require_relative '../../lib/config/runlist' require_relative '../../lib/config/config' require_relative '../../nutella_lib/framework_core' require_relative '../../lib/commands/util/components_list' require 'nutella_lib' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'uri' require 'json' # Initialize this bot as framework component nutella.f.init(Nutella.config['broker'], 'room_places_bot') # Buffer object that caches all the updates class RoomPlacesCachePublish @@cache_list = {} def initialize(app_id, run_id) @app_id = app_id @run_id = run_id @resource_updated = {} @resource_added = [] @resource_removed = [] @resource_entered = {} @resource_exited = {} # Semaphores for threads safety @s1 = @s2 = @s3 = @s4 = @s5 = @s6 = @s7 = @s8 = @s9 = @s10 = end def resources_update(resources) @s1.synchronize { resources.each do |resource| @resource_updated[resource['rid']] = resource end } end def resources_add(resources) @s2.synchronize { @resource_added += resources } end def resources_remove(resources) @s3.synchronize { @resource_removed += resources } end def resources_enter(resources, baseStationRid) @s4.synchronize { if @resource_entered[baseStationRid] == nil @resource_entered[baseStationRid] = [] end @resource_entered[baseStationRid] += resources } end def resources_exit(resources, baseStationRid) @s5.synchronize { if @resource_exited[baseStationRid] == nil @resource_exited[baseStationRid] = [] end @resource_exited[baseStationRid] += resources } end def publish_update() @s6.synchronize { if @resource_updated.length > 0, @run_id, 'location/resources/updated', {:resources => @resource_updated.values}) @resource_updated = {} end } end def publish_add() @s7.synchronize { if @resource_added.length > 0, @run_id, 'location/resources/added', {:resources => @resource_added}) @resource_added = [] end } end def publish_remove() @s8.synchronize { if @resource_removed.length > 0, @run_id, 'location/resources/removed', {:resources => @resource_removed}) @resource_removed = [] end } end def publish_enter() @s9.synchronize { @resource_entered.each do |baseStationRid, resources|, @run_id, "location/resource/static/#{baseStationRid}/enter", {'resources' => resources}) end @resource_entered = {} } end def publish_exit() @s10.synchronize { @resource_exited.each do |baseStationRid, resources|, @run_id, "location/resource/static/#{baseStationRid}/exit", {'resources' => resources}) end @resource_exited = {} } end def self.get_cache(app_id, run_id) unless @@cache_list.has_key? [app_id, run_id] @@cache_list[[app_id, run_id]] =, run_id) end @@cache_list[[app_id, run_id]] end end puts 'Room places initialization' # Open the resources database #$resources = nutella.f.persist.get_mongo_object_store('resources') #$groups = nutella.f.persist.get_mongo_object_store('groups') #$room = nutella.f.persist.get_mongo_object_store('room') #$discrete_tracking = nutella.f.persist.get_mongo_object_store('discrete_tracking') # Create new resource'location/resource/add', lambda do |message, app_id, run_id, from| # Persistent data resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) rid = message['rid'] type = message['type'] model = message['model'] proximity_range = message['proximity_range'] if proximity_range == nil proximity_range = 0 end if rid != nil && type != nil && model != nil if resources[rid] == nil if type == 'STATIC' resources[rid]={:rid => rid, :type => type, :model => model, :proximity_range => proximity_range, :parameters => {} }; elsif type == 'DYNAMIC' resources[rid]={:rid => rid, :type => type, :model => model, :parameters => {} } end publishResourceAdd(app_id, run_id, resources[rid]) cache.publish_add puts('Added resource') end end end) # Remove resource'location/resource/remove', lambda do |message, app_id, run_id, from| # Persistent data resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) rid = message['rid'] if rid != nil resourceCopy = resources[rid] resources.delete(rid) publishResourceRemove(app_id, run_id, resourceCopy) cache.publish_remove puts('Removed resource') end end) # Update the location of the resources'location/resource/update', lambda do |message, app_id, run_id, from| # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) updateResource(app_id, run_id, message) cache.publish_update(app_id, run_id) cache.publish_exit(app_id, run_id) cache.publish_enter(app_id, run_id) end) # Update the location of the resources'location/resources/update', lambda do |message, app_id, run_id, from| # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) resources = message['resources'] if