import { dict, EMPTY_ARRAY, unreachable, Stack, assign } from '@glimmer/util'; import { Register } from '@glimmer/vm'; import { Ops } from '@glimmer/wire-format'; import { InstructionEncoder } from '@glimmer/encoder'; import { Program, LazyConstants } from '@glimmer/program'; const PLACEHOLDER_HANDLE = -1; var Ops$1; (function (Ops$$1) { Ops$$1[Ops$$1["OpenComponentElement"] = 0] = "OpenComponentElement"; Ops$$1[Ops$$1["DidCreateElement"] = 1] = "DidCreateElement"; Ops$$1[Ops$$1["SetComponentAttrs"] = 2] = "SetComponentAttrs"; Ops$$1[Ops$$1["DidRenderLayout"] = 3] = "DidRenderLayout"; Ops$$1[Ops$$1["Debugger"] = 4] = "Debugger"; })(Ops$1 || (Ops$1 = {})); var Ops$2 = Ops; const ATTRS_BLOCK = '&attrs'; class Compilers { constructor(offset = 0) { this.offset = offset; this.names = dict(); this.funcs = []; } add(name, func) { this.funcs.push(func); this.names[name] = this.funcs.length - 1; } compile(sexp, builder) { let name = sexp[this.offset]; let index = this.names[name]; let func = this.funcs[index]; func(sexp, builder); } } let _statementCompiler; function statementCompiler() { if (_statementCompiler) { return _statementCompiler; } const STATEMENTS = _statementCompiler = new Compilers(); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Text, (sexp, builder) => { builder.text(sexp[1]); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Comment, (sexp, builder) => { builder.comment(sexp[1]); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.CloseElement, (_sexp, builder) => { builder.closeElement(); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.FlushElement, (_sexp, builder) => { builder.flushElement(); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Modifier, (sexp, builder) => { let { referrer } = builder; let [, name, params, hash] = sexp; let handle = builder.compiler.resolveModifier(name, referrer); if (handle !== null) { builder.modifier(handle, params, hash); } else { throw new Error(`Compile Error ${name} is not a modifier: Helpers may not be used in the element form.`); } }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.StaticAttr, (sexp, builder) => { let [, name, value, namespace] = sexp; builder.staticAttr(name, namespace, value); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.DynamicAttr, (sexp, builder) => { dynamicAttr(sexp, false, builder); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.TrustingAttr, (sexp, builder) => { dynamicAttr(sexp, true, builder); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.OpenElement, (sexp, builder) => { builder.openPrimitiveElement(sexp[1]); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.OpenSplattedElement, (sexp, builder) => { builder.setComponentAttrs(true); builder.putComponentOperations(); builder.openPrimitiveElement(sexp[1]); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.DynamicComponent, (sexp, builder) => { let [, definition, attrs, args, template] = sexp; let block = builder.template(template); let attrsBlock = null; if (attrs.length > 0) { let wrappedAttrs = [[Ops$2.ClientSideStatement, Ops$1.SetComponentAttrs, true], ...attrs, [Ops$2.ClientSideStatement, Ops$1.SetComponentAttrs, false]]; attrsBlock = builder.inlineBlock({ statements: wrappedAttrs, parameters: EMPTY_ARRAY }); } builder.dynamicComponent(definition, attrsBlock, null, args, false, block, null); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Component, (sexp, builder) => { let [, tag, _attrs, args, block] = sexp; let { referrer } = builder; let { handle, capabilities, compilable } = builder.compiler.resolveLayoutForTag(tag, referrer); if (handle !== null && capabilities !== null) { let attrs = [[Ops$2.ClientSideStatement, Ops$1.SetComponentAttrs, true], ..._attrs, [Ops$2.ClientSideStatement, Ops$1.SetComponentAttrs, false]]; let attrsBlock = builder.inlineBlock({ statements: attrs, parameters: EMPTY_ARRAY }); let child = builder.template(block); if (compilable) { builder.pushComponentDefinition(handle); builder.invokeStaticComponent(capabilities, compilable, attrsBlock, null, args, false, child && child); } else { builder.pushComponentDefinition(handle); builder.invokeComponent(capabilities, attrsBlock, null, args, false, child && child); } } else { throw new Error(`Compile Error: Cannot find component ${tag}`); } }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Partial, (sexp, builder) => { let [, name, evalInfo] = sexp; let { referrer } = builder; builder.replayableIf({ args() { builder.expr(name); builder.dup(); return 2; }, ifTrue() { builder.invokePartial(referrer, builder.evalSymbols(), evalInfo); builder.popScope(); builder.popFrame(); // FIXME: WAT } }); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Yield, (sexp, builder) => { let [, to, params] = sexp; builder.yield(to, params); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.AttrSplat, (sexp, builder) => { let [, to] = sexp; builder.yield(to, []); builder.setComponentAttrs(false); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Debugger, (sexp, builder) => { let [, evalInfo] = sexp; builder.debugger(builder.evalSymbols(), evalInfo); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.ClientSideStatement, (sexp, builder) => { CLIENT_SIDE.compile(sexp, builder); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Append, (sexp, builder) => { let [, value, trusting] = sexp; let returned = builder.compileInline(sexp) || value; if (returned === true) return; builder.guardedAppend(value, trusting); }); STATEMENTS.add(Ops$2.Block, (sexp, builder) => { let [, name, params, hash, _template, _inverse] = sexp; let template = builder.template(_template); let inverse = builder.template(_inverse); let templateBlock = template && template; let inverseBlock = inverse && inverse; builder.compileBlock(name, params, hash, templateBlock, inverseBlock); }); const CLIENT_SIDE = new Compilers(1); CLIENT_SIDE.add(Ops$1.OpenComponentElement, (sexp, builder) => { builder.putComponentOperations(); builder.openPrimitiveElement(sexp[2]); }); CLIENT_SIDE.add(Ops$1.DidCreateElement, (_sexp, builder) => { builder.didCreateElement(Register.s0); }); CLIENT_SIDE.add(Ops$1.SetComponentAttrs, (sexp, builder) => { builder.setComponentAttrs(sexp[2]); }); CLIENT_SIDE.add(Ops$1.Debugger, () => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-debugger debugger; }); CLIENT_SIDE.add(Ops$1.DidRenderLayout, (_sexp, builder) => { builder.didRenderLayout(Register.s0); }); return STATEMENTS; } function dynamicAttr(sexp, trusting, builder) { let [, name, value, namespace] = sexp; builder.expr(value); if (namespace) { builder.dynamicAttr(name, namespace, trusting); } else { builder.dynamicAttr(name, null, trusting); } } let _expressionCompiler; function expressionCompiler() { if (_expressionCompiler) { return _expressionCompiler; } const EXPRESSIONS = _expressionCompiler = new Compilers(); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.Unknown, (sexp, builder) => { let { compiler, referrer, containingLayout: { asPartial } } = builder; let name = sexp[1]; let handle = compiler.resolveHelper(name, referrer); if (handle !