Mongoid.master["mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0"].remove end it "updates index on a single record" do flowers1.update_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('flower').length.should == 1 end it "updates index on all records" do BasicArtwork.update_ngram_index BasicArtwork.fulltext_search('flower').length.should == 2 end end context "incremental" do it "removes an existing record" do coll = Mongoid.master["mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0"] Mongoid.master.stub(:collection).with("mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0").and_return { coll } coll.should_receive(:remove).once.with({'document_id' => flowers1._id}) flowers1.update_ngram_index end end context "mongoid indexes" do it "can re-create dropped indexes" do # there're no indexes by default as Mongoid.autocreate_indexes is set to false # but mongo will automatically attempt to index _id in the background Mongoid.master["mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0"].index_information.size.should <= 1 BasicArtwork.create_indexes Mongoid.master["mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0"].index_information.should == { "_id_" => { "name" => "_id_", "ns" => "mongoid_fulltext_test.mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0", "key" => { "_id" => 1 }, "v" => 0 }, "fts_index" => { "name" => "fts_index", "ns" => "mongoid_fulltext_test.mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0", "key" => { "ngram" => 1, "score" => -1 }, "v" => 0 }, "document_id_1" => { "name" => "document_id_1", "ns" => "mongoid_fulltext_test.mongoid_fulltext.index_basicartwork_0", "key" => { "document_id" => 1 }, "v"=>0 } } end it "doesn't fail on models that don't have a fulltext index" do lambda { HiddenDragon.create_indexes }.should_not raise_error end end end context "batched reindexing" do let!(:flowers1) { DelayedArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 1') } it "should not rebuild index until explicitly invoked" do DelayedArtwork.fulltext_search("flowers").length.should == 0 DelayedArtwork.update_ngram_index DelayedArtwork.fulltext_search("flowers").length.should == 1 end end end end