resources != nil resources.each do |resource| updateResource(app_id, run_id, resource) end end cache.publish_update cache.publish_exit cache.publish_enter end) def updateResource(app_id, run_id, updatedResource) # Persistent data resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') room = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'room') discrete_tracking = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'discrete_tracking') rid = updatedResource['rid'] type = updatedResource['type'] proximity = updatedResource['proximity'] discrete = updatedResource['discrete'] continuous = updatedResource['continuous'] parameters = updatedResource['parameters'] proximity_range = updatedResource['proximity_range'] resource = nil # Retrieve $room data r = {} if room['x'] == nil || room['y'] == nil r['x'] = 10 r['y'] = 7 else r['x'] = room['x'] r['y'] = room['y'] end if room['z'] != nil r['z'] = room['z'] end resource = resources[rid] if resource == nil return end if proximity != nil && proximity['rid'] != nil && proximity['distance'] != nil baseStation = resources[proximity['rid']] if baseStation != nil if baseStation['proximity_range'] >= proximity['distance'] if resource['proximity'] != nil && resource['proximity']['rid'] && resource['proximity']['distance'] oldBaseStationRid = resource['proximity']['rid'] if resource['proximity']['rid'] != proximity['rid'] resource['proximity'] = proximity resource['proximity']['timestamp'] = publishResourceExit(app_id, run_id, resource, oldBaseStationRid) publishResourceEnter(app_id, run_id, resource, resource['proximity']['rid']) else resource['proximity'] = proximity resource['proximity']['timestamp'] = end computeResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, oldBaseStationRid) else resource['proximity'] = proximity resource['proximity']['timestamp'] = publishResourceEnter(app_id, run_id, resource, resource['proximity']['rid']) end end end elsif proximity == nil resource.delete('proximity') else resource['proximity'] = {} end if continuous != nil if continuous['x'] > r['x'] continuous['x'] = r['x'] end if continuous['x'] < 0 continuous['x'] = 0 end if continuous['y'] > r['y'] continuous['y'] = r['y'] end if continuous['y'] < 0 continuous['y'] = 0 end resource['continuous'] = continuous else if resource != nil && resource['continuous'] != nil resource.delete('continuous'); end end if discrete_tracking['x'] != nil if discrete != nil # Translate all coordinates in numbers if discrete['x'].instance_of? String discrete['x'] = discrete['x'].downcase.ord - 'a'.ord end if discrete['y'].instance_of? String discrete['y'] = discrete['y'].downcase.ord - 'a'.ord end if discrete['x'] > discrete_tracking['n_x'] - 1 discrete['x'] = discrete_tracking['n_x'] - 1 end if discrete['x'] < 0 discrete['x'] = 0 end if discrete['y'] > discrete_tracking['n_y'] - 1 discrete['y'] = discrete_tracking['n_y'] - 1 end if discrete['y'] < 0 discrete['y'] = 0 end resource['discrete'] = discrete else if resource != nil && resource['discrete'] != nil resource.delete('discrete'); end end end if parameters != nil ps = resource['parameters'] for parameter in parameters if parameter['delete'] != nil ps.delete(parameter['key']) else puts "--------" puts parameter['key'] puts parameter['value'] ps[parameter['key']] = parameter['value'] end end resource['parameters'] = ps end if type != nil puts 'Update type' if type == 'STATIC' resource['type'] = type resource.delete('proximity') if proximity_range == nil resource['proximity_range'] = 1; end end if type == 'DYNAMIC' resource['type'] = type resource.delete('proximity_range') end puts 'Stored resource' end if proximity_range != nil puts 'Update proximity range' if resource['type'] == 'STATIC' resource['proximity_range'] = proximity_range end puts 'Stored resource' end if proximity == nil && discrete == nil && continuous == nil && parameters == nil resource.delete('proximity') resource.delete('continuous') resource.delete('discrete') puts 'Stored resource' end resources[rid]=resource computeResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, rid) end # Request the position of a single resource'location/resources', lambda do |request, app_id, run_id, from| # Persistent data resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') groups = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'groups') puts 'Send list of resources' rid = request['rid'] group = request['group'] reply = nil if rid != nil reply = resources[rid] reply elsif group != nil rs = [] reply = [] for resource in groups[group]['resources'] rs.push(resource) end