require 'readline' require 'pp' module Graphed class Looper #Processing commands with regex def self.execute_command(command, image) case command when /^I (\d+) (\d+)/ m = $1.to_i n = $2.to_i image =, n) when /^help/ help else unless image[0].nil? #Following commands valid only if object is created. case command when /^C/ image =, image.rows) when /^L (\d+) (\d+) (.+$)/ x = $1.to_i y = $2.to_i c = $3 image.valid_on?(x,y) ? image.L(x, y, c) : puts("Sorry, wrong parameters.") when /^V (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (.+$)/ x = $1.to_i y1 = $2.to_i y2 = $3.to_i c = $4 (y1<=y2) && image.valid_on?(x, y1) && image.valid_on?(x, y2) ? image.V(x, y1, y2, c) : puts("Sorry, wrong parameters.") when /^H (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (.+$)/ x1 = $1.to_i x2 = $2.to_i y = $3.to_i c = $4 (x1<=x2) && image.valid_on?(x1, y) && image.valid_on?(x2,y) ? image.H(x1, x2, y, c) : puts("Sorry, wrong parameters.") when /^F (\d+) (\d+) (.+$)/ x = $1.to_i y = $2.to_i c = $3 image.valid_on?(x, y) ? image.F(x, y, c) : puts("Sorry, wrong parameters.") when /^S/ image.S else puts "Sorry, try again. Type 'help' to see all commands." end else puts "Tip: create an image first with 'I'. Example: I 9 7" end end image rescue puts "Exception: Sorry, something happened, please try again." return image end #Help message and instruction def print <<-EOF This program simulates a simple interactive graphical editor. Available commands: I M N Create a new MxN image with all pixels coloured white(O). C Clears the table, setting all pixels to white (O). L X Y C Colours the pixel (X,Y) with colour C. V X Y1 Y2 C Draw a vertical segment of colour C in column X between rows Y1 and Y2 (inclusive). H X1 X2 Y C Draw a horizontal segment of colour C in row Y between columns X1 and X2 (inclusive). F X Y C Fill the region R with the colour C. R is defined as: Pixel (X,Y) belongs to R. Any other pixel which is the same colour as (X,Y) and shares a common side with any pixel in R also belongs to this region. S Show the contents of the current image X Terminate the session help Show this help EOF end #Good for debugging def self.automata(image) image = execute_command('I 15 10', image) image = execute_command('V 3 3 9 x', image) image = execute_command('V 7 3 9 x', image) image = execute_command('H 3 7 3 x', image) image = execute_command('H 3 7 7 x', image) image = execute_command('S', image) end #Main entry point def self.main help #Show help message image = [] #image = automata(image) loop do line = Readline::readline('GraphEd> ') exit if line.nil? || line == 'X' Readline::HISTORY.push(line) image = execute_command(line, image) end end end end