== null) { builder.helper(handle, null, null); } else if (asPartial) { builder.resolveMaybeLocal(name); } else { builder.getVariable(0); builder.getProperty(name); } }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.Concat, (sexp, builder) => { let parts = sexp[1]; for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { builder.expr(parts[i]); } builder.concat(parts.length); }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.Helper, (sexp, builder) => { let { compiler, referrer } = builder; let [, name, params, hash] = sexp; // TODO: triage this in the WF compiler if (name === 'component') { let [definition, ...restArgs] = params; builder.curryComponent(definition, restArgs, hash, true); return; } let handle = compiler.resolveHelper(name, referrer); if (handle !== null) { builder.helper(handle, params, hash); } else { throw new Error(`Compile Error: ${name} is not a helper`); } }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.Get, (sexp, builder) => { let [, head, path] = sexp; builder.getVariable(head); for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { builder.getProperty(path[i]); } }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.MaybeLocal, (sexp, builder) => { let [, path] = sexp; if (builder.containingLayout.asPartial) { let head = path[0]; path = path.slice(1); builder.resolveMaybeLocal(head); } else { builder.getVariable(0); } for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { builder.getProperty(path[i]); } }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.Undefined, (_sexp, builder) => { return builder.pushPrimitiveReference(undefined); }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.HasBlock, (sexp, builder) => { builder.hasBlock(sexp[1]); }); EXPRESSIONS.add(Ops$2.HasBlockParams, (sexp, builder) => { builder.hasBlockParams(sexp[1]); }); return EXPRESSIONS; } class Macros { constructor() { let { blocks, inlines } = populateBuiltins(); this.blocks = blocks; this.inlines = inlines; } } class Blocks { constructor() { this.names = dict(); this.funcs = []; } add(name, func) { this.funcs.push(func); this.names[name] = this.funcs.length - 1; } addMissing(func) { this.missing = func; } compile(name, params, hash, template, inverse, builder) { let index = this.names[name]; if (index === undefined) { let func = this.missing; let handled = func(name, params, hash, template, inverse, builder); } else { let func = this.funcs[index]; func(params, hash, template, inverse, builder); } } } class Inlines { constructor() { this.names = dict(); this.funcs = []; } add(name, func) { this.funcs.push(func); this.names[name] = this.funcs.length - 1; } addMissing(func) { this.missing = func; } compile(sexp, builder) { let value = sexp[1]; // TODO: Fix this so that expression macros can return // things like components, so that {{component foo}} // is the same as {{(component foo)}} if (!Array.isArray(value)) return ['expr', value]; let name; let params; let hash; if (value[0] === Ops$2.Helper) { name = value[1]; params = value[2]; hash = value[3]; } else if (value[0] === Ops$2.Unknown) { name = value[1]; params = hash = null; } else { return ['expr', value]; } let index = this.names[name]; if (index === undefined && this.missing) { let func = this.missing; let returned = func(name, params, hash, builder); return returned === false ? ['expr', value] : returned; } else if (index !== undefined) { let func = this.funcs[index]; let returned = func(name, params, hash, builder); return returned === false ? ['expr', value] : returned; } else { return ['expr', value]; } } } function populateBuiltins(blocks = new Blocks(), inlines = new Inlines()) { blocks.add('if', (params, _hash, template, inverse, builder) => { // PutArgs // Test(Environment) // Enter(BEGIN, END) // BEGIN: Noop // JumpUnless(ELSE) // Evaluate(default) // Jump(END) // ELSE: Noop // Evalulate(inverse) // END: Noop // Exit if (!params || params.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`SYNTAX ERROR: #if requires a single argument`); } builder.replayableIf({ args() { builder.expr(params[0]); builder.toBoolean(); return 1; }, ifTrue() { builder.invokeStaticBlock(template); }, ifFalse() { if (inverse) { builder.invokeStaticBlock(inverse); } } }); }); blocks.add('unless', (params, _hash, template, inverse, builder) => { // PutArgs // Test(Environment) // Enter(BEGIN, END) // BEGIN: Noop // JumpUnless(ELSE) // Evaluate(default) // Jump(END) // ELSE: Noop // Evalulate(inverse) // END: Noop // Exit if (!params || params.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`SYNTAX ERROR: #unless requires a single argument`); } builder.replayableIf({ args() { builder.expr(params[0]); builder.toBoolean(); return 1; }, ifTrue() { if (inverse) { builder.invokeStaticBlock(inverse); } }, ifFalse() { builder.invokeStaticBlock(template); } }); }); blocks.add('with', (params, _hash, template, inverse, builder) => { // PutArgs // Test(Environment) // Enter(BEGIN, END) // BEGIN: Noop // JumpUnless(ELSE) // Evaluate(default) // Jump(END) // ELSE: Noop // Evalulate(inverse) // END: Noop // Exit if (!params || params.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`SYNTAX ERROR: #with requires a single argument`); } builder.replayableIf({ args() { builder.expr(params[0]); builder.dup(); builder.toBoolean(); return 2; }, ifTrue() { builder.invokeStaticBlock(template, 1); }, ifFalse() { if (inverse) { builder.invokeStaticBlock(inverse); } } }); }); blocks.add('each', (params, hash, template, inverse, builder) => { // Enter(BEGIN, END) // BEGIN: Noop // PutArgs // PutIterable // JumpUnless(ELSE) // EnterList(BEGIN2, END2) // ITER: Noop // NextIter(BREAK) // BEGIN2: Noop // PushChildScope // Evaluate(default) // PopScope // END2: Noop // Exit // Jump(ITER) // BREAK: Noop // ExitList // Jump(END) // ELSE: Noop // Evalulate(inverse) // END: Noop // Exit builder.replayable({ args() { if (hash && hash[0][0] === 'key') { builder.expr(hash[1][0]); } else { builder.pushPrimitiveReference(null); } builder.expr(params[0]); return 2; }, body() { builder.putIterator(); builder.jumpUnless('ELSE'); builder.pushFrame(); builder.dup(Register.fp, 1); builder.returnTo('ITER'); builder.enterList('BODY'); builder.label('ITER'); builder.iterate('BREAK'); builder.label('BODY'); builder.invokeStaticBlock(template, 2); builder.pop(2); builder.jump('FINALLY'); builder.label('BREAK'); builder.exitList(); builder.popFrame(); builder.jump('FINALLY'); builder.label('ELSE'); if (inverse) { builder.invokeStaticBlock(inverse); } } }); }); blocks.add('in-element', (params, hash, template, _inverse, builder) => { if (!params || params.