#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = TableReport.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'reports/ReportBase' require 'reports/GanttChart' require 'reports/ReportTableLegend' require 'reports/ColumnTable' require 'Query' class TaskJuggler # This is base class for all types of tabular reports. All tabular reports # are converted to an abstract (output independent) intermediate form first, # before the are turned into the requested output format. class TableReport < ReportBase attr_reader :legend @@propertiesById = { # ID Header Indent Align Scen Spec. 'alert' => [ 'Alert', true, :left, false ], 'alertmessages' => [ 'Alert Messages', false, :left, false ], 'alertsummaries' => [ 'Alert Summaries', false, :left, false ], 'alerttrend' => [ 'Alert Trend', false, :left, false ], 'complete' => [ 'Completion', false, :right, true ], 'cost' => [ 'Cost', true, :right, true ], 'duration' => [ 'Duration', true, :right, true ], 'effort' => [ 'Effort', true, :right, true ], 'effortdone' => [ 'Effort Done', true, :right, true ], 'effortleft' => [ 'Effort Left', true, :right, true ], 'freetime' => [ 'Free Time', true, :right, true ], 'freework' => [ 'Free Work', true, :right, true ], 'followers' => [ 'Followers', false, :left, true ], 'id' => [ 'Id', false, :left, false ], 'journal' => [ 'Journal', false, :left, false ], 'journal_sub' => [ 'Journal', false, :left, false ], 'journalmessages' => [ 'Journal Messages', false, :left, false ], 'journalsummaries' => [ 'Journal Summaries', false, :left, false ], 'line' => [ 'Line No.', false, :right, false ], 'name' => [ 'Name', true, :left, false ], 'no' => [ 'No.', false, :right, false ], 'precursors' => [ 'Precursors', false, :left, true ], 'rate' => [ 'Rate', true, :right, true ], 'resources' => [ 'Resources', false, :left, true ], 'responsible' => [ 'Responsible', false, :left, true ], 'revenue' => [ 'Revenue', true, :right, true ], 'scenario' => [ 'Scenario', false, :left, true ], 'status' => [ 'Status', false, :left, true ], 'targets' => [ 'Targets', false, :left, true ], 'wbs' => [ 'WBS', false, :left, false ] } @@propertiesByType = { # Type Indent Align DateAttribute => [ false, :left ], FixnumAttribute => [ false, :right ], FloatAttribute => [ false, :right ], ResourceListAttribute => [ false, :left ], RichTextAttribute => [ false, :left ], StringAttribute => [ false, :left ] } # Generate a new TableReport object. def initialize(report) super @report.content = self # Reference to the intermediate representation. @table = nil @start = @end = nil @legend = ReportTableLegend.new end def generateIntermediateFormat super end # Turn the TableReport into an equivalent HTML element tree. def to_html html = [] html << XMLComment.new("Dynamic Report ID: " + "#{@report.project.reportContexts.last. dynamicReportId}") html << rt_to_html('header') html << (tableFrame = generateHtmlTableFrame) # Now generate the actual table with the data. tableFrame << generateHtmlTableRow do td = XMLElement.new('td') td << @table.to_html td end # Embedd the caption as RichText into the table footer. if a('caption') tableFrame << generateHtmlTableRow do td = XMLElement.new('td') td << (div = XMLElement.new('div', 'class' => 'tj_table_caption')) a('caption').sectionNumbers = false div << a('caption').to_html td end end # The legend. tableFrame << generateHtmlTableRow do td = XMLElement.new('td') td << @legend.to_html td end html << rt_to_html('footer') html end # Convert the table into an Array of Arrays. It has one Array for each # line. The nested Arrays have one String for each column. def to_csv @table.to_csv end # Returns the default column title for the columns _id_. def TableReport::defaultColumnTitle(id) # Return an empty string for some special columns that don't have a fixed # title. specials = %w( chart hourly daily weekly monthly quarterly yearly) return '' if specials.include?(id) # Return the title for build-in hardwired columns. @@propertiesById.include?(id) ? @@propertiesById[id][0] : nil end # Return if the column values should be indented based on the _colId_ or the # _propertyType_. def indent(colId, propertyType) if @@propertiesById.has_key?(colId) return @@propertiesById[colId][1] elsif @@propertiesByType.has_key?(propertyType) return @@propertiesByType[propertyType][0] else false end end # Return the alignment of the column based on the _colId_ or the # _propertyType_. def alignment(colId, propertyType) if @@propertiesById.has_key?(colId) return @@propertiesById[colId][2] elsif @@propertiesByType.has_key?