#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require_relative '../lib/fusuma' option = {} opt = OptionParser.new opt.on('-c', '--config=path/to/file', 'Use an alternative config file') do |v| option[:config_path] = v end opt.on('-d', '--daemon', 'Daemonize process') do |v| option[:daemon] = v end opt.on('-l', '--list-devices', 'List available devices') do |v| option[:list] = v end opt.on('--log=path/to/file', 'Print logs to file') do |v| option[:log_filepath] = v end opt.on('--device="Device name"', 'Open the given device only (DEPRECATED)') do |v| option[:device] = v end opt.on('-v', '--verbose', 'Show details about the results of running fusuma') do |v| option[:verbose] = v end opt.on('--version', 'Show fusuma version') do |v| option[:version] = v end opt.parse!(ARGV) Fusuma::Runner.run(option)