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`SYNTAX ERROR: #in-element requires a single argument`); } builder.replayableIf({ args() { let [keys, values] = hash; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let key = keys[i]; if (key === 'nextSibling' || key === 'guid') { builder.expr(values[i]); } else { throw new Error(`SYNTAX ERROR: #in-element does not take a \`${keys[0]}\` option`); } } builder.expr(params[0]); builder.dup(); return 4; }, ifTrue() { builder.pushRemoteElement(); builder.invokeStaticBlock(template); builder.popRemoteElement(); } }); }); blocks.add('-with-dynamic-vars', (_params, hash, template, _inverse, builder) => { if (hash) { let [names, expressions] = hash; builder.compileParams(expressions); builder.pushDynamicScope(); builder.bindDynamicScope(names); builder.invokeStaticBlock(template); builder.popDynamicScope(); } else { builder.invokeStaticBlock(template); } }); blocks.add('component', (_params, hash, template, inverse, builder) => { let tag = _params[0]; if (typeof tag === 'string') { let returned = builder.staticComponentHelper(_params[0], hash, template); if (returned) return; } let [definition, ...params] = _params; builder.dynamicComponent(definition, null, params, hash, true, template, inverse); }); inlines.add('component', (_name, _params, hash, builder) => { let tag = _params && _params[0]; if (typeof tag === 'string') { let returned = builder.staticComponentHelper(tag, hash, null); if (returned) return true; } let [definition, ...params] = _params; builder.dynamicComponent(definition, null, params, hash, true, null, null); return true; }); return { blocks, inlines }; } const PLACEHOLDER_HANDLE$1 = -1; class CompilableProgram { constructor(compiler, layout) { this.compiler = compiler; this.layout = layout; this.compiled = null; } get symbolTable() { return this.layout.block; } compile() { if (this.compiled !== null) return this.compiled; this.compiled = PLACEHOLDER_HANDLE$1; let { block: { statements } } = this.layout; return this.compiled = this.compiler.add(statements, this.layout); } } class CompilableBlock { constructor(compiler, parsed) { this.compiler = compiler; this.parsed = parsed; this.compiled = null; } get symbolTable() { return this.parsed.block; } compile() { if (this.compiled !== null) return this.compiled; // Track that compilation has started but not yet finished by temporarily // using a placeholder handle. In eager compilation mode, where compile() // may be called recursively, we use this as a signal that the handle cannot // be known synchronously and must be linked lazily. this.compiled = PLACEHOLDER_HANDLE$1; let { block: { statements }, containingLayout } = this.parsed; return this.compiled = this.compiler.add(statements, containingLayout); } } function compile(statements, builder, compiler) { let sCompiler = statementCompiler(); for (let i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) { sCompiler.compile(statements[i], builder); } let handle = builder.commit(); return handle; } function debugSlice(program, start, end) { } function logOpcode(type, params) { let out = type; if (params) { let args = Object.keys(params).map(p => ` ${p}=${json(params[p])}`).join(''); out += args; } return `(${out})`; } function json(param) { } function debug(pos, c, op, ...operands) { let metadata = null; if (!metadata) { throw unreachable(`Missing Opcode Metadata for ${op}`); } let out = dict(); metadata.ops.forEach((operand, index) => { let op = operands[index]; switch (operand.type) { case 'to': out[] = pos + op; break; case 'i32': case 'symbol': case 'block': out[] = op; break; case 'handle': out[] = c.resolveHandle(op); break; case 'str': out[] = c.getString(op); break; case 'option-str': out[] = op ? c.getString(op) : null; break; case 'str-array': out[] = c.getStringArray(op); break; case 'array': out[] = c.getArray(op); break; case 'bool': out[] = !!op; break; case 'primitive': out[] = decodePrimitive(op, c); break; case 'register': out[] = Register[op]; break; case 'serializable': out[] = c.getSerializable(op); break; case 'lazy-constant': out[] = c.getOther(op); break; } }); return [, out]; } function decodePrimitive(primitive, constants) { let flag = primitive & 7; // 111 let value = primitive >> 3; switch (flag) { case 0 /* NUMBER */: return value; case 1 /* FLOAT */: return constants.getNumber(value); case 2 /* STRING */: return constants.getString(value); case 3 /* BOOLEAN_OR_VOID */: switch (value) { case 0: return false; case 1: return true; case 2: return null; case 3: return undefined; } case 4 /* NEGATIVE */: return constants.getNumber(value); default: throw unreachable(); } } class StdLib { constructor(main, trustingGuardedAppend, cautiousGuardedAppend) { this.main = main; this.trustingGuardedAppend = trustingGuardedAppend; this.cautiousGuardedAppend = cautiousGuardedAppend; } static compile(compiler) { let main = this.std(compiler, b => b.main()); let trustingGuardedAppend = this.std(compiler, b => b.stdAppend(true)); let cautiousGuardedAppend = this.std(compiler, b => b.stdAppend(false)); return new StdLib(main, trustingGuardedAppend, cautiousGuardedAppend); } static std(compiler, callback) { return, callback); } getAppend(trusting) { return trusting ? this.trustingGuardedAppend : this.cautiousGuardedAppend; } } class AbstractCompiler { constructor(macros, program, resolver) { this.macros = macros; this.program = program; this.resolver = resolver; this.initialize(); } initialize() { this.stdLib = StdLib.compile(this); } get constants() { return this.program.constants; } compileInline(sexp, builder) { let { inlines } = this.macros; return inlines.compile(sexp, builder); } compileBlock(name, params, hash, template, inverse, builder) { let { blocks } = this.macros; blocks.compile(name, params, hash, template, inverse, builder); } add(statements, containingLayout) { return compile(statements, this.builderFor(containingLayout), this); } commit(scopeSize, buffer) { let heap = this.program.heap; // TODO: change the whole malloc API and do something more efficient let handle = heap.malloc(); for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { