module Squib # @api private class Card # :nodoc: # @api private def rect(x, y, width, height, x_radius, y_radius, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) width = @width if width == :native height = @height if height == :native use_cairo do |cc| cc.rounded_rectangle(x, y, width, height, x_radius, y_radius) cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.stroke cc.rounded_rectangle(x, y, width, height, x_radius, y_radius) cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.fill end end # :nodoc: # @api private def circle(x, y, radius, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.move_to(x + radius, y), y, radius) cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.stroke, y, radius) cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.fill end end # Ellipse drawing taken from looking at the control points in Inkscape # Think of it like a rectangle. Curves go from mid-points of the sides # of the rectangle. Control points are at 1/4 and 3/4 of the side. # :nodoc: # @api private def ellipse(x, y, w, h, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.move_to(x, y + 0.5*h) # start west cc.curve_to(x, y + 0.25*h, # west to north x + 0.25*w, y, x + 0.5*w, y) cc.curve_to(x + 0.75*w, y, # north to east x + w, y + 0.25*h, x + w, y + 0.5*h) cc.curve_to(x + w, y + 0.75*h, # east to south x + 0.75*w, y + h, x + 0.5*w, y + h) cc.curve_to(x + 0.25*w, y + h, # south to west x, y + 0.75*h, x, y + 0.5*h) cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.stroke_preserve cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.fill end end # :nodoc: # @api private def triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.stroke cc.triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.fill end end # :nodoc: # @api private def line(x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.move_to(x1, y1) cc.line_to(x2, y2) cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.stroke end end # :nodoc: # @api private def curve(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, x2, y2, cx2, cy2, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.move_to(x1, y1) cc.curve_to(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.stroke cc.move_to(x1, y1) cc.curve_to(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2) cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.fill end end # :nodoc: # @api private def star(x, y, n, angle, inner_radius, outer_radius, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.translate(x, y) cc.rotate(angle) cc.translate(-x, -y) cc.move_to(x + outer_radius, y) #i = 0, so cos(0)=1 and sin(0)=0 theta = Math::PI / n.to_f # i.e. (2*pi) / (2*n) 0.upto(2 * n) do |i| radius = i.even? ? outer_radius : inner_radius cc.line_to(x + radius * Math::cos(i * theta), y + radius * Math::sin(i * theta)) end cc.close_path cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.fill_preserve cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.stroke end end # :nodoc: # @api private def polygon(x, y, n, angle, radius, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width) use_cairo do |cc| cc.translate(x, y) cc.rotate(angle) cc.translate(-x, -y) cc.move_to(x + radius, y) # i = 0, so cos(0)=1 and sin(0)=0 theta = (2 * Math::PI) / n.to_f 0.upto(n) do |i| cc.line_to(x + radius * Math::cos(i * theta), y + radius * Math::sin(i * theta)) end cc.close_path cc.set_source_squibcolor(stroke_color) cc.set_line_width(stroke_width) cc.fill_preserve cc.set_source_squibcolor(fill_color) cc.stroke end end end end