module VER # Some strategies are discussed at: # # # # I try another, "wasteful" approach, copying the original file to a # temporary location, overwriting the contents in the copy, then moving the # file to the location of the original file. # # This way all permissions should be kept identical without any effort, but # it will take up additional disk space. # # If there is some failure during the normal saving procedure, we will # simply overwrite the original file in place, make sure you have good insurance ;) # # TODO: we _must_ write backup files, VER can corrupt files on a system # crash for some reason. class Buffer # Close one buffer after another, wait when one needs user input. def quit buffers = VER.buffers.each closer = lambda{ begin rescue StopIteration end } end # Save all buffers in ordered fashion, take into account that some buffers # might require user interaction. def save_all buffers = VER.buffers.each closer = lambda{ begin rescue StopIteration end } end # Try to copy the file we want to save to a temp dir, trying to preserve # permissions. # Once it's there, we overwrite the contents with the buffer contents. # If that worked, we move it to the original location. # # On sshfs mounts we might face chown issues, so we ignore them. # If this all fails for some reason, we resort to {save_dumb} # # When save was successful overall, we call the given +block+. def save_atomic(from, to, &block) require 'tmpdir' sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([from, to].join) temp_path = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'ver/save', sha1) temp_dir = File.dirname(temp_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(temp_dir) FileUtils.copy_file(from, temp_path, preserve = true) if save_dumb(temp_path), to) success("Saved to #{to}", &block) else false end rescue Errno::EACCES => ex # sshfs-mounts raise error but save correctly. if ex.backtrace[0].match(/chown\'$/) success("Saved to #{to} (chown issue)", &block) else warn(ex) false end rescue Errno::ENOENT save_dumb(to, &block) end def save_dumb(to, &block), 'w+') do |io| io.set_encoding(self.encoding) begin io.write(self.value) rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError => ex # this might happen when trying to save UTF-8 as US-ASCII # so just warn, try to save as UTF-8 instead. warn("Saving as UTF-8 because of: #{ex.class}: #{ex}") io.rewind io.set_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) io.write(self.value) self.encoding = Encoding::UTF_8 end end success("Saved to #{to}", &block) rescue Exception => ex warn(ex) VER.error(ex) return false end def success(message) self.message(message) self.pristine = true update_mtime yield if block_given? true end def save_popup(options = {}, &block) options = options.dup options[:filetypes] ||= [ ['ALL Files', '*' ], ['Text Files', '*.txt'], ] options[:initialfile] ||= filename.basename options[:defaultextension] ||= filename.extname options[:initialdir] ||= filename.dirname fpath = Tk.get_save_file(options) return unless fpath save_to(fpath, &block) end def save(filename = self.filename, &block) if filename save_to(filename, &block) else save_as(&block) end end def save_to(to, &block) may_save{ save_atomic(filename, to, &block) } rescue => exception VER.error(exception) may_save{ save_dumb(to, &block) } end def save_as if filename = self.filename dir = filename.dirname.to_s + '/' else dir = Dir.pwd + '/' end message = "Save #{uri} as: " ask message, value: dir do |answer, action| case action when :complete Pathname(answer + '*'){|f| ? "#{f}/" : f } when :attempt begin save_to(Pathname(answer).expand_path) yield if block_given? :abort rescue => exception warn exception end end end end def may_close return yield if pristine? || persisted? question = "Save buffer #{uri} before closing? " \ "[y]es [n]o [c]ancel: " ask question, value: 'y' do |answer, action| case action when :attempt case answer[0] when /y/i may_save{ yield if save } VER.message 'Saved' :abort when /n/i yield VER.message 'Closing without saving' :abort else VER.warn "Cancel closing" :abort end end end end def may_save(as = nil) last = store(:stat, :mtime) current = filename.mtime rescue nil # if we have two mtimes if last && current # save if they're the same return yield if last == current else # save since there is no previous one return yield end question = "The buffer #{uri} has changed since last save, " \ "overwrite? [y]es [n]o: " ask question, value: 'n' do |answer, action| case action when :attempt case answer[0] when /y/i yield :abort else warn "Save aborted" :abort end end end end end end