module Bond # A mission which completes arguments for any module/class method that isn't an operator method. # To create this mission or OperatorMethodMission, :method or :methods must be passed to Bond.complete. # A completion for a given module/class effects any object that has it as an ancestor. If an object # has two ancestors that have completions for the same method, the ancestor closer to the object is # picked. For example, if Array#collect and Enumerable#collect have completions, argument completion on # '[].collect ' would use Array#collect. #-- # Unlike other missions, creating these missions with Bond.complete doesn't add more completion rules # for an Agent to look through. Instead, all :method(s) completions are handled by one MethodMission # object which looks them up with its own hashes. In the same way, all operator methods are # handled by one OperatorMethodMission object. #++ # ==== Bond.complete Options: # [*:method*] String representing an instance (Class#method) or class method (Class.method). Gets # its class from :class or from substring prefixing '#' or '.'. If no class is given, # 'Kernel#' is assumed. # [*:methods*] Array of instance and/or class methods in the format of :method. # [*:class*] Optional string representing module/class of :method(s). Must end in '#' or '.' to # indicate instance/class method. Suggested for use with :methods. # [*:action*] If a string, value is assumed to be a :method and that method's action is copied. # Otherwise defaults to normal :action behavior. # [*:search*] If :action is a :method string, defaults to copying its search. # Otherwise defaults to normal :search behavior. # [*:name*, *:place*] These options aren't supported by a MethodMission/OperatorMethodMission completion. # ==== Examples: # Bond.complete(:methods=>%w{delete index rindex}, :class=>"Array#") {|e| e.object } # Bond.complete(:method=>"Hash#index") {|e| e.object.values } # # ==== Argument Format # All method arguments can autocomplete as symbols or strings and the first argument can be prefixed # with '(': # >> Bond.complete(:method=>'example') { %w{some example eh} } # => true # >> example '[TAB] # eh example some # >> example :[TAB] # :eh :example :some # # >> example("[TAB] # eh example some # # ==== Multiple Arguments # Every time a comma appears after a method, Bond starts a new completion. This allows a method to # complete multiple arguments as well as complete keys for a hash. *Each* argument can be have a unique # set of completions since a completion action is aware of what argument it is currently completing: # >> Bond.complete(:method=>'FileUtils.chown') {|e| # e.argument > 3 ? %w{noop verbose} : %w{root admin me} } # => true # >> FileUtils.chown 'r[TAB] # >> FileUtils.chown 'root' # >> FileUtils.chown 'root', 'a[TAB] # >> FileUtils.chown 'root', 'admin' # >> FileUtils.chown 'root', 'admin', 'some_file', :v[TAB] # >> FileUtils.chown 'root', 'admin', 'some_file', :verbose # >> FileUtils.chown 'root', 'admin', 'some_file', :verbose=>true class MethodMission < Bond::Mission class<<self # Hash of instance method completions which maps methods to hashes of modules to arrays ([action, search]) attr_accessor :actions # Same as :actions but for class methods attr_accessor :class_actions # Stores last search result from MethodMission.find attr_accessor :last_find # Stores class from last search in MethodMission.find attr_accessor :last_class # Creates a method action given the same options as Bond.complete def create(options) if options[:action].is_a?(String) klass, klass_meth = split_method(options[:action]) if (arr = (current_actions(options[:action])[klass_meth] || {})[klass]) options[:action], options[:search] = [arr[0], options[:search] || arr[1]] else raise InvalidMissionError, "string :action" end end raise InvalidMissionError, "array :method" if options[:method].is_a?(Array) meths = options[:methods] || Array(options[:method]) raise InvalidMissionError, "non-string :method(s)" unless meths.all? {|e| e.is_a?(String) } if options[:class].is_a?(String) options[:class] << '#' unless options[:class][/[#.]$/]! {|e| options[:class] + e } end meths.each {|meth| klass, klass_meth = split_method(meth) (current_actions(meth)[klass_meth] ||= {})[klass] = [options[:action], options[:search]].compact } nil end # Resets all instance and class method actions. def reset @actions = {} @class_actions = {} end def action_methods #:nodoc: (actions.keys + class_actions.keys).uniq end # Lists all methods that have argument completions. def all_methods ( {|m,h| {|k,v| "#{k}.#{m}" } } + {|m,h| {|k,v| "#{k}##{m}" } }).flatten.sort end def current_actions(meth) #:nodoc: meth.include?('.') ? @class_actions : @actions end def split_method(meth) #:nodoc: meth = "Kernel##{meth}" if !meth.to_s[/[.#]/] meth.split(/[.#]/,2) end # Returns the first completion by looking up the object's ancestors and finding the closest # one that has a completion definition for the given method. Completion is returned # as an array containing action proc and optional search to go with it. def find(obj, meth) last_find = find_with(obj, meth, :<=, @class_actions) if obj.is_a?(Module) last_find = find_with(obj, meth, :is_a?, @actions) unless last_find @last_class = last_find.is_a?(Array) ? last_find[0] : nil @last_find = last_find ? last_find[1] : last_find end def find_with(obj, meth, find_meth, actions) #:nodoc: (actions[meth] || {}).select {|k,v| get_class(k) }. sort {|a,b| get_class(a[0]) <=> get_class(b[0]) || -1 }. find {|k,v| obj.send(find_meth, get_class(k)) } end def get_class(klass) #:nodoc: (@klasses ||= {})[klass] ||= any_const_get(klass) end # Returns a constant like Module#const_get no matter what namespace it's nested in. # Returns nil if the constant is not found. def any_const_get(name) return name if name.is_a?(Module) klass = Object name.split('::').each {|e| klass = klass.const_get(e) } klass rescue nil end end self.reset OBJECTS = Mission::OBJECTS + %w{\S*?} CONDITION = %q{(OBJECTS)\.?(METHODS)(?:\s+|\()(['":])?(.*)$} #:stopdoc: def do_match(input) (@on = default_on) && super && eval_object(@matched[1] ? @matched[1] : 'self') && MethodMission.find(@evaled_object, @meth = matched_method) end def default_on condition_with_objects.sub('METHODS',Regexp.union(*current_methods).to_s) end def current_methods self.class.action_methods - OPERATORS end def default_action MethodMission.last_find[0] end def matched_method @matched[2] end def set_action_and_search @action = default_action @search = MethodMission.last_find[1] || Search.default_search end def after_match(input) set_action_and_search @completion_prefix, typed = @matched[3], @matched[-1] input_options = {:object=>@evaled_object, :argument=>1+typed.count(','), :arguments=>(@completion_prefix.to_s+typed).split(/\s*,\s*/) } if typed.to_s.include?(',') && (match = typed.match(/(.*?\s*)([^,]*)$/)) typed = match[2] typed.sub!(/^(['":])/,'') @completion_prefix = typed.empty? ? '' : "#{@matched[3]}#{match[1]}#{$1}" end create_input typed, input_options end def match_message "Matches completion for method '#{@meth}' in '#{MethodMission.last_class}'." end #:startdoc: end end