(propertyType) return @@propertiesByType[propertyType][1] else :center end end # This function returns true if the values for the _colId_ column need to be # calculated. def calculated?(colId) return @@propertiesById.has_key?(colId) end # This functions returns true if the values for the _col_id_ column are # scenario specific. def scenarioSpecific?(colId) if @@propertiesById.has_key?(colId) return @@propertiesById[colId][3] end return false end def supportedColumns @@propertiesById.keys end protected # These can't be determined during initialization as they have have been # changed afterwards. def setReportPeriod @start = a('start') @end = a('end') end # In case the user has not specified the report period, we try to fit all # the _tasks_ in and add an extra 5% time at both ends. _scenarios_ is a # list of scenario indexes. def adjustReportPeriod(tasks, scenarios, columns) return if tasks.empty? || a('start') != @project['start'] || a('end') != @project['end'] @start = @end = nil scenarios.each do |scenarioIdx| tasks.each do |task| date = task['start', scenarioIdx] || @project['start'] @start = date if @start.nil? || date < @start date = task['end', scenarioIdx] || @project['end'] @end = date if @end.nil? || date > @end end end # We want to add at least 5% on both ends. margin = 0 minWidth = @end - @start + 1 columns.each do |column| case column.id when 'chart' # In case we have a 'chart' column, we enforce certain minimum width # The following table contains an entry for each scale. The entry # consists of the triple 'seconds per unit', 'minimum width units' # and 'margin units'. The minimum with does not include the margins # since they are always added. mwMap = { 'hour' => [ 60 * 60, 18, 2 ], 'day' => [ 60 * 60 * 24, 18, 2 ], 'week' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 6, 1 ], 'month' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 31, 10, 1 ], 'quarter' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 90, 6, 1 ], 'year' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, 4, 1 ] } entry = mwMap[column.scale] raise "Unknown scale #{column.scale}" unless entry margin = entry[0] * entry[2] # If the with determined by start and end dates of the task is below # the minimum width, we increase the width to the value provided by # the table. minWidth = entry[0] * entry[1] if minWidth < entry[0] * entry[1] break when 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly' # For the calendar columns we use a similar approach as we use for # the 'chart' column. mwMap = { 'hourly' => [ 60 * 60, 18, 2 ], 'daily' => [ 60 * 60 * 24, 18, 2 ], 'weekly' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 6, 1 ], 'monthly' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 31, 10, 1 ], 'quarterly' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 90, 6, 1 ], 'yearly' => [ 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, 4, 1 ] } entry = mwMap[column.id] raise "Unknown scale #{column.id}" unless entry margin = entry[0] * entry[2] minWidth = entry[0] * entry[1] if minWidth < entry[0] * entry[1] break end end if minWidth > (@end - @start + 1) margin += (minWidth - (@end - @start + 1)) / 2 end @start -= margin @end += margin end # Generates cells for the table header. _columnDef_ is the # TableColumnDefinition object that describes the column. Based on the id of # the column different actions need to be taken to generate the header text. def generateHeaderCell(columnDef) case columnDef.id when 'chart' # For the 'chart' column we generate a GanttChart object. The sizes are # set so that the lines of the Gantt chart line up with the lines of the # table. gantt = GanttChart.new(a('now'), a('weekStartsMonday'), self) gantt.generateByScale(@start, @end, columnDef.scale) # The header consists of 2 lines separated by a 1 pixel boundary. gantt.header.height = @table.headerLineHeight * 2 + 1 # The maximum width of the chart. In case it needs more space, a # scrollbar is shown or the chart gets truncated depending on the output # format. gantt.viewWidth = columnDef.width ? columnDef.width : 450 column = ReportTableColumn.new(@table, columnDef, '') column.cell1.special = gantt column.cell2.hidden = true column.scrollbar = gantt.hasScrollbar? @table.equiLines = true when 'hourly' genCalChartHeader(columnDef, @start.midnight, :sameTimeNextHour, :weekdayAndDate, :hour) when 'daily' genCalChartHeader(columnDef, @start.midnight, :sameTimeNextDay, :monthAndYear, :day) when 'weekly' genCalChartHeader(columnDef, @start.beginOfWeek(a('weekStartsMonday')), :sameTimeNextWeek, :monthAndYear, :day) when 