import Migration, { MigrationFunction } from '@watermarkchurch/contentful-migration' // Generated by contentful-schema-diff // from contentful-export-4gyidsb2jx1u-rorJeremy-2018-10-18T15-41-43.json // to 7yx6ovlj39n5/master export = function (migration: Migration, { makeRequest, spaceId, accessToken }) { /************ section-contact-form ******************/ var sectionContactForm = migration.createContentType('section-contact-form', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Section: Contact Form', description: 'A Contact Form section contains a Form with several Form Fields. The responses to the form will be collected and provided to the appropriate administrator.' }) sectionContactForm.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false }) sectionContactForm.createField('text', { name: 'Text', type: 'Text', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false }) sectionContactForm.createField('fields', { name: 'Fields', type: 'Array', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false, items: { type: 'Link', validations: [ { linkContentType: ['formField'] } ], linkType: 'Entry' } }) sectionContactForm.createField('submitButtonText', { name: 'Submit Button Text', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false }) sectionContactForm.createField('notificationEmail', { name: 'NotificationEmail', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [ { regexp: { pattern: '^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$', flags: null }, message: 'Must be a valid email address.' } ], disabled: false, omitted: false }) sectionContactForm.changeEditorInterface('internalTitle', 'singleLine') sectionContactForm.changeEditorInterface('text', 'markdown') sectionContactForm.changeEditorInterface('fields', 'entryLinksEditor') sectionContactForm.changeEditorInterface('submitButtonText', 'singleLine') sectionContactForm.changeEditorInterface('notificationEmail', 'singleLine', { helpText: 'This is the email address where the form submission notification goes.' }) /************ formField ******************/ var formfield = migration.createContentType('formField', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Form Field', description: 'A Form Field represents a piece of information you want to collect from a user via a Form.' }) formfield.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true }) formfield.createField('title', { name: 'Title', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false }) formfield.createField('inputType', { name: 'Input Type', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [{ in: ['text', 'email', 'textarea'] }], disabled: false, omitted: false }) formfield.changeEditorInterface('title', 'singleLine') formfield.changeEditorInterface('inputType', 'radio') formfield.changeEditorInterface('internalTitle', 'singleLine') } as MigrationFunction