* Karma middleware is responsible for serving:
* - client.html (the entrypoint for capturing a browser)
* - debug.html
* - context.html (the execution context, loaded within an iframe)
* - karma.js
* The main part is generating context.html, as it contains:
* - generating mappings
* - including ';
var LINK_TAG_CSS = '';
var LINK_TAG_HTML = '';
'.js': 'text/javascript',
'.dart': 'application/dart'
var filePathToUrlPath = function(filePath, basePath) {
if (filePath.indexOf(basePath) === 0) {
return '/base' + filePath.substr(basePath.length);
return '/absolute' + filePath;
var getXUACompatibleMetaElement = function(url) {
var tag = '';
var urlObj = urlparse(url);
if (urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible']) {
tag = '\n';
return tag;
var getXUACompatibleUrl = function(url) {
var value = '';
var urlObj = urlparse(url);
if (urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible']) {
value = '?x-ua-compatible=' + encodeURIComponent(urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible']);
return value;
var createKarmaMiddleware = function(filesPromise, serveStaticFile,
/* config.basePath */ basePath, /* config.urlRoot */ urlRoot, /* config.client */ client) {
return function(request, response, next) {
var requestUrl = request.normalizedUrl.replace(/\?.*/, '');
// redirect /__karma__ to /__karma__ (trailing slash)
if (requestUrl === urlRoot.substr(0, urlRoot.length - 1)) {
response.setHeader('Location', urlRoot);
return response.end('MOVED PERMANENTLY');
// ignore urls outside urlRoot
if (requestUrl.indexOf(urlRoot) !== 0) {
return next();
// remove urlRoot prefix
requestUrl = requestUrl.substr(urlRoot.length - 1);
// serve client.html
if (requestUrl === '/') {
return serveStaticFile('/client.html', response, function(data) {
return data
.replace('\n%X_UA_COMPATIBLE%', getXUACompatibleMetaElement(request.url))
.replace('%X_UA_COMPATIBLE_URL%', getXUACompatibleUrl(request.url));
// serve karma.js
if (requestUrl === '/karma.js') {
return serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response, function(data) {
return data.replace('%KARMA_URL_ROOT%', urlRoot)
// serve context.html - execution context within the iframe
// or debug.html - execution context without channel to the server
if (requestUrl === '/context.html' || requestUrl === '/debug.html') {
return filesPromise.then(function(files) {
serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response, function(data) {
var scriptTags = files.included.map(function(file) {
var filePath = file.path;
var fileExt = path.extname(filePath);
if (!file.isUrl) {
// TODO(vojta): serve these files from within urlRoot as well
filePath = filePathToUrlPath(filePath, basePath);
if (requestUrl === '/context.html') {
filePath += '?' + file.sha;
if (fileExt === '.css') {
return util.format(LINK_TAG_CSS, filePath);
if (fileExt === '.html') {
return util.format(LINK_TAG_HTML, filePath);
return util.format(SCRIPT_TAG, SCRIPT_TYPE[fileExt] || 'text/javascript', filePath);
// TODO(vojta): don't compute if it's not in the template
var mappings = files.served.map(function(file) {
//Windows paths contain backslashes and generate bad IDs if not escaped
var filePath = filePathToUrlPath(file.path, basePath).replace(/\\/g,'\\\\');
return util.format(' \'%s\': \'%s\'', filePath, file.sha);
var clientConfig = '';
if (requestUrl === '/debug.html') {
clientConfig = 'window.__karma__.config = ' + JSON.stringify(client) + ';\n';
mappings = 'window.__karma__.files = {\n' + mappings.join(',\n') + '\n};\n';
return data.
replace('%SCRIPTS%', scriptTags.join('\n'))
.replace('%CLIENT_CONFIG%', clientConfig)
.replace('%MAPPINGS%', mappings)
.replace('\n%X_UA_COMPATIBLE%', getXUACompatibleMetaElement(request.url));
}, function(errorFiles) {
serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response, function(data) {
return data.replace('%SCRIPTS%', '').replace('%CLIENT_CONFIG%', '').replace('%MAPPINGS%',
'window.__karma__.error("TEST RUN WAS CANCELLED because ' +
(errorFiles.length > 1 ? 'these files contain' : 'this file contains') +
' some errors:\\n ' + errorFiles.join('\\n ') + '");');
return next();
exports.create = createKarmaMiddleware;