'monthly' genCalChartHeader(columnDef, @start.beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth, :year, :shortMonthName) when 'quarterly' genCalChartHeader(columnDef, @start.beginOfQuarter, :sameTimeNextQuarter, :year, :quarterName) when 'yearly' genCalChartHeader(columnDef, @start.beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear, nil, :year) else # This is the most common case. It does not need any special treatment. # We just set the pre-defined or user-defined column title in the first # row of the header. The 2nd row is not visible. column = ReportTableColumn.new(@table, columnDef, columnDef.title) column.cell1.rows = 2 column.cell2.hidden = true end end # Generate a ReportTableLine for each of the tasks in _taskList_. In case # _resourceList_ is not nil, it also generates the nested resource lines for # each resource that is assigned to the particular task. If _scopeLine_ # is defined, the generated task lines will be within the scope this resource # line. def generateTaskList(taskList, resourceList, scopeLine) queryAttrs = { 'project' => @project, 'scopeProperty' => scopeLine ? scopeLine.property : nil, 'loadUnit' => a('loadUnit'), 'numberFormat' => a('numberFormat'), 'timeFormat' => a('timeFormat'), 'currencyFormat' => a('currencyFormat'), 'start' => @start, 'end' => @end, 'costAccount' => a('costAccount'), 'revenueAccount' => a('revenueAccount') } taskList.query = Query.new(queryAttrs) taskList.sort! # The primary line counter. Is not used for enclosed lines. no = 0 # The scope line counter. It's reset for each new scope. lineNo = scopeLine ? scopeLine.lineNo : 0 # Init the variable to get a larger scope line = nil taskList.each do |task| # Get the current Query from the report context and create a copy. We # are going to modify it. query = @project.reportContexts.last.query.dup query.property = task query.scopeProperty = scopeLine ? scopeLine.property : nil no += 1 Log.activity if lineNo % 10 == 0 lineNo += 1 a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| query.scenarioIdx = scenarioIdx # Generate line for each task. line = ReportTableLine.new(@table, task, scopeLine) line.no = no unless scopeLine line.lineNo = lineNo line.subLineNo = @table.lines setIndent(line, a('taskRoot'), taskList.treeMode?) # Generate a cell for each column in this line. a('columns').each do |columnDef| query.attributeId = columnDef.id next unless generateTableCell(line, task, columnDef, query) end end if resourceList # If we have a resourceList we generate nested lines for each of the # resources that are assigned to this task and pass the user-defined # filter. resourceList.setSorting(a('sortResources')) assignedResourceList = filterResourceList(resourceList, task, a('hideResource'), a('rollupResource'), a('openNodes')) assignedResourceList.sort! lineNo = generateResourceList(assignedResourceList, nil, line) end end lineNo end # Generate a ReportTableLine for each of the resources in _resourceList_. In # case _taskList_ is not nil, it also generates the nested task lines for # each task that the resource is assigned to. If _scopeLine_ is defined, the # generated resource lines will be within the scope this task line. def generateResourceList(resourceList, taskList, scopeLine) queryAttrs = { 'project' => @project, 'scopeProperty' => scopeLine ? scopeLine.property : nil, 'loadUnit' => a('loadUnit'), 'numberFormat' => a('numberFormat'), 'timeFormat' => a('timeFormat'), 'currencyFormat' => a('currencyFormat'), 'start' => @start, 'end' => @end, 'costAccount' => a('costAccount'), 'revenueAccount' => a('revenueAccount') } resourceList.query = Query.new(queryAttrs) resourceList.sort! # The primary line counter. Is not used for enclosed lines. no = 0 # The scope line counter. It's reset for each new scope. lineNo = scopeLine ? scopeLine.lineNo : 0 # Init the variable to get a larger scope line = nil resourceList.each do |resource| # Get the current Query from the report context and create a copy. We # are going to modify it. query = @project.reportContexts.last.query.dup query.property = resource query.scopeProperty = scopeLine ? scopeLine.property : nil no += 1 Log.activity if lineNo % 10 == 0 lineNo += 1 a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| query.scenarioIdx = scenarioIdx # Generate line for each resource. line = ReportTableLine.new(@table, resource, scopeLine) line.no = no unless scopeLine line.lineNo = lineNo line.subLineNo = @table.lines setIndent(line, a('resourceRoot'), resourceList.treeMode?) # Generate a cell for each column in this line. a('columns').each do |column| query.attributeId = column.id next