require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class PageContextTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :pages, :page_parts, :layouts, :snippets, :users def setup setup_for_page(:radius) end def test_initialize assert_equal(@page, end def test_tag_page assert_parse_output 'Radius Test Page', "" assert_parse_output 'Ruby Home Page | Radius Test Page', %{ | } end def test_tags_page_attributes @page.attributes.keys.each do |attr| value = @page.send(attr) unless [:created_by, :updated_by].include? attr.to_s.intern assert_parse_output value.to_s, "" end end end def test_tag_children expected = 'Radius Test Child 1 Radius Test Child 2 Radius Test Child 3 ' input = ' ' assert_parse_output expected, input end def test_tag_children_each assert_parse_output 'radius/child-1 radius/child-2 radius/child-3 ' , '/ ' end def test_tag_children_each_attributes setup_for_page(:assorted) assert_parse_output 'a b c d e f g h i j ', page_children_each_tags assert_parse_output 'a b c d e ', page_children_each_tags(%{limit="5"}) assert_parse_output 'd e f g h ', page_children_each_tags(%{offset="3" limit="5"}) assert_parse_output 'j i h g f e d c b a ', page_children_each_tags(%{order="desc"}) assert_parse_output 'f e d c b a j i h g ', page_children_each_tags(%{by="breadcrumb"}) assert_parse_output 'g h i j a b c d e f ', page_children_each_tags(%{by="breadcrumb" order="desc"}) end def test_tag_children_each_with_status_attribute setup_for_page(:assorted) assert_parse_output_match /^(draft |)a b c d e f g h i j( draft|) $/, page_children_each_tags(%{status="all"}) assert_parse_output 'draft ', page_children_each_tags(%{status="draft"}) assert_parse_output 'a b c d e f g h i j ', page_children_each_tags(%{status="published"}) assert_parse_output_match "`status' attribute of `each' tag must be set to a valid status", page_children_each_tags(%{status="askdf"}) end def test_tag_children_each_attributes_with_invalid_limit message = "`limit' attribute of `each' tag must be a positive number between 1 and 4 digits" assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{limit="a"}) assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{limit="-10"}) assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{limit="50000"}) end def test_tag_children_each_attributes_with_invalid_offset message = "`offset' attribute of `each' tag must be a positive number between 1 and 4 digits" assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{offset="a"}) assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{offset="-10"}) assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{offset="50000"}) end def test_tag_children_each_attributes_with_invalid_by_field_name message = "`by' attribute of `each' tag must be set to a valid field name" assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{by="non-existant-field"}) end def test_tag_children_each_attributes_with_invalid_limit message = %{`order' attribute of `each' tag must be set to either "asc" or "desc"} assert_parse_output_match message, page_children_each_tags(%{order="asdf"}) end def test_tag_children_each_does_not_list_virtual_pages setup_for_page(:archive) assert_parse_output 'article article-2 article-3 article-4 article-5 ', ' ' assert_parse_output_match /^(draft |)article article-2 article-3 article-4 article-5( draft|) $/, ' ' end def test_tag_children_each_header setup_for_page(:archive) assert_parse_output '[May/00] article [Jun/00] article-2 article-3 [Aug/00] article-4 [Aug/01] article-5 ', '[] ' end def test_tag_children_each_header_with_name_attribute setup_for_page(:archive) assert_parse_output '[2000] (May) article (Jun) article-2 article-3 (Aug) article-4 [2001] article-5 ', %{[] () } end def test_tag_children_each_header_with_restart_attribute setup_for_page(:archive) assert_parse_output( '[2000] (May) article (Jun) article-2 article-3 (Aug) article-4 [2001] (Aug) article-5 ', %{[] () } ) assert_parse_output( '[2000] (May) <01> article (Jun) <09> article-2 <10> article-3 (Aug) <06> article-4 [2001] (Aug) <06> article-5 ', %{[] () <> } ) end def test_tag_children_count assert_parse_output '3', '' end def test_tag_children_first assert_parse_output 'Radius Test Child 1', '' end def test_tag_children_first_is_nil setup_for_page(:textile) assert_parse_output '', '' end def test_tag_children_last assert_parse_output 'Radius Test Child 3', '' end def test_tag_children_last_nil setup_for_page(:textile) assert_parse_output '', '' end def test_tag_content expected = "

