{!docs/setup-fastlane-header.md!} # fastlane actions This page contains a list of all built-in fastlane actions and their available options. To get the most up-to-date information from the command line on your current version you can also run ```sh fastlane actions # list all available fastlane actions fastlane action [action_name] # more information for a specific action ``` You can import another `Fastfile` by using the `import` action. This is useful if you have shared lanes across multiple apps and you want to store a `Fastfile` in a separate folder. The path must be relative to the `Fastfile` this is called from. ```ruby import './path/to/other/Fastfile' ``` For _fastlane_ plugins, check out the [available plugins](https://docs.fastlane.tools/plugins/available-plugins/) page. <%- @categories.each do |category, actions| -%> - [<%= category %>](#<%= category.gsub(" ", "-").downcase %>) <%- end -%> - [Plugins](https://docs.fastlane.tools/plugins/available-plugins/) <%- @categories.each do |category, actions| %> # <%= category %> Action | Description | Supported Platforms ---|---|--- <%- actions.sort.to_h.each do |_number_of_launches, action| -%> <%- link = "/actions/#{action.action_name}/" -%> <%= action.action_name %> | <%= action.description %> | <%= [:ios, :android, :mac].find_all { |a| action.is_supported?(a) }.join(", ") %> <%- end %><%# End of actions.sort... %> <%- end %><%# End of categories.each %>