unless generateTableCell(line, resource, column, query) end end if taskList # If we have a taskList we generate nested lines for each of the # tasks that the resource is assigned to and pass the user-defined # filter. taskList.setSorting(a('sortTasks')) assignedTaskList = filterTaskList(taskList, resource, a('hideTask'), a('rollupTask'), a('openNodes')) assignedTaskList.sort! lineNo = generateTaskList(assignedTaskList, nil, line) end end lineNo end private # Generate the header data for calendar tables. They consists of columns for # each hour, day, week, etc. _columnDef_ is the definition of the columns. # _t_ is the start time for the calendar. _sameTimeNextFunc_ is a function # that is called to advance _t_ to the next table column interval. # _name1Func_ and _name2Func_ are functions that return the upper and lower # title of the particular column. def genCalChartHeader(columnDef, t, sameTimeNextFunc, name1Func, name2Func) tableColumn = ReportTableColumn.new(@table, columnDef, '') # Calendar chars only work when all lines have same height. @table.equiLines = true # Embedded tables have unpredictable width. So we always need to make room # for a potential scrollbar. tableColumn.scrollbar = true # Create the table that is embedded in this column. tableColumn.cell1.special = table = ColumnTable.new table.equiLines = true tableColumn.cell2.hidden = true table.viewWidth = columnDef.width ? columnDef.width : 450 # Iterate over the report interval until we hit the end date. The # iteration is done with 2 nested loops. The outer loops generates the # intervals for the upper (larger) scale. The inner loop generates the # lower (smaller) scale. while t < @end cellsInInterval = 0 # Label for upper scale. The yearly calendar only has a lower scale. currentInterval = t.send(name1Func) if name1Func firstColumn = nil # The innter loops terminates when the label for the upper scale has # changed to the next scale cell. while t < @end && (name1Func.nil? || t.send(name1Func) == currentInterval) # call TjTime::sameTimeNext... function to get the end of the column. nextT = t.send(sameTimeNextFunc) iv = Interval.new(t, nextT) # Create the new column object. column = ReportTableColumn.new(table, nil, '') # Store the date of the column in the original form. column.cell1.data = t.to_s(a('timeFormat')) # The upper scale cells will be merged into one large cell that spans # all lower scale cells that belong to this upper cell. if firstColumn.nil? firstColumn = column column.cell1.text = currentInterval.to_s else column.cell1.hidden = true end column.cell2.text = t.send(name2Func).to_s # TODO: The width should be taken from some data structure. column.cell2.width = 20 # Off-duty cells will have a different color than working time cells. unless @project.isWorkingTime(iv) column.cell2.category = 'tabhead_offduty' end cellsInInterval += 1 t = nextT end # The the first upper scale cell how many trailing hidden cells are # following. firstColumn.cell1.columns = cellsInInterval end end # Generate a cell of the table. _line_ is the ReportTableLine that this cell # should belong to. _property_ is the PropertyTreeNode that is reported in # this _line_. _columnDef_ is the TableColumnDefinition of the column this # cell should belong to. _scenarioIdx_ is the index of the scenario that is # reported in this _line_. # # There are 4 kinds of cells. The most simple one is the standard cell. It # literally reports the value of a property attribute. Calculated cells are # more flexible. They contain computed values. The values are computed at # cell generation time. The calendar columns consist of multiple sub # columns. In such a case many cells are generated with a single call of # this method. The last kind of cell is actually not a cell. It just # generates the chart objects that belong to the property in this line. def generateTableCell(line, property, columnDef, query) if columnDef.start || columnDef.end # If the user has specified a new start or end time for this column, # we have to duplicate the query before we modify it. query = query.dup query.start = columnDef.start if columnDef.start query.end = columnDef.end if columnDef.end end case columnDef.id when 'chart' # Generate a hidden cell. The real meat is in the actual chart object, # not in this cell. cell = ReportTableCell.new(line, query, '') cell.hidden = true cell.text = nil # The GanttChart can be reached via the special variable of the column # header. chart = columnDef.column.cell1.special GanttLine.new(chart, query, (line.subLineNo - 1) * (line.height + 1), line.height, a('selfcontained') ? nil : columnDef.tooltip) return true # The calendar cells can be all generated by the same function. But we # need to use different parameters. when 'hourly' start = @start.midnight sameTimeNextFunc = :sameTimeNextHour when 'daily' start = @start.midnight sameTimeNextFunc = :sameTimeNextDay when 'weekly' start = @start.beginOfWeek(a('weekStartsMonday')) sameTimeNextFunc = :sameTimeNextWeek when 'monthly' start = @start.beginOfMonth sameTimeNextFunc = :sameTimeNextMonth when 'quarterly' start = @start.beginOfQuarter sameTimeNextFunc = :sameTimeNextQuarter when 'yearly' start = @start.beginOfYear sameTimeNextFunc = :sameTimeNextYear else if calculated?