for r in rs resource = resources[resource] # Translate discrete coordinate if resource['discrete'] != nil resource['discrete'] = translateDiscreteCoordinates(resource['discrete']) end reply.push(resource) end {:resources => reply} else resourceList = [] resources.to_h.each do |_, resource| # Translate discrete coordinate if resource['discrete'] != nil resource['discrete'] = translateDiscreteCoordinates(resource['discrete']) end resourceList.push(resource) end {:resources => resourceList} end end) # Update the room size'location/room/update', lambda do |message, app_id, run_id, from| # Persistent data room = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'room') x = message['x'] y = message['y'] if x != nil && y != nil r = {} room['x'] = x r['x'] = x room['y'] = y r['y'] = y publishRoomUpdate(app_id, run_id, r) puts 'Room updated' end end) # Compute and publish resource def computeResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, rid) resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') resource = resources[rid] if resource != nil if resource['proximity'] != nil puts 'Proximity resource detected: take coordinates base station' if resource['proximity']['rid'] != nil puts 'Search for base station ' + resource['proximity']['rid'] baseStation = resources[resource['proximity']['rid']] if baseStation != nil && baseStation['continuous'] != nil puts 'Copy continuous position base station' resource['proximity']['continuous'] = baseStation['continuous'] # Update basic station computeResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, resource['proximity']['rid']) else puts 'Continuous position not present' end if baseStation != nil && baseStation['discrete'] != nil puts 'Copy discrete position base station' resource['proximity']['discrete'] = baseStation['discrete'] else puts 'Discrete position not present' end end end resources[rid] = resource =begin if resource['continuous'] != nil counter = 0 # Number of proximity beacons tracked from this station for r in $resources.keys() resource2 = $resources[r] if resource2['proximity'] != nil && resource2['proximity']['rid'] == resource['rid'] counter += 1 resource2['proximity']['continuous'] = resource['continuous'] $resources[r] = resource2 publishResourceUpdate(resource2) end end puts counter resource['number_resources'] = counter end =end # Translate discrete coordinate if resource['discrete'] != nil resource['discrete'] = translateDiscreteCoordinates(resource['discrete']) end # Send update publishResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, resource) puts 'Sent update' end end def translateDiscreteCoordinates(discrete) discrete_tracking = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'discrete_tracking') if discrete != nil && discrete_tracking['t_x'] != nil && discrete_tracking['t_y'] != nil if discrete_tracking['t_x'] == 'LETTER' discrete['x'] = (discrete['x'] + 'a'.ord).chr end if discrete_tracking['t_y'] == 'LETTER' discrete['y'] = (discrete['y'] + 'a'.ord).chr end end discrete end # Update the room size'location/tracking/discrete/update', lambda do |message, app_id, run_id, from| discrete_tracking = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'discrete_tracking') tracking = message['tracking'] if tracking != nil x = tracking['x'] y = tracking['y'] width = tracking['width'] height = tracking['height'] n_x = tracking['n_x'] n_y = tracking['n_y'] t_x = tracking['t_x'] t_y = tracking['t_y'] if x != nil && y != nil && width != nil && height != nil && n_x != nil && n_y != nil && t_x != nil && t_y != nil discrete_tracking['x'] = x discrete_tracking['y'] = y discrete_tracking['width'] = width discrete_tracking['height'] = height discrete_tracking['n_x'] = n_x discrete_tracking['n_y'] = n_y discrete_tracking['t_x'] = t_x discrete_tracking['t_y'] = t_y else discrete_tracking['x'] = nil discrete_tracking['y'] = nil discrete_tracking['width'] = nil discrete_tracking['height'] = nil discrete_tracking['n_x'] = nil discrete_tracking['n_y'] = nil discrete_tracking['t_x'] = nil discrete_tracking['t_y'] = nil end publishDiscreteUpdate(app_id, run_id) end end) # Publish an added resource def publishResourceAdd(app_id, run_id, resource) # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) cache.resources_add([resource])'location/resources/added', {:resources => [resource]}) end # Publish a removed resource def publishResourceRemove(app_id, run_id, resource) # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) cache.resources_remove([resource])'location/resources/removed', {:resources => [resource]}) end # Publish an updated resource def publishResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, resource) # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) cache.resources_update([resource])'location/resources/updated', {:resources => [resource]}) end # Publish an updated room def publishRoomUpdate(app_id, run_id, room), run_id, 'location/room/updated', room) end # Publish resources enter base station proximity area def publishResourcesEnter(app_id, run_id, resources, baseStationRid) # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) cache.resources_enter(resources, baseStationRid) end # Publish resources exit base station proximity area def publishResourcesExit(app_id, run_id, resources, baseStationRid) # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) cache.resources_exit(resources, baseStationRid) end # Publish resource enter base station proximity area def publishResourceEnter(app_id, run_id, resource, baseStationRid) publishResourcesEnter(app_id, run_id, [resource], baseStationRid) end # Publish resource enter base station proximity area def publishResourceExit(app_id, run_id, resource, baseStationRid) publishResourcesExit(app_id, run_id, [resource], baseStationRid) end # Publish tracking system update def publishDiscreteUpdate(app_id, run_id) resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') discrete_tracking = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'discrete_tracking') x = discrete_tracking['x'] y = discrete_tracking['y'] width = discrete_tracking['width'] height = discrete_tracking['height'] n_x = discrete_tracking['n_x'] n_y = discrete_tracking['n_y'] t_x = discrete_tracking['t_x'] t_y = discrete_tracking['t_y'] if x != nil && y != nil && width != nil && height != nil && n_x != nil && n_y != nil && t_x != nil && t_y != nil message = { :x => x, :y => y, :width => width, :height => height, :n_x => n_x, :n_y => n_y, :t_x => t_x, :t_y => t_y }, run_id, 'location/tracking/discrete/updated', {:tracking => message}) # Update all the discrete resources resources.to_h.each do |_, resource| resource = resources[resource] if resource['discrete'] != nil computeResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, resource) end end else, run_id, 'location/tracking/discrete/updated', {:tracking => {}}) end end # Request the size of the room'location/room', lambda do |request, app_id, run_id, from| room = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'room') puts 'Send the room dimension' r = {} if room['x'] == nil || room['y'] == nil r['x'] = 10 r['y'] = 7 else r['x'] = room['x'] r['y'] = room['y'] end if room['z'] != nil r['z'] = room['z'] end r end) # Request discrete tracking system'location/tracking/discrete', lambda do |request, app_id, run_id, from| discrete_tracking = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'discrete_tracking') puts 'Send the discrete tracking system' x = discrete_tracking['x'] y = discrete_tracking['y'] width = discrete_tracking['width'] height = discrete_tracking['height'] n_x = discrete_tracking['n_x'] n_y = discrete_tracking['n_y'] t_x = discrete_tracking['t_x'] t_y = discrete_tracking['t_y'] if x != nil && y != nil && width != nil && height != nil && n_x != nil && n_y != nil && t_x != nil && t_y != nil tracking = { :x => x, :y => y, :width => width, :height => height, :n_x => n_x, :n_y => n_y, :t_x => t_x, :t_y => t_y } {:tracking => tracking} else {:tracking => {}} end end) puts 'Initialization completed' # Routine that delete old proximity beacons while sleep 0.5 Nutella.runlist.all_apps.each do |app_id| Nutella.runlist.runs_for_app(app_id).each do |run_id| baseStations = [] resources = nutella.f.persist.get_run_mongo_object_store(app_id, run_id, 'resources') resources.to_h.each do |_, resource| if resource['proximity'] != nil && resource['proximity']['timestamp'] != nil if - resource['proximity']['timestamp'] > 3.0 if resource['proximity']['rid'] != nil baseStations.push(resource['proximity']['rid']) publishResourceExit(app_id, run_id, resource, resource['proximity']['rid']) end resource['proximity'] = {} resources[resource['rid']] = resource puts 'Delete proximity resource' publishResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, resource) end end end # Update the counters of the base stations for baseStation in baseStations computeResourceUpdate(app_id, run_id, baseStation) end # Cache cache = RoomPlacesCachePublish.get_cache(app_id, run_id) cache.publish_update cache.publish_exit cache.publish_enter end end end # Just sit there waiting for messages to come