let value = buffer[i]; if (typeof value === 'function') { heap.pushPlaceholder(value); } else { heap.push(value); } } heap.finishMalloc(handle, scopeSize); return handle; } resolveLayoutForTag(tag, referrer) { let { resolver } = this; let handle = resolver.lookupComponentDefinition(tag, referrer); if (handle === null) return { handle: null, capabilities: null, compilable: null }; return this.resolveLayoutForHandle(handle); } resolveLayoutForHandle(handle) { let { resolver } = this; let capabilities = resolver.getCapabilities(handle); let compilable = null; if (!capabilities.dynamicLayout) { compilable = resolver.getLayout(handle); } return { handle, capabilities, compilable }; } resolveModifier(name, referrer) { return this.resolver.lookupModifier(name, referrer); } resolveHelper(name, referrer) { return this.resolver.lookupHelper(name, referrer); } } let debugCompiler; class WrappedBuilder { constructor(compiler, layout) { this.compiler = compiler; this.layout = layout; this.compiled = null; let { block } = layout; let symbols = block.symbols.slice(); // ensure ATTRS_BLOCK is always included (only once) in the list of symbols let attrsBlockIndex = symbols.indexOf(ATTRS_BLOCK); if (attrsBlockIndex === -1) { this.attrsBlockNumber = symbols.push(ATTRS_BLOCK); } else { this.attrsBlockNumber = attrsBlockIndex + 1; } this.symbolTable = { hasEval: block.hasEval, symbols }; } compile() { if (this.compiled !== null) return this.compiled; //========DYNAMIC // PutValue(TagExpr) // Test // JumpUnless(BODY) // PutComponentOperations // OpenDynamicPrimitiveElement // DidCreateElement // ...attr statements... // FlushElement // BODY: Noop // ...body statements... // PutValue(TagExpr) // Test // JumpUnless(END) // CloseElement // END: Noop // DidRenderLayout // Exit // //========STATIC // OpenPrimitiveElementOpcode // DidCreateElement // ...attr statements... // FlushElement // ...body statements... // CloseElement // DidRenderLayout // Exit let { compiler, layout } = this; let b = compiler.builderFor(layout); b.startLabels(); b.fetch(Register.s1); b.getComponentTagName(Register.s0); b.primitiveReference(); b.dup(); b.load(Register.s1); b.jumpUnless('BODY'); b.fetch(Register.s1); b.setComponentAttrs(true); b.putComponentOperations(); b.openDynamicElement(); b.didCreateElement(Register.s0); b.yield(this.attrsBlockNumber, []); b.setComponentAttrs(false); b.flushElement(); b.label('BODY'); b.invokeStaticBlock(blockFor(layout, compiler)); b.fetch(Register.s1); b.jumpUnless('END'); b.closeElement(); b.label('END'); b.load(Register.s1); b.stopLabels(); let handle = b.commit(); return this.compiled = handle; } } function blockFor(layout, compiler) { return new CompilableBlock(compiler, { block: { statements: layout.block.statements, parameters: EMPTY_ARRAY }, containingLayout: layout }); } class ComponentBuilder { constructor(builder) { this.builder = builder; } static(handle, args) { let [params, hash, _default, inverse] = args; let { builder } = this; if (handle !== null) { let { capabilities, compilable } = builder.compiler.resolveLayoutForHandle(handle); if (compilable) { builder.pushComponentDefinition(handle); builder.invokeStaticComponent(capabilities, compilable, null, params, hash, false, _default, inverse); } else { builder.pushComponentDefinition(handle); builder.invokeComponent(capabilities, null, params, hash, false, _default, inverse); } } } } class Labels { constructor() { this.labels = dict(); this.targets = []; } label(name, index) { this.labels[name] = index; } target(at, target) { this.targets.push({ at, target }); } patch(encoder) { let { targets, labels } = this; for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { let { at, target } = targets[i]; let address = labels[target] - at; encoder.patch(at, address); } } } class StdOpcodeBuilder { constructor(compiler, size = 0) { this.size = size; this.encoder = new InstructionEncoder([]); this.labelsStack = new Stack(); this.compiler = compiler; } static build(compiler, callback) { let builder = new StdOpcodeBuilder(compiler); callback(builder); return builder.commit(); } push(name) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return this.encoder.encode(name, 0); case 2: return this.encoder.encode(name, 0, arguments[1]); case 3: return this.encoder.encode(name, 0, arguments[1], arguments[2]); default: return this.encoder.encode(name, 0, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } } pushMachine(name) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return this.encoder.encode(name, 1024 /* MACHINE_MASK */); case 2: return this.encoder.encode(name, 1024 /* MACHINE_MASK */, arguments[1]); case 3: return this.encoder.encode(name, 1024 /* MACHINE_MASK */, arguments[1], arguments[2]); default: return this.encoder.encode(name, 1024 /* MACHINE_MASK */, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } } commit() { this.pushMachine(24 /* Return */); return this.compiler.commit(this.size, this.encoder.buffer); } reserve(name) { this.encoder.encode(name, 0, -1); } reserveWithOperand(name, operand) { this.encoder.encode(name, 0, -1, operand); } reserveMachine(name) { this.encoder.encode(name, 1024 /* MACHINE_MASK */, -1); } /// main() { this.push(68 /* Main */, Register.s0); this.invokePreparedComponent(false, false, true); } appendHTML() { this.push(28 /* AppendHTML */); } appendSafeHTML() { this.push(29 /* AppendSafeHTML */); } appendDocumentFragment() { this.push(30 /* AppendDocumentFragment */); } appendNode() { this.push(31 /* AppendNode */); } appendText() { this.push(32 /* AppendText */); } beginComponentTransaction() { this.push(91 /* BeginComponentTransaction */); } commitComponentTransaction() { this.push(92 /* CommitComponentTransaction */); } pushDynamicScope() { this.push(44 /* PushDynamicScope */); } popDynamicScope() { this.push(45 /* PopDynamicScope */); } pushRemoteElement() { this.push(41 /* PushRemoteElement */); } popRemoteElement() { this.push(42 /* PopRemoteElement */); } pushRootScope(symbols, bindCallerScope) { this.push(20 /* RootScope */, symbols, bindCallerScope ? 