(columnDef.id) return genCalculatedCell(query, line, columnDef, property) else return genStandardCell(query, line, columnDef) end end # The calendar cells don't live in this ReportTable but in an embedded # ReportTable that can be reached via the column header special variable. # For embedded column tables we need to create a new line. tcLine = ReportTableLine.new(columnDef.column.cell1.special, line.property, line.scopeLine) PlaceHolderCell.new(line, tcLine) # Depending on the property type we use different generator functions. if property.is_a?(Task) genCalChartTaskCell(query, tcLine, columnDef, start, sameTimeNextFunc) elsif property.is_a?(Resource) genCalChartResourceCell(query, tcLine, columnDef, start, sameTimeNextFunc) else raise "Unknown property type #{property.class}" end true end # Generate a ReportTableCell filled the value of an attribute of the # property that line is for. It returns true if the cell exists, false for a # hidden cell. def genStandardCell(query, line, columnDef) # Find out, what type of PropertyTreeNode we are dealing with. property = line.property if property.is_a?(Task) propertyList = @project.tasks elsif property.is_a?(Resource) propertyList = @project.resources else raise "Unknown property type #{property.class}" end # Create a new cell cell = newCell(query, line) unless setScenarioSettings(cell, query.scenarioIdx, propertyList.scenarioSpecific?(columnDef.id)) return false end setStandardCellAttributes(cell, columnDef, propertyList.attributeType(columnDef.id), line) # If the user has requested a custom cell text, this will be used # instead of the queried one. if (cdText = columnDef.cellText.getPattern(query)) cell.text = cdText elsif query.process cell.text = (rti = query.to_rti) ? rti : query.to_s end # Replace the font color setting if the user has requested a custom # color. fontColor = columnDef.fontColor.getPattern(query) cell.fontColor = fontColor if fontColor # Replace the cell background color if the user has requested a custom # color. cellColor = columnDef.cellColor.getPattern(query) cell.cellColor = cellColor if cellColor # Replace the default cell alignment if the user has requested a custom # alignment. hAlign = columnDef.hAlign.getPattern(query) cell.alignment = hAlign if hAlign # If the user has requested a custom tooltip, add it to the cell. cell.tooltip = columnDef.tooltip.getPattern(query) || nil checkCellText(cell) true end # Generate a ReportTableCell filled with a calculted value from the property # or other sources of information. It returns true if the cell exists, false # for a hidden cell. _query_ is the Query to get the cell value. _line_ # is the ReportTableLine of the cell. _columnDef_ is the # TableColumnDefinition of the column. _property_ is the PropertyTreeNode # that is reported in this cell. def genCalculatedCell(query, line, columnDef, property) # Create a new cell cell = newCell(query, line) unless setScenarioSettings(cell, query.scenarioIdx, scenarioSpecific?(columnDef.id)) return false end setStandardCellAttributes(cell, columnDef, nil, line) if query.process cell.text = (rti = query.to_rti) ? rti : query.to_s end # Some columns need some extra care. case columnDef.id when 'alert' id = @project.alertLevelId(query.to_num) cell.icon = "flag-#{id}" cell.fontColor = @project.alertLevelColor(query.to_sort) when 'alerttrend' icons = %w( up flat down ) cell.icon = "trend-#{icons[query.to_sort]}" when 'line' cell.text = line.lineNo.to_s when 'name' cell.icon = if property.is_a?(Task) if property.container? 'taskgroup' else 'task' end elsif property.is_a?(Resource) if property.container? 