module Vedeu module Editor # Handles keypresses for a named document whilst the terminal is in fake # mode. # class Editor include Vedeu::Common extend Forwardable def_delegators :document, :clear, :delete_character, :down, :insert_character, :insert_line, :left, :render, :reset!, :execute, :right, :up # Send given input to the named document. # # @param name [String] # @param input [String|Symbol] # @return [String|Symbol] def self.keypress(input:, name:) new(input: input, name: name).keypress end # Returns a new instance of Vedeu::Editor::Editor. # # @param name [String] # @param input [String|Symbol] # @return [Vedeu::Editor::Editor] def initialize(input:, name:) @input = input @name = name end # Send given input to the named document. # # @return [String|Symbol] def keypress return input unless document case input when :backspace then delete_character when :ctrl_c then Vedeu.trigger(:_exit_) when :down then down when :enter then insert_line when :escape then Vedeu.trigger(:_mode_switch_) when :left then left when :right then right when :tab then execute when :up then up # when '' then delete_line else insert_character(input) end end protected # @!attribute [r] input # @return [Symbol|String] attr_reader :input # @!attribute [r] name # @return [String] attr_reader :name private # Return the document by name from the documents repository. # # @return [Vedeu::Editor::Document] def document @document ||= Vedeu.documents.by_name(name) end end # Editor end # Editor end # Vedeu