1 : 0); } pushVirtualRootScope(register) { this.push(21 /* VirtualRootScope */, register); } pushChildScope() { this.push(22 /* ChildScope */); } popScope() { this.push(23 /* PopScope */); } prepareArgs(state) { this.push(79 /* PrepareArgs */, state); } createComponent(state, hasDefault) { let flag = hasDefault | 0; this.push(81 /* CreateComponent */, flag, state); } registerComponentDestructor(state) { this.push(82 /* RegisterComponentDestructor */, state); } putComponentOperations() { this.push(83 /* PutComponentOperations */); } getComponentSelf(state) { this.push(84 /* GetComponentSelf */, state); } getComponentTagName(state) { this.push(85 /* GetComponentTagName */, state); } getComponentLayout(state) { this.push(86 /* GetComponentLayout */, state); } setupForEval(state) { this.push(87 /* SetupForEval */, state); } invokeComponentLayout(state) { this.push(90 /* InvokeComponentLayout */, state); } didCreateElement(state) { this.push(93 /* DidCreateElement */, state); } didRenderLayout(state) { this.push(94 /* DidRenderLayout */, state); } pushFrame() { this.pushMachine(57 /* PushFrame */); } popFrame() { this.pushMachine(58 /* PopFrame */); } pushSmallFrame() { this.pushMachine(59 /* PushSmallFrame */); } popSmallFrame() { this.pushMachine(60 /* PopSmallFrame */); } invokeVirtual() { this.pushMachine(49 /* InvokeVirtual */); } invokeYield() { this.push(51 /* InvokeYield */); } toBoolean() { this.push(63 /* ToBoolean */); } invokePreparedComponent(hasBlock, bindableBlocks, bindableAtNames, populateLayout = null) { this.beginComponentTransaction(); this.pushDynamicScope(); this.createComponent(Register.s0, hasBlock); // this has to run after createComponent to allow // for late-bound layouts, but a caller is free // to populate the layout earlier if it wants to // and do nothing here. if (populateLayout) populateLayout(); this.registerComponentDestructor(Register.s0); this.getComponentSelf(Register.s0); this.pushVirtualRootScope(Register.s0); this.setVariable(0); this.setupForEval(Register.s0); if (bindableAtNames) this.setNamedVariables(Register.s0); if (bindableBlocks) this.setBlocks(Register.s0); this.pop(); this.invokeComponentLayout(Register.s0); this.didRenderLayout(Register.s0); this.popFrame(); this.popScope(); this.popDynamicScope(); this.commitComponentTransaction(); } get pos() { return this.encoder.typePos; } get nextPos() { return this.encoder.size; } /// compileInline(sexp) { return this.compiler.compileInline(sexp, this); } compileBlock(name, params, hash, template, inverse) { this.compiler.compileBlock(name, params, hash, template, inverse, this); } label(name) { this.labels.label(name, this.nextPos); } // helpers get labels() { return this.labelsStack.current; } startLabels() { this.labelsStack.push(new Labels()); } stopLabels() { let label = this.labelsStack.pop(); label.patch(this.encoder); } // components pushCurriedComponent() { this.push(74 /* PushCurriedComponent */); } pushDynamicComponentInstance() { this.push(73 /* PushDynamicComponentInstance */); } // dom openDynamicElement() { this.push(34 /* OpenDynamicElement */); } flushElement() { this.push(38 /* FlushElement */); } closeElement() { this.push(39 /* CloseElement */); } // lists putIterator() { this.push(66 /* PutIterator */); } enterList(start) { this.reserve(64 /* EnterList */);, start); } exitList() { this.push(65 /* ExitList */); } iterate(breaks) { this.reserve(67 /* Iterate */);, breaks); } // expressions setNamedVariables(state) { this.push(2 /* SetNamedVariables */, state); } setBlocks(state) { this.push(3 /* SetBlocks */, state); } setVariable(symbol) { this.push(4 /* SetVariable */, symbol); } setBlock(symbol) { this.push(5 /* SetBlock */, symbol); } getVariable(symbol) { this.push(6 /* GetVariable */, symbol); } getBlock(symbol) { this.push(8 /* GetBlock */, symbol); } hasBlock(symbol) { this.push(9 /* HasBlock */, symbol); } concat(size) { this.push(11 /* Concat */, size); } load(register) { this.push(18 /* Load */, register); } fetch(register) { this.push(19 /* Fetch */, register); } dup(register = Register.sp, offset = 0) { return this.push(16 /* Dup */, register, offset); } pop(count = 1) { return this.push(17 /* Pop */, count); } // vm returnTo(label) { this.reserveMachine(25 /* ReturnTo */);, label); } primitiveReference() { this.push(14 /* PrimitiveReference */); } reifyU32() { this.push(15 /* ReifyU32 */); } enter(args) { this.push(61 /* Enter */, args); } exit() { this.push(62 /* Exit */); } return() { this.pushMachine(24 /* Return */); } jump(target) { this.reserveMachine(52 /* Jump */);, target); } jumpIf(target) { this.reserve(53 /* JumpIf */);, target); } jumpUnless(target) { this.reserve(54 /* JumpUnless */);, target); } jumpEq(value, target) { this.reserveWithOperand(55 /* JumpEq */, value);, target); } assertSame() { this.push(56 /* AssertSame */); } pushEmptyArgs() { this.push(77 /* PushEmptyArgs */); } switch(_opcode, callback) { // Setup the switch DSL let clauses = []; let count = 0; function when(match, callback) { clauses.push({ match, callback, label: `CLAUSE${count++}` }); } // Call the callback callback(when); // Emit the opcodes for the switch this.enter(2); this.assertSame(); this.reifyU32(); this.startLabels(); // First, emit the jump opcodes. We don't need a jump for the last // opcode, since it bleeds directly into its clause. clauses.slice(0, -1).forEach(clause => this.jumpEq(clause.match, clause.label)); // Enumerate the clauses in reverse order. Earlier matches will // require fewer checks. for (let i = clauses.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let clause = clauses[i]; this.label(clause.label); this.pop(2); clause.callback(); // The first match is special: it is placed directly before the END // label, so no additional jump is needed at the end of it. if (i !== 0) { this.jump('END'); } } this.label('END'); this.stopLabels(); this.exit(); } stdAppend(trusting) { this.switch(this.contentType(), when => { when(1 /* String */, () => { if (trusting) { this.assertSame(); this.appendHTML(); } else { this.appendText(); } }); when(0 /* Component */, () => { this.pushCurriedComponent(); this.pushDynamicComponentInstance(); this.invokeBareComponent(); }); when(3 /* SafeString */, () => { this.assertSame(); this.appendSafeHTML(); }); when(4 /* Fragment */, () => { this.assertSame(); this.appendDocumentFragment(); }); when(5 /* Node */, () => { this.assertSame(); this.appendNode(); }); }); } populateLayout(state) { this.push(89 /* PopulateLayout */, state); } invokeBareComponent() { this.fetch(Register.s0); this.dup(Register.sp, 1); this.load(Register.s0); this.pushFrame(); this.pushEmptyArgs(); this.prepareArgs(Register.s0); this.invokePreparedComponent(false, false, true, () => { this.getComponentLayout(Register.s0); this.populateLayout(Register.s0); }); this.load(Register.s0); } isComponent() { this.push(69 /* IsComponent */); } contentType() { this.push(70 /* ContentType */); } pushBlockScope() { this.push(47 /* PushBlockScope */); } } class OpcodeBuilder extends StdOpcodeBuilder { constructor(compiler, containingLayout) { super(compiler, containingLayout ? containingLayout.block.symbols.length : 0); this.containingLayout = containingLayout; this.component = new ComponentBuilder(this); this.expressionCompiler = expressionCompiler(); this.isComponentAttrs = false; this.constants = compiler.constants; this.stdLib = compiler.stdLib; } /// MECHANICS get referrer() { return this.containingLayout && this.containingLayout.referrer; } setComponentAttrs(enabled) { this.isComponentAttrs = enabled; } expr(expression) { if (Array.isArray(expression)) { this.expressionCompiler.compile(expression, this); } else { this.pushPrimitiveReference(expression); } } /// // args pushArgs(names, flags) { let serialized = this.constants.stringArray(names); this.push(76 /* PushArgs */, serialized, flags); } pushYieldableBlock(block) { this.pushSymbolTable(block && block.symbolTable); this.pushBlockScope(); this.pushBlock(block); } curryComponent(definition, /* TODO: attrs: Option, */params, hash, synthetic) { let referrer = this.containingLayout.referrer; this.pushFrame(); this.compileArgs(params, hash, null, synthetic); this.push(80 /* CaptureArgs */); this.expr(definition); this.push(71 /* CurryComponent */, this.constants.serializable(referrer)); this.popFrame(); this.fetch(Register.v0); } pushSymbolTable(table) { if (table) { let constant = this.constants.serializable(table); this.push(48 /* PushSymbolTable */, constant); } else { this.primitive(null); } } invokeComponent(capabilities, attrs, params, hash, synthetic, block, inverse = null, layout) { this.fetch(Register.s0); this.dup(Register.sp, 1); this.load(Register.s0); this.pushFrame(); let bindableBlocks = !!(block || inverse || attrs); let bindableAtNames = capabilities === true || capabilities.prepareArgs || !!(hash && hash[0].length !== 0); let blocks = { main: block, else: inverse, attrs }; this.compileArgs(params, hash, blocks, synthetic); this.prepareArgs(Register.s0); this.invokePreparedComponent(block !== null, bindableBlocks, bindableAtNames, () => { if (layout) { this.pushSymbolTable(layout.symbolTable); this.pushLayout(layout); this.resolveLayout(); } else { this.getComponentLayout(Register.s0); } this.populateLayout(Register.s0); }); this.load(Register.s0); } invokeStaticComponent(capabilities, layout, attrs, params, hash, synthetic, block, inverse = null) { let { symbolTable } = layout; let bailOut = symbolTable.hasEval || capabilities.prepareArgs; if (bailOut) { this.invokeComponent(capabilities, attrs, params, hash, synthetic, block, inverse, layout); return; } this.fetch(Register.s0); this.dup(Register.sp, 1); this.load(Register.s0); let { symbols } = symbolTable; if (capabilities.createArgs) { this.pushFrame(); this.compileArgs(null, hash, null, synthetic); } this.beginComponentTransaction(); if (capabilities.dynamicScope) { this.pushDynamicScope(); } if (capabilities.createInstance) { this.createComponent(Register.s0, block !== null); } if (capabilities.createArgs) { this.popFrame(); } this.pushFrame(); this.registerComponentDestructor(Register.s0); let bindings = []; this.getComponentSelf(Register.s0); bindings.push({ symbol: 0, isBlock: false }); for (let i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) { let symbol = symbols[i]; switch (symbol.charAt(0)) { case '&': let callerBlock = null; if (symbol === '&default') { callerBlock = block; } else if (symbol === '&inverse') { callerBlock = inverse; } else if (symbol === ATTRS_BLOCK) { callerBlock = attrs; } else { throw unreachable(); } if (callerBlock) { this.pushYieldableBlock(callerBlock); bindings.push({ symbol: i + 1, isBlock: true }); } else { this.pushYieldableBlock(null); bindings.push({ symbol: i + 1, isBlock: true }); } break; case '@': if (!hash) { break; } let [keys, values] = hash; let lookupName = symbol; if (synthetic) { lookupName = symbol.slice(1); } let index = keys.indexOf(lookupName); if (index !== -1) { this.expr(values[index]); bindings.push({ symbol: i + 1, isBlock: false }); } break; } } this.pushRootScope(symbols.length + 1, !!(block || inverse || attrs)); for (let i = bindings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let { symbol, isBlock } = bindings[i]; if (isBlock) { this.setBlock(symbol); } else { this.setVariable(symbol); } } this.invokeStatic(layout); if (capabilities.createInstance) { this.didRenderLayout(Register.s0); } this.popFrame(); this.popScope(); if (capabilities.dynamicScope) { this.popDynamicScope(); } this.commitComponentTransaction(); this.load(Register.s0); } dynamicComponent(definition, attrs, params, hash, synthetic, block, inverse = null) { this.replayable({ args: () => { this.expr(definition); this.dup(); return 2; }, body: () => { this.jumpUnless('ELSE'); this.resolveDynamicComponent(this.containingLayout.referrer); this.pushDynamicComponentInstance(); this.invokeComponent(true, attrs, params, hash, synthetic, block, inverse); this.label('ELSE'); } }); } yield(to, params) { this.compileArgs(params, null, null, false); this.getBlock(to); this.resolveBlock(); this.invokeYield(); this.popScope(); this.popFrame(); } guardedAppend(expression, trusting) { this.pushFrame(); this.expr(expression); this.pushMachine(50 /* InvokeStatic */, this.stdLib.getAppend(trusting)); this.popFrame(); } invokeStaticBlock(block, callerCount = 0) { let { parameters } = block.symbolTable; let calleeCount = parameters.length; let count = Math.min(callerCount, calleeCount); this.pushFrame(); if (count) { this.pushChildScope(); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { this.dup(Register.fp, callerCount - i); this.setVariable(parameters[i]); } } this.pushBlock(block); this.resolveBlock(); this.invokeVirtual(); if (count) { this.popScope(); } this.popFrame(); } /// CONVENIENCE // internal helpers string(_string) { return this.constants.string(_string); } names(_names) { let names = []; for (let i = 0; i < _names.length; i++) { let n = _names[i]; names[i] = this.constants.string(n); } return this.constants.array(names); } symbols(symbols) { return this.constants.array(symbols); } // vm primitive(_primitive) { let type = 0 /* NUMBER */; let primitive; switch (typeof _primitive) { case 'number': if (_primitive % 1 === 0) { if (_primitive > -1) { primitive = _primitive; } else { primitive = this.constants.number(_primitive); type = 4 /* NEGATIVE */; } } else { primitive = this.constants.number(_primitive); type = 1 /* FLOAT */; } break; case 'string': primitive = this.string(_primitive); type = 2 /* STRING */; break; case 'boolean': primitive = _primitive | 0; type = 3 /* BOOLEAN_OR_VOID */; break; case 'object': // assume null primitive = 2; type = 3 /* BOOLEAN_OR_VOID */; break; case 'undefined': primitive = 3; type = 3 /* BOOLEAN_OR_VOID */; break; default: throw new Error('Invalid primitive passed to pushPrimitive'); } let immediate = this.sizeImmediate(primitive << 3 | type, primitive); this.push(13 /* Primitive */, immediate); } sizeImmediate(shifted, primitive) { if (shifted >= 65535 /* MAX_SIZE */ || shifted < 0) { return this.constants.number(primitive) << 3 | 5 /* BIG_NUM */; } return shifted; } pushPrimitiveReference(primitive) { this.primitive(primitive); this.primitiveReference(); } // components pushComponentDefinition(handle) { this.push(72 /* PushComponentDefinition */, this.constants.handle(handle)); } resolveDynamicComponent(referrer) { this.push(75 /* ResolveDynamicComponent */, this.constants.serializable(referrer)); } staticComponentHelper(tag, hash, template) { let { handle, capabilities, compilable } = this.compiler.resolveLayoutForTag(tag, this.referrer); if (handle !