'resourcegroup' else 'resource' end else nil end cell.iconTooltip = RichText.new("'''ID:''' #{property.fullId}"). generateIntermediateFormat when 'no' cell.text = line.no.to_s when 'wbs' cell.indent = 2 if line.scopeLine when 'scenario' cell.text = @project.scenario(query.scenarioIdx).name end # Replace the cell text if the user has requested a custom cell text. cdText = columnDef.cellText.getPattern(query) cell.text = cdText if cdText # Replace the cell background color if the user has requested a custom # color. cellColor = columnDef.cellColor.getPattern(query) cell.cellColor = cellColor if cellColor # Replace the font color setting if the user has requested a custom # color. fontColor = columnDef.fontColor.getPattern(query) cell.fontColor = fontColor if fontColor # Replace the default cell alignment if the user has requested a custom # alignment. hAlign = columnDef.hAlign.getPattern(query) cell.alignment = hAlign if hAlign # Register the custom tooltip if the user has requested one. cdTooltip = columnDef.tooltip.getPattern(query) cell.tooltip = cdTooltip if cdTooltip checkCellText(cell) true end # Generate the cells for the task lines of a calendar column. These lines do # not directly belong to the @table object but to an embedded ColumnTable # object. Therefor a single @table column usually has many cells on each # single line. _scenarioIdx_ is the index of the scenario that is reported # in this line. _line_ is the @table line. _t_ is the start date for the # calendar. _sameTimeNextFunc_ is the function that will move the date to # the next cell. def genCalChartTaskCell(origQuery, line, columnDef, t, sameTimeNextFunc) task = line.property # Find out if we have an enclosing resource scope. if line.scopeLine && line.scopeLine.property.is_a?(Resource) resource = line.scopeLine.property else resource = nil end # Get the interval of the task. In case a date is invalid due to a # scheduling problem, we use the full project interval. taskStart = task['start', origQuery.scenarioIdx] taskEnd = task['end', origQuery.scenarioIdx] taskIv = Interval.new(taskStart.nil? ? @project['start'] : taskStart, taskEnd.nil? ? @project['end'] : taskEnd) firstCell = nil while t < @end # We modify the start and end dates to match the cell boundaries. So # we need to make sure we don't modify the original Query but our own # copies. query = origQuery.dup # call TjTime::sameTimeNext... function nextT = t.send(sameTimeNextFunc) cellIv = Interval.new(t, nextT) case columnDef.content when 'empty' # Create a new cell cell = newCell(query, line) # We only generate cells will different background colors. when 'load' query.attributeId = 'effort' query.start = t query.end = nextT query.process # Create a new cell cell = newCell(query, line) # To increase readability, we don't show 0.0 values. cell.text = query.to_s if query.to_num != 0.0 else raise "Unknown column content #{column.content}" end # Determine cell category (mostly the background color) if cellIv.overlaps?(taskIv) # The cell is either a container or leaf task cell.category = task.container? ? 'calconttask' : 'caltask' # If the user has requested a custom tooltip, add it to each task cell. cell.tooltip = columnDef.tooltip.getPattern(query) || nil cell.showTooltipHint = false elsif !@project.isWorkingTime(cellIv) # The cell is a vacation cell. cell.category = 'offduty' else # The cell is just filled with the background color. cell.category = 'taskcell' end cell.category += line.property.get('index') % 2 == 1 ? '1' : '2' tryCellMerging(cell, line, firstCell) t = nextT firstCell = cell unless firstCell end legend.addCalendarItem('Container Task', 'calconttask1') legend.addCalendarItem('Task', 'caltask1') legend.addCalendarItem('Off duty time', 'offduty') end # Generate the cells for the resource lines of a calendar column. These # lines do not directly belong to the @table object but to an embedded # ColumnTable object. Therefor a single @table column usually has many cells # on each single line. _scenarioIdx_ is the index of the scenario that is # reported in this line. _line_ is the @table line. _t_ is the start date # for the calendar. _sameTimeNextFunc_ is the function that will move the # date to the next cell. def genCalChartResourceCell(origQuery, line, columnDef, t, sameTimeNextFunc) # Find out if we have an enclosing task scope. if line.scopeLine && line.scopeLine.property.is_a?