class Env require 'win32/registry' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ def self.exit_if_env_not_set_up exit_unless_jdk_is_available exit_unless_android_sdk_is_available end def self.exit_unless_android_sdk_is_available if android_home_path log "Android SDK found at: #{android_home_path}" return end puts "Could not find an Android SDK please make sure it is installed." puts "You can read about how Calabash-Android is searching for an Android SDK and how you can help here:" puts "" exit 1 end def self.keytool_path find_executable_on_path(keytool_executable) || "\"#{jdk_path}/bin/#{keytool_executable}\"" end def self.exit_unless_jdk_is_available jdk = jdk_path if find_executable_on_path(keytool_executable) || jdk log "JDK found on PATH." if find_executable_on_path(keytool_executable) log "JDK found at: #{jdk}" if jdk return end puts "Could not find Java Development Kit please make sure it is installed." puts "You can read about how Calabash-Android is searching for a JDK and how you can help here:" puts "" exit 1 end def self.jarsigner_path find_executable_on_path(jarsigner_executable) || "\"#{jdk_path}/bin/#{jarsigner_executable}\"" end def self.jdk_path path_if_jdk(ENV['JAVA_HOME']) || if is_windows? path_if_jdk(read_registry(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\\1.7', 'JavaHome')) || path_if_jdk(read_registry(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\\1.6', 'JavaHome')) else path_if_android_home(read_attribute_from_monodroid_config('java-sdk', 'path')) end end def self.android_home_path path_if_android_home(ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]) || if is_windows? path_if_android_home(read_registry(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Android SDK Tools', 'Path')) || path_if_android_home("C:\\Android\\android-sdk") else path_if_android_home(read_attribute_from_monodroid_config('android-sdk', 'path')) end end def self.find_executable_on_path(executable) path_elements.each do |x| f = File.join(x, executable) return "\"#{f}\"" if File.exists?(f) end nil end def self.path_if_jdk(path) path if path && File.exists?(File.join(path, 'bin', jarsigner_executable)) end def self.jarsigner_executable is_windows? ? 'jarsigner.exe' : 'jarsigner' end def self.keytool_executable is_windows? ? 'keytool.exe' : 'keytool' end def self.adb_executable is_windows? ? 'adb.exe' : 'adb' end def self.ant_path is_windows? ? "ant.bat" : "ant" end def self.is_windows? (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/) end def self.tools_dir Dir.chdir(android_home_path) do dirs = Dir["build-tools/*"] + Dir["platform-tools"] raise "Could not find tools directory in #{android_home_path}" if dirs.empty? File.expand_path(dirs.first) end end def self.adb_path %Q("#{android_home_path}/platform-tools/#{adb_executable}") end def self.path_if_android_home(path) path if path && File.exists?(File.join(path, 'platform-tools', adb_executable)) end def self.path_elements return [] unless ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'].split (/[:;]/) end def self.read_attribute_from_monodroid_config(element, attribute) monodroid_config_file = File.expand_path("~/.config/xbuild/monodroid-config.xml") if File.exists?(monodroid_config_file) require 'rexml/document' begin return["//#{element}"].attributes[attribute] rescue end end end def self.android_platform_path Dir.chdir(android_home_path) do platforms = Dir["platforms/android-*"].sort_by { |item| '%08s' % item.split('-').last } raise "No Android SDK found in #{android_home_path}/platforms/" if platforms.empty? File.expand_path(platforms.last) end end def self.read_registry(root_key, key, value) begin[value] rescue nil end end end