Radius Test Page

  • Radius Test Child 1
  • \n\t\t
  • Radius Test Child 2
  • \n\t\t
  • Radius Test Child 3
  • \n\t
" assert_parse_output expected, '' end def test_tag_content_with_part_attribute assert_parse_output "Just a test.\n", '' end def test_tag_content_with_inherit_attribute assert_parse_output '', '' assert_parse_output '', '' assert_parse_output 'Radius Test Page sidebar.', '' assert_parse_output_match %{`inherit' attribute of `content' tag must be set to either "true" or "false"}, '' end def test_tag_content_with_inherit_and_contextual_attributes assert_parse_output 'Radius Test Page sidebar.', '' assert_parse_output 'Ruby Home Page sidebar.', '' setup_for_page(:inheritance_test_page_grandchild) assert_parse_output 'Inheritance Test Page Grandchild inherited body.', '' end def test_tag_child_content expected = "Radius test child 1 body.\nRadius test child 2 body.\nRadius test child 3 body.\n" assert_parse_output expected, '' end def test_tag_if_content_without_body_attribute assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_if_content_with_body_attribute assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_if_content_with_nonexistant_body_attribute assert_parse_output '', 'true' end def test_tag_unless_content_without_body_attribute assert_parse_output '', 'false' end def test_tag_unless_content_with_body_attribute assert_parse_output '', 'false' end def test_tag_unless_content_with_nonexistant_body_attribute assert_parse_output 'false', 'false' end def test_tag_author assert_parse_output 'Admin User', '' end def test_tag_author_nil setup_for_page(:textile) assert_parse_output '', '' end def test_tag_date assert_parse_output 'Monday, January 30, 2006', '' end def test_tag_date_with_format_attribute assert_parse_output '30 Jan 2006', '' end def test_tag_link assert_parse_output 'Radius Test Page', '' end def test_tag_link__attributes expected = 'Radius Test Page' assert_parse_output expected, '' end def test_tag_link__block_form assert_parse_output 'Test', 'Test' end def test_tag_link__anchor assert_parse_output 'Test', 'Test' end def test_tag_child_link expected = "Radius Test Child 1 Radius Test Child 2 Radius Test Child 3 " assert_parse_output expected, ' ' end def test_tag_snippet assert_parse_output 'test', '' end def test_tag_snippet_not_found assert_parse_output_match 'snippet not found', '' end def test_tag_snippet_without_name assert_parse_output_match "`snippet' tag must contain `name' attribute", '' end def test_tag_snippet_with_markdown assert_parse_output '


', '' end def test_tag_random assert_parse_output_match /^(1|2|3)$/, " 1 2 3 " end def test_tag_comment assert_parse_output 'just a test', 'just a small test' end def test_tag_navigation_1 tags = %{ | } expected = %{Home: Boy | Archives | Radius | Docs} assert_parse_output expected, tags end def test_tag_navigation_2 tags = %{ } expected = %{Home Archives Radius Docs} assert_parse_output expected, tags end def test_tag_navigation_3 tags = %{ } expected = %{Home Archives Radius Docs} assert_parse_output expected, tags end def test_tag_navigation_without_urls assert_parse_output '', %{} end def test_tag_navigation_without_urls assert_parse_output_match "`navigation' tag must include a `normal' tag", %{} end def test_tag_navigation_with_urls_without_slashes tags = %{ } expected = %{Home Archives Radius Docs} assert_parse_output expected, tags end def test_tag_find assert_parse_output 'Ruby Home Page', %{} end def test_tag_find_without_url assert_parse_output_match "`find' tag must contain `url' attribute", %{} end def test_tag_find_with_nonexistant_url assert_parse_output '', %{} end def test_tag_find_and_children assert_parse_output 'a-great-day-for-ruby another-great-day-for-ruby ', %{ } end def test_tag_escape_html assert_parse_output '<strong>a bold move</strong>', 'a bold move' end def test_tag_rfc1123_date @page.published_at = Time.utc(2004, 5, 2) assert_parse_output 'Sun, 02 May 2004 00:00:00 GMT', '' end def test_tag_breadcrumbs setup_for_page(:deep_nested_child_for_breadcrumbs) assert_parse_output 'Home > Radius Test Page > Radius Test Child 1 > Deeply nested child', '' end def test_tag_breadcrumbs_with_separator_attribute setup_for_page(:deep_nested_child_for_breadcrumbs) assert_parse_output 'Home :: Radius Test Page :: Radius Test Child 1 :: Deeply nested child', '' end def test_tag_if_url_does_not_match assert_parse_output '', 'true' end def test_tag_if_url_matches assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_if_url_without_ignore_case assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_if_url_with_ignore_case_true assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_if_url_with_ignore_case_false assert_parse_output '', 'true' end def test_tag_if_url_with_malformatted_regexp assert_parse_output_match "Malformed regular expression in `matches' argument of `if_url' tag:", 'true' end def test_tag_if_url_empty assert_parse_output_match "`if_url' tag must contain a `matches' attribute", 'test' end def test_tag_unless_url_does_not_match assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_unless_url_matches assert_parse_output '', 'true' end def test_tag_unless_url_without_ignore_case assert_parse_output '', 'true' end def test_tag_unless_url_with_ignore_case_true assert_parse_output '', 'true' end def test_tag_unless_url_with_ignore_case_false assert_parse_output 'true', 'true' end def test_tag_unless_url_with_malformatted_regexp assert_parse_output_match "Malformed regular expression in `matches' argument of `unless_url' tag:", 'true' end def test_tag_unless_url_empty assert_parse_output_match "`unless_url' tag must contain a `matches' attribute", 'test' end def test_tag_missing assert_parse_output_match "undefined tag `missing'", '' end protected def setup_for_page(page) @page = pages(page) @context = @parser =, :tag_prefix => 'r') end def page_children_each_tags(attr = nil) attr = ' ' + attr unless attr.nil? " " end def assert_parse_output(expected, input) output = @parser.parse(input) assert_equal expected, output end def assert_parse_output_match(regexp, input) output = @parser.parse(input) assert_match regexp, output end end