(Task) task = line.scopeLine.property # Get the interval of the task. In case a date is invalid due to a # scheduling problem, we use the full project interval. taskStart = task['start', origQuery.scenarioIdx] taskEnd = task['end', origQuery.scenarioIdx] taskIv = Interval.new(taskStart.nil? ? @project['start'] : taskStart, taskEnd.nil? ? @project['end'] : taskEnd) else task = nil end firstCell = nil while t < @end # We modify the start and end dates to match the cell boundaries. So # we need to make sure we don't modify the original Query but our own # copies. query = origQuery.dup # Create a new cell cell = newCell(query, line) # call TjTime::sameTimeNext... function nextT = t.send(sameTimeNextFunc) cellIv = Interval.new(t, nextT) # Get work load for all tasks. query.scopeProperty = nil query.attributeId = 'effort' query.startIdx = @project.dateToIdx(t, true) query.endIdx = @project.dateToIdx(nextT, true) - 1 query.process workLoad = query.to_num scaledWorkLoad = query.to_s if task # Get work load for the particular task. query.scopeProperty = task query.process workLoadTask = query.to_num scaledWorkLoad = query.to_s else workLoadTask = 0.0 end # Get unassigned work load. query.attributeId = 'freework' query.process freeLoad = query.to_num case columnDef.content when 'empty' # We only generate cells will different background colors. when 'load' # Report the workload of the resource in this time interval. # To increase readability, we don't show 0.0 values. wLoad = task ? workLoadTask : workLoad if wLoad > 0.0 cell.text = scaledWorkLoad end else raise "Unknown column content #{column.content}" end # Set the tooltip for the cell. We might delete it again. cell.tooltip = columnDef.tooltip.getPattern(query) || nil cell.showTooltipHint = false # Determine cell category (mostly the background color) cell.category = if task if cellIv.overlaps?(taskIv) if workLoadTask > 0.0 && freeLoad == 0.0 'busy' elsif workLoad == 0.0 && freeLoad == 0.0 cell.tooltip = nil 'offduty' else 'loaded' end else if freeLoad > 0.0 'free' elsif workLoad == 0.0 && freeLoad == 0.0 cell.tooltip = nil 'offduty' else cell.tooltip = nil 'resourcecell' end end else if workLoad > 0.0 && freeLoad == 0.0 'busy' elsif workLoad > 0.0 && freeLoad > 0.0 'loaded' elsif workLoad == 0.0 && freeLoad > 0.0 'free' else cell.tooltip = nil 'offduty' end end cell.category += line.property.get('index') % 2 == 1 ? '1' : '2' tryCellMerging(cell, line, firstCell) t = nextT firstCell = cell unless firstCell end legend.addCalendarItem('Resource is fully loaded', 'busy1') legend.addCalendarItem('Resource is partially loaded', 'loaded1') legend.addCalendarItem('Resource is available', 'free') legend.addCalendarItem('Off duty time', 'offduty') end # This method takes care of often used cell attributes like indentation, # alignment and background color. def setStandardCellAttributes(cell, columnDef, attributeType, line) # Determine whether it should be indented if indent(columnDef.id, attributeType) cell.indent = line.indentation end # Determine the cell alignment cell.alignment = alignment(columnDef.id, attributeType) # Set background color if line.property.is_a?(Task) cell.category = line.property.get('index') % 2 == 1 ? 'taskcell1' : 'taskcell2' else cell.category = line.property.get('index') % 2 == 1 ? 'resourcecell1' : 'resourcecell2' end # Set column width cell.width = columnDef.width if columnDef.width end def setScenarioSettings(cell, scenarioIdx, scenarioSpecific) # Check if we are dealing with multiple scenarios. if a('scenarios').length > 1 # Check if the attribute is not scenario specific unless scenarioSpecific if scenarioIdx == a('scenarios').first # Use a somewhat bigger font. cell.fontSize = 15 else # And hide the cells for all but the first scenario. cell.hidden = true return false end cell.rows = a('scenarios').length end end true end # Create a new ReportTableCell object and initialize some common values. def newCell(query, line) property = line.property cell = ReportTableCell.new(line, query) # Cells for containers should be using bold font face. cell.bold = true if property.container? && line.bold cell.selfcontained = a('selfcontained') cell end # Determine the indentation for this line. def setIndent(line, propertyRoot, treeMode) property = line.property scopeLine = line.scopeLine level = property.level - (propertyRoot ? propertyRoot.level : 0) # We indent at least as much as the scopeline + 1, if we have a scope. line.indentation = scopeLine.indentation + 1 if scopeLine # In tree mode we indent according to the level. if treeMode line.indentation += level line.bold = true end end # Make sure we have a valid cell text. If not, this is the result of an # error. This could happen after scheduling errors. def checkCellText(cell) unless cell.text cell.text = '' cell.fontColor = '#FF0000' end end # Try to merge equal cells without text to multi-column cells. def tryCellMerging(cell, line, firstCell) if cell.text == '' && firstCell && (c = line.last(1)) && c == cell cell.hidden = true c.columns += 1 end end end end