require 'codily/elements/service_belongging_base' require 'codily/elements/condition' require 'codily/fastly_ext' module Codily module Elements class RequestSetting < ServiceBelonggingBase def_attr *%i( action bypass_busy_wait default_host force_miss force_ssl geo_headers hash_keys max_stale_age timer_support xff ) defaults( force_ssl: nil, force_miss: nil, timer_support: nil, bypass_busy_wait: nil, ) def setup delete_if_empty! *%i( default_host hash_keys request_condition ) force_integer! *%i( force_ssl force_miss timer_support bypass_busy_wait max_stale_age ) # NOTE: They can be 'N/A' (null) on, but can't be back to N/A after changed to Y or N once? %i(force_ssl force_miss timer_support bypass_busy_wait).each do |k| @hash[k] = @hash[k] == 1 if @hash.key?(k) end end def as_hash super.tap do |x| %i(force_ssl force_miss timer_support bypass_busy_wait).each do |k| x[k] = !!x[k] ? 1 : 0 if x.key?(k) && !x[k].nil? end end end def request_condition(name = nil, &block) set_refer_element(:request_condition, Condition, {name: name, type: 'REQUEST', _service_name: self.service_name}, &block) end def fastly_class Fastly::RequestSetting end end end end