== null && capabilities !== null) { if (compilable) { if (hash) { for (let i = 0; i < hash.length; i = i + 2) { hash[i][0] = `@${hash[i][0]}`; } } this.pushComponentDefinition(handle); this.invokeStaticComponent(capabilities, compilable, null, null, hash, false, template && template); return true; } } return false; } // partial invokePartial(referrer, symbols, evalInfo) { let _meta = this.constants.serializable(referrer); let _symbols = this.constants.stringArray(symbols); let _evalInfo = this.constants.array(evalInfo); this.push(95 /* InvokePartial */, _meta, _symbols, _evalInfo); } resolveMaybeLocal(name) { this.push(96 /* ResolveMaybeLocal */, this.string(name)); } // debugger debugger(symbols, evalInfo) { this.push(97 /* Debugger */, this.constants.stringArray(symbols), this.constants.array(evalInfo)); } // dom text(text) { this.push(26 /* Text */, this.constants.string(text)); } openPrimitiveElement(tag) { this.push(33 /* OpenElement */, this.constants.string(tag)); } modifier(locator, params, hash) { this.pushFrame(); this.compileArgs(params, hash, null, true); this.push(40 /* Modifier */, this.constants.handle(locator)); this.popFrame(); } comment(_comment) { let comment = this.constants.string(_comment); this.push(27 /* Comment */, comment); } dynamicAttr(_name, _namespace, trusting) { let name = this.constants.string(_name); let namespace = _namespace ? this.constants.string(_namespace) : 0; if (this.isComponentAttrs) { this.push(37 /* ComponentAttr */, name, trusting === true ? 1 : 0, namespace); } else { this.push(36 /* DynamicAttr */, name, trusting === true ? 1 : 0, namespace); } } staticAttr(_name, _namespace, _value) { let name = this.constants.string(_name); let namespace = _namespace ? this.constants.string(_namespace) : 0; if (this.isComponentAttrs) { this.pushPrimitiveReference(_value); this.push(37 /* ComponentAttr */, name, 1, namespace); } else { let value = this.constants.string(_value); this.push(35 /* StaticAttr */, name, value, namespace); } } // expressions hasBlockParams(to) { this.getBlock(to); this.resolveBlock(); this.push(10 /* HasBlockParams */); } getProperty(key) { this.push(7 /* GetProperty */, this.string(key)); } helper(helper, params, hash) { this.pushFrame(); this.compileArgs(params, hash, null, true); this.push(1 /* Helper */, this.constants.handle(helper)); this.popFrame(); this.fetch(Register.v0); } bindDynamicScope(_names) { this.push(43 /* BindDynamicScope */, this.names(_names)); } // convenience methods /** * A convenience for pushing some arguments on the stack and * running some code if the code needs to be re-executed during * updating execution if some of the arguments have changed. * * # Initial Execution * * The `args` function should push zero or more arguments onto * the stack and return the number of arguments pushed. * * The `body` function provides the instructions to execute both * during initial execution and during updating execution. * * Internally, this function starts by pushing a new frame, so * that the body can return and sets the return point ($ra) to * the ENDINITIAL label. * * It then executes the `args` function, which adds instructions * responsible for pushing the arguments for the block to the * stack. These arguments will be restored to the stack before * updating execution. * * Next, it adds the Enter opcode, which marks the current position * in the DOM, and remembers the current $pc (the next instruction) * as the first instruction to execute during updating execution. * * Next, it runs `body`, which adds the opcodes that should * execute both during initial execution and during updating execution. * If the `body` wishes to finish early, it should Jump to the * `FINALLY` label. * * Next, it adds the FINALLY label, followed by: * * - the Exit opcode, which finalizes the marked DOM started by the * Enter opcode. * - the Return opcode, which returns to the current return point * ($ra). * * Finally, it adds the ENDINITIAL label followed by the PopFrame * instruction, which restores $fp, $sp and $ra. * * # Updating Execution * * Updating execution for this `replayable` occurs if the `body` added an * assertion, via one of the `JumpIf`, `JumpUnless` or `AssertSame` opcodes. * * If, during updating executon, the assertion fails, the initial VM is * restored, and the stored arguments are pushed onto the stack. The DOM * between the starting and ending markers is cleared, and the VM's cursor * is set to the area just cleared. * * The return point ($ra) is set to -1, the exit instruction. * * Finally, the $pc is set to to the instruction saved off by the * Enter opcode during initial execution, and execution proceeds as * usual. * * The only difference is that when a `Return` instruction is * encountered, the program jumps to -1 rather than the END label, * and the PopFrame opcode is not needed. */ replayable({ args, body }) { // Start a new label frame, to give END and RETURN // a unique meaning. this.startLabels(); this.pushFrame(); // If the body invokes a block, its return will return to // END. Otherwise, the return in RETURN will return to END. this.returnTo('ENDINITIAL'); // Push the arguments onto the stack. The args() function // tells us how many stack elements to retain for re-execution // when updating. let count = args(); // Start a new updating closure, remembering `count` elements // from the stack. Everything after this point, and before END, // will execute both initially and to update the block. // // The enter and exit opcodes also track the area of the DOM // associated with this block. If an assertion inside the block // fails (for example, the test value changes from true to false // in