# frozen_string_literal: true # frozen__tring_literal: true KConfig.configure do |config| rag = config.rag # https://railsbytes.com/public/templates # http://www.railscomposer.com/ # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer # https://github.com/carbonfive/raygun-rails # https://github.com/abhaynikam/boring_generators # rag.add_option :test , type: :string , default: 'rspec' # rag.add_option :skip_namespace , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip namespace (affects only isolated engines)" # rag.add_option :skip_collision_check , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip collision check" rag.add_option :force , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: 'Overwrite files that already exist' # XXX rag.add_option :pretend , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: "Run but do not make any changes" # XXX rag.add_option :quiet , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: "Suppress status output" # XXX rag.add_option :skip , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: "Skip files that already exist" # rag.add_option :ruby , type: :string , default: "/Users/davidcruwys/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.6/bin/ruby" , description: "Path to the Ruby binary of your choice" # XXX rag.add_option :template , type: :string , default: nil , description: "Path to some application template (can be a filesystem path or URL)" # rag.add_option :database , type: :string , default: "sqlite3" , description: "Preconfigure for selected database (options: mysql/postgresql/sqlite3/oracle/sqlserver/jdbcmysql/jdbcsqlite3/jdbcpostgresql/jdbc)" # rag.add_option :skip_git , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip .gitignore file" # rag.add_option :skip_keeps , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip source control .keep files" # rag.add_option :skip_action_mailer , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Action Mailer files" # rag.add_option :skip_action_mailbox , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Action Mailbox gem" # rag.add_option :skip_action_text , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Action Text gem" # rag.add_option :skip_active_record , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Active Record files" # rag.add_option :skip_active_job , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Active Job" # rag.add_option :skip_active_storage , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Active Storage files" # rag.add_option :skip_action_cable , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Action Cable files" # rag.add_option :skip_asset_pipeline , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Indicates when to generate skip asset pipeline" # rag.add_option :asset_pipeline , type: :string , default: "sprockets" , description: "Choose your asset pipeline [options: sprockets (default), propshaft]" # rag.add_option :skip_javascript , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip JavaScript files" # rag.add_option :skip_hotwire , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip Hotwire integration" # rag.add_option :skip_jbuilder , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip jbuilder gem" # rag.add_option :skip_test , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip test files" # rag.add_option :skip_system_test , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip system test files" # rag.add_option :skip_bootsnap , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip bootsnap gem" # rag.add_option :dev , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Set up the application with Gemfile pointing to your Rails checkout" # rag.add_option :edge , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Set up the application with Gemfile pointing to Rails repository" rag.add_option :note , type: :string , default: nil , description: "Set a note or comment" # rag.add_option :main , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Set up the application with Gemfile pointing to Rails repository main branch" # rag.add_option :rc , type: :string , default: nil , description: "Path to file containing extra configuration options for rails command" # rag.add_option :no_rc , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Skip loading of extra configuration options from .railsrc file" # rag.add_option :help , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: "Show this help message and quit" # rag.add_option :version , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: "Show Rails version number and quit" # rag.add_option :api , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Preconfigure smaller stack for API only apps" # rag.add_option :minimal , type: :boolean , default: nil , description: "Preconfigure a minimal rails app" # rag.add_option :javascript , type: :string , default: "importmap" , description: "Choose JavaScript approach [options: importmap (default), webpack, esbuild, rollup]" # rag.add_option :css , type: :string , default: nil , description: "Choose CSS processor [options: tailwind, bootstrap, bulma, postcss, sass... check https://github.com/rails/cssbundling-rails]" # rag.add_option :skip_bundle , type: :boolean , default: false , description: "Don't run bundle install" # future_option :database , type: :string , default: 'sqlite3' # , description: "Preconfigure for selected database (options: #{DATABASES.join('/')})" # rag.add_option :skip_git , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip .gitignore file" # future_option :skip_keeps , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip source control .keep files" # future_option :skip_action_mailer , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Action Mailer files" # future_option :skip_action_mailbox , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Action Mailbox gem" # future_option :skip_action_text , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Action Text gem" # future_option :skip_active_record , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Active Record files" # future_option :skip_active_job , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Active Job" # future_option :skip_active_storage , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Active Storage files" # future_option :skip_action_cable , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Action Cable files" # future_option :skip_asset_pipeline , type: :boolean, default: false # # future_option :asset_pipeline , type: :string , default: 'sprockets' # , description: "Choose your asset pipeline [options: sprockets (default), propshaft]" # future_option :skip_javascript , type: :boolean, default: false # name == 'plugin' # , description: "Skip JavaScript files" # future_option :skip_hotwire , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip Hotwire integration" # future_option :skip_jbuilder , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip jbuilder gem" # rag.add_option :skip_test , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip test files" rag.add_option :test , type: :string , default: 'rspec' # , description: "minitest or rspec (default: rspec)" # future_option :skip_system_test , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip system test files" # future_option :skip_bootsnap , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip bootsnap gem" # future_option :dev , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Set up the #{name} with Gemfile pointing to your Rails checkout" # future_option :edge , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Set up the #{name} with Gemfile pointing to Rails repository" # future_option :main , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Set up the #{name} with Gemfile pointing to Rails repository main branch" # future_option :rc , type: :string , default: nil # , description: "Path to file containing extra configuration options for rails command" # future_option :no_rc , type: :boolean, default: false # , description: "Skip loading of extra configuration options from .railsrc file" # future_option :help , type: :boolean # , group: :rails # , description: "Show this help message and quit" # future_option :version , type: :boolean # , group: :rails, description: "Show Rails version number and quit" # future_option :api , type: :boolean # , description: "Preconfigure smaller stack for API only apps" # future_option :minimal , type: :boolean # , description: "Preconfigure a minimal rails app" # future_option :javascript , type: :string , default: 'importmap' # , description: "Choose JavaScript approach [options: importmap (default), webpack, esbuild, rollup]" # rag.add_option :css , type: :string , description: "Choose CSS processor [options: tailwind, bootstrap, bulma, postcss, sass... check https://github.com/rails/cssbundling-rails]" # rag.add_option :skip_bundle , type: :boolean, default: false , description: "Don't run bundle install" # rag.add_option :add_irbrc , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_foreman , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_devise , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_dotenv , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_docker , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_docker_compose , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_rubocop , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_annotate , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_continuous_integration , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_high_voltage , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_generators , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_lograge , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_pundit , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_services , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_sidekiq , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_views , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_errors , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_scaffold , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_factory_bot , type: :boolean, default: false # rag.add_option :add_shoulda , type: :boolean, default: false # NEW GEM ADDONS rag.add_option :add_acts_as_list , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_browser , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_bcrypt_ruby , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_chartkick , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_faker , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_groupdate , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_hexapdf , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_httparty , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_honeybadger , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_mini_magick , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_phony_rails , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_public_suffix , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_rails_html_sanitizer , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_redcarpet , type: :boolean, default: false rag.add_option :add_twilio_ruby , type: :boolean, default: false end # Make sure that RailsOptions reflect the options available from Railties RailsAppGenerator::AppGenerator.class_options.each do |class_option| thor_option = class_option[1] # puts "Adding railties class_option onto RailsOptions: #{thor_option.name}" RailsAppGenerator::RailsOptions.add_thor_class_option(thor_option) end # Make sure that RailsOptions reflect the options available from custom configuration KConfig.configuration.rag.options.each do |option| RailsAppGenerator::RailsOptions.add_class_option(option) RailsAppGenerator::AppGenerator.add_class_option(option) end # Debugging code RailsAppGenerator::Util.write_last_run('rails_options_class.json', RailsAppGenerator::RailsOptions.to_h) RailsAppGenerator::Util.write_last_run('app_generator_class.json', RailsAppGenerator::AppGenerator.to_h)