require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') %w(text_field password_field file_field text_area select date_select datetime_select time_select time_zone_select).each do |method| describe "re_#{method}" do include RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup before(:each) do helper.stub!(method + "_tag").and_return("<#{method}/>".html_safe) end def call_method method, options = {} helper.send("re_#{method}", "Label Value", "the_name", "The Value", options) end it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_#{method}") end it "should build the form by calling re_build_form_label, re_build_form_data, and re_build_form_field" do helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_label).with(anything(), hash_including(:dummy => 'option')).and_return('re_build_form_label') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_data).with(anything(), hash_including(:dummy => 'option')).and_return('re_build_form_data') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_field).with('re_build_form_label' + 're_build_form_data', hash_including(:dummy => 'option')) call_method(method, :dummy => 'option') end it "should build the form field with a re-form-label and a re-form-data" do call_method(method).should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") do |form_label| form_label.should have_selector("label[for=the_name]", :content => "Label Value") end form_field.should have_selector("") do |form_data| form_data.should have_selector(method) end end end it "should build the form field the default dimensions 4x8" do call_method(method).should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") form_field.should have_selector("") end end it "should build the form field the span-dimensions :span=>LABELxDATA" do call_method(method, :span=>'8x12').should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") form_field.should have_selector("") end end it "should build the form field the span-dimensions :span=>LABEL" do call_method(method, :span=>'6').should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") form_field.should have_selector("") end end %w(error hint label required span).each do |option| it "should exclude the #{option} from the calls to label and method" do helper.should_receive("label_tag").with(anything(), anything, {}).and_return("test") helper.should_receive(method + "_tag").with(anything(), anything, {}).and_return("<#{method}/>") call_method(method, option.to_sym => 'test') end end end end describe "re_check_box" do include RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup before(:each) do helper.stub!("check_box_tag").and_return("<check_box/>".html_safe) end def call_re_check_box options = {} helper.re_check_box("Label", "the_name", "1", "false", options) end it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_check_box") end it "should build the form by calling re_build_form_label, re_build_form_data, and re_build_form_field" do helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_label).with(" ", hash_including(:dummy => 'option')).and_return(' ') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_label).with(anything(), hash_including(:dummy => 'option')).and_return('re_build_form_label') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_data).with(anything(), hash_including(:dummy => 'option')).and_return('re_build_form_data') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_field).with(' ' + 're_build_form_data', hash_including(:dummy => 'option')) call_re_check_box(:dummy => 'option') end it "should not pass the required flag to the first label" do helper.should_not_receive(:re_build_form_label).with(" ", hash_including(:required => true)) helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_label).with(" ", anything()).and_return(' ') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_label).with(anything(), hash_including(:required => true)).and_return('re_build_form_label') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_data).with(anything(), hash_including(:required => true)).and_return('re_build_form_data') helper.should_receive(:re_build_form_field).with(' ' + 're_build_form_data', hash_including(:required => true)) call_re_check_box(:required => true) end it "should build the form field with a label and form data" do checkbox = call_re_check_box checkbox.should have_selector(" >") do |form_label| form_label.inner_html.should == " " end checkbox.should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") do |form_data| form_data.should have_selector("check_box") form_data.should have_selector("check_box + span.form-text") do |form_text| form_text.should have_selector(".re-form-label label[for=the_name]", :content => "Label") end end end end it "should build the form field the default dimensions 4x8" do call_re_check_box.should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") form_field.should have_selector("") end end it "should build the form field the span-dimensions :span=>LABELxDATA" do call_re_check_box(:span=>'8x12').should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") form_field.should have_selector("") end end it "should build the form field the span-dimensions :span=>LABEL" do call_re_check_box(:span=>'6').should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") form_field.should have_selector("") end end it "should set the required field in the form data" do call_re_check_box(:required=>true).should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("", :content => "*") end end %w(error hint label required span).each do |option| it "should exclude the #{option} from the calls to label and method" do helper.should_receive("label_tag").with(anything(), anything, {}).and_return("test") helper.should_receive("check_box_tag").with(anything(), anything, anything, {}).and_return("<check_box/>") call_re_check_box(option.to_sym => 'test') end end end describe "re_form_text" do include RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_form_text") end it "should build the form field with a label and form text" do helper.re_form_text("Label", "Text", {}).should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("", :content => "Label") form_field.should have_selector(" span.form-text", :content => "Text") end end end describe "re_form_blank" do include RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_form_blank") end it "should build the form field with a label and data sections" do helper.re_form_blank({}).should have_selector("") do |form_field| form_field.should have_selector("") do |form_label| form_label.inner_html.should == " " end form_field.should have_selector("") do |form_data| form_data.inner_html.should == " " end end end end describe "re_error_on_tag" do include RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup before(:each) do @model = mock('model') @model.stub!(:errors).and_return({:opps => "something wen wrong"}) end it "should be accessible to rails apps by default" do include("re_error_on_tag") end describe "no error" do it "should be blank" do @model.stub!(:errors).and_return({}) helper.re_error_on(@model, "The Error Message to Show").should be_blank end end describe "has errors error" do it "should call re_error_on_tag" do helper.should_receive(:re_error_on_tag).with("The Error Message to Show") helper.re_error_on(@model, "The Error Message to Show") end it "should display the error" do helper.re_error_on(@model, "The Error Message to Show").should =~ /The Error Message to Show/ end end end