an #if), the DOM is cleared and the program is re-executed, // restoring `count` elements to the stack and executing the // instructions between the enter and exit. this.enter(count); // Evaluate the body of the block. The body of the block may // return, which will jump execution to END during initial // execution, and exit the updating routine. body(); // All execution paths in the body should run the FINALLY once // they are done. It is executed both during initial execution // and during updating execution. this.label('FINALLY'); // Finalize the DOM. this.exit(); // In initial execution, this is a noop: it returns to the // immediately following opcode. In updating execution, this // exits the updating routine. this.return(); // Cleanup code for the block. Runs on initial execution // but not on updating. this.label('ENDINITIAL'); this.popFrame(); this.stopLabels(); } /** * A specialized version of the `replayable` convenience that allows the * caller to provide different code based upon whether the item at * the top of the stack is true or false. * * As in `replayable`, the `ifTrue` and `ifFalse` code can invoke `return`. * * During the initial execution, a `return` will continue execution * in the cleanup code, which finalizes the current DOM block and pops * the current frame. * * During the updating execution, a `return` will exit the updating * routine, as it can reuse the DOM block and is always only a single * frame deep. */ replayableIf({ args, ifTrue, ifFalse }) { this.replayable({ args, body: () => { // If the conditional is false, jump to the ELSE label. this.jumpUnless('ELSE'); // Otherwise, execute the code associated with the true branch. ifTrue(); // We're done, so return. In the initial execution, this runs // the cleanup code. In the updating VM, it exits the updating // routine. this.jump('FINALLY'); this.label('ELSE'); // If the conditional is false, and code associatied ith the // false branch was provided, execute it. If there was no code // associated with the false branch, jumping to the else statement // has no other behavior. if (ifFalse) { ifFalse(); } } }); } inlineBlock(block) { return new CompilableBlock(this.compiler, { block, containingLayout: this.containingLayout }); } evalSymbols() { let { containingLayout: { block } } = this; return block.hasEval ? block.symbols : null; } compileParams(params) { if (!params) return 0; for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { this.expr(params[i]); } return params.length; } compileArgs(params, hash, blocks, synthetic) { if (blocks) { this.pushYieldableBlock(blocks.main); this.pushYieldableBlock(blocks.else); this.pushYieldableBlock(blocks.attrs); } let count = this.compileParams(params); let flags = count << 4; if (synthetic) flags |= 0b1000; if (blocks) { flags |= 0b111; } let names = EMPTY_ARRAY; if (hash) { names = hash[0]; let val = hash[1]; for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { this.expr(val[i]); } } this.pushArgs(names, flags); } template(block) { if (!block) return null; return this.inlineBlock(block); } } class LazyOpcodeBuilder extends OpcodeBuilder { pushBlock(block) { if (block) { this.pushOther(block); } else { this.primitive(null); } } resolveBlock() { this.push(46 /* CompileBlock */); } pushLayout(layout) { if (layout) { this.pushOther(layout); } else { this.primitive(null); } } resolveLayout() { this.push(46 /* CompileBlock */); } invokeStatic(compilable) { this.pushOther(compilable); this.push(46 /* CompileBlock */); this.pushMachine(49 /* InvokeVirtual */); } pushOther(value) { this.push(12 /* Constant */, this.other(value)); } other(value) { return this.constants.other(value); } } class EagerOpcodeBuilder extends OpcodeBuilder { pushBlock(block) { let handle = block ? block.compile() : null; this.primitive(handle); } resolveBlock() { return; } pushLayout(layout) { if (layout) { this.primitive(layout.compile()); } else { this.primitive(null); } } resolveLayout() {} invokeStatic(compilable) { let handle = compilable.compile(); // If the handle for the invoked component is not yet known (for example, // because this is a recursive invocation and we're still compiling), push a // function that will produce the correct handle when the heap is // serialized. if (handle === PLACEHOLDER_HANDLE$1) { this.pushMachine(50 /* InvokeStatic */, () => compilable.compile()); } else { this.pushMachine(50 /* InvokeStatic */, handle); } } } class LazyCompiler extends AbstractCompiler { // FIXME: turn to static method constructor(lookup, resolver, macros) { let constants = new LazyConstants(resolver); let program = new Program(constants); super(macros, program, lookup); } builderFor(containingLayout) { return new LazyOpcodeBuilder(this, containingLayout); } } class PartialDefinition { constructor(name, // for debugging template) { = name; this.template = template; } getPartial() { let partial = this.template.asPartial(); let handle = partial.compile(); return { symbolTable: partial.symbolTable, handle }; } } let clientId = 0; function templateFactory({ id: templateId, meta, block }) { let parsedBlock; let id = templateId || `client-${clientId++}`; let create = (compiler, envMeta) => { let newMeta = envMeta ? assign({}, envMeta, meta) : meta; if (!parsedBlock) { parsedBlock = JSON.parse(block); } return new TemplateImpl(compiler, { id, block: parsedBlock, referrer: newMeta }); }; return { id, meta, create }; } class TemplateImpl { constructor(compiler, parsedLayout) { this.compiler = compiler; this.parsedLayout = parsedLayout; this.layout = null; this.partial = null; this.wrappedLayout = null; let { block } = parsedLayout; this.symbols = block.symbols; this.hasEval = block.hasEval; this.referrer = parsedLayout.referrer; = || `client-${clientId++}`; } asLayout() { if (this.layout) return this.layout; return this.layout = new CompilableProgram(this.compiler, Object.assign({}, this.parsedLayout, { asPartial: false })); } asPartial() { if (this.partial) return this.partial; return this.layout = new CompilableProgram(this.compiler, Object.assign({}, this.parsedLayout, { asPartial: true })); } asWrappedLayout() { if (this.wrappedLayout) return this.wrappedLayout; return this.wrappedLayout = new WrappedBuilder(this.compiler, Object.assign({}, this.parsedLayout, { asPartial: false })); } } export { ATTRS_BLOCK, Macros, LazyCompiler, compile, AbstractCompiler, debugCompiler, CompilableBlock, CompilableProgram, LazyOpcodeBuilder, EagerOpcodeBuilder, OpcodeBuilder, StdOpcodeBuilder, PartialDefinition, templateFactory, debug, debugSlice, logOpcode, WrappedBuilder, PLACEHOLDER_HANDLE };