module JunoReport module Pdf #Responsible for generate a report, based on rules passed as parameter in Juno::Report::generate. #Juno Reports has support groups, just by especifying them at the rules file. #Receives a collection as parameter, which should be a Array of records of the report. def generate(collection) @defaults = { :style => :normal, :size => 12, :align => :left, :format => false, :font => 'Times-Roman', :type => :text, :color => '000000', :fixed => false } get_sections set_pos_y @defaults.merge!(@sections[:defaults]) unless @sections[:defaults].nil? collection = [collection] unless collection.is_a?(Array) or collection.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) print_section :page unless @sections[:page].nil? set_pos_y (@sections[:body][:settings][:posY] || 0) @current_groups = {} @footers = {} @count = 0 unless @sections[:groups].empty? reset_groups_values else draw_columns end initialize_footer_values can_print_footer = false collection.each do |record| @record = record.is_a?(Hash) ? : record #Convert the hash on a Object to futurely extend a module headers_to_print, headers_height = calculate_header unless headers_to_print.empty? @count = 0 draw_footer headers_to_print, @sections[:groups] if can_print_footer if @posY - headers_height < 2*@sections[:body][:settings][:height] new_page else headers_to_print.each { |group| print_section group, @record, true } draw_columns end end can_print_footer = true update_footer_values print_section :body, @record @count += 1 end draw_footer(@sections[:body][:settings][:groups].collect {|group| group.to_sym}, @sections[:groups]) if has_groups? draw_footer [:body], @sections @pdf end protected #Creates a new page, restarting the vertical position of the pointer. #Print the whole header for the current groups and the columns of the report. def new_page @pdf.start_new_page set_pos_y print_section :page unless @sections[:page].nil? set_pos_y (@sections[:body][:settings][:posY] || 0) @current_groups.each do |field, value| print_section field.to_sym, @record, true end draw_columns end #Generic function to print a section like :body, :page or the group sections. def print_section(section_name, values = nil, group = false) section = !group ? @sections[section_name] : @sections[:groups][section_name] set_pos_y(section[:settings][:posY] || 0) unless section_name.eql?(:body) || section[:settings].nil? new_page if @posY < 30 if section_name.eql? :body and @count % 2 != 0 @pdf.fill_color "F7F7F7" width = @options[:page_layout] == :portrait ? 530 : 770 @pdf.fill_rectangle [0, @posY+(section[:settings][:height]/2)], width, section[:settings][:height] end section[:fields].each do |field, settings| symbolize! settings[1] unless settings[1].nil? set_pos_y settings[1][:posY] unless settings[1].nil? || settings[1][:posY].nil? settings = [settings[0], @posY, (@defaults.merge (settings[1] || { }))] settings[2][:style] = settings[2][:style].to_sym set_options settings[2] value = settings[2][:value].nil? ? (values.respond_to?(field) ? values.send(field) : "") : settings[2][:value] draw_text value, settings end set_pos_y (section[:settings][:height]) unless section[:settings].nil? || section[:settings][:height].nil? end #Print a horizontal line with the whole width of the page. def draw_line(y) width = @options[:page_layout] == :portrait ? 530 : 770 @pdf.stroke { @pdf.horizontal_line 0, width, :at => y } end #Update the pointer vertical position to the specified value or 'zero' if the parameter is nil. #Obs: Prawn pointer is decrescent, in other words, the left-top corner position is (0, 750). For #semantic purposes, we set the same corner as (0, 0). def set_pos_y(posY = nil) height = @options[:page_layout] == :portrait ? 750 : 520 @posY = height if @posY.nil? @posY = posY.nil? ? height : @posY - posY end #Convert to symbol all hash keys, recursively. def symbolize! hash hash.symbolize_keys!{|v| v.is_a? Hash}.each{|h| symbolize!(h)} end #Convert the structure of the rules to facilitate the generating proccess. def get_sections symbolize! @rules raise "[body] section on YAML file is needed to generate the report." if @rules[:body].nil? @sections = {:page => @rules[:page], :body => @rules[:body], :groups => {}} @sections[:body][:settings][:groups].each { |group| @sections[:groups][group.to_sym] = @rules[group.to_sym] } if has_groups? end #@current_groups storages the value for all groups. When a value is changed, the header is printed. #This function set nil value for every item in @current_groups if the parameter is not passed. Otherwise, #only the forward groups will be cleaned to avoid conflict problems with others groups. def reset_groups_values current_group = nil groups = @sections[:body][:settings][:groups] groups.each_with_index do |group, idx| @current_groups[group] = nil if current_group.nil? || groups.index(current_group.to_s) <= idx end end #Calculates the headers which must be printed before print the current record. #The function also returns the current header height to create a new page if the #page remaining space is smaller than (header + a record height) def calculate_header headers = [] height = 0 @current_groups.each do |field, value| if @record.send(field) != value reset_groups_values field headers << field.to_sym height += @sections[:groups][field.to_sym][:settings][:height] + @sections[:groups][field.to_sym][:settings][:posY] @current_groups[field] = @record.send(field) end end unless @current_groups.empty? [headers, height] end #Create a structure to calculate the footer values for all groups. Appends the footer body to total values too. def initialize_footer_values @sections[:body][:settings][:groups].each do |group| current_footer = {} @sections[:groups][group.to_sym][:footer].each { |field, settings| current_footer[field] = nil } unless @sections[:groups][group.to_sym][:footer].nil? @footers[group.to_sym] = current_footer unless current_footer.empty? end if has_groups? raise "The report must have at least a footer on body section" if @sections[:body][:footer].nil? current_footer = {} @sections[:body][:footer].each { |field, settings| current_footer[field] = nil } @footers[:body] = current_footer unless current_footer.empty? end #Call the function that calculates the footer values for all groups and the total body footer, with #different source for each def update_footer_values @sections[:body][:settings][:groups].reverse_each do |group| calculate_footer_values group, @sections[:groups][group.to_sym][:footer] end if has_groups? calculate_footer_values :body, @sections[:body][:footer] end #Returns the values to the group passed as parameter. If :behavior setting is used, so a #function in [lib/pdf/behaviors.rb] calculates the value of current field, else the report #method is called def calculate_footer_values group, source @footers[group.to_sym].each do |field, value| footer_rule = source[field] symbolize! footer_rule[1] unless footer_rule[1][:behavior].nil? @footers[group.to_sym][field] = JunoReport::Pdf::Behaviors.send footer_rule[1][:behavior].to_sym, value, (@record.respond_to?(field) ? @record.send(field) : nil) else @footers[group.to_sym][field] = footer_rule[1][:value] || (footer_rule[1][:label].to_s + @record.send(field)) end unless @footers[group.to_sym].nil? || footer_rule[1].nil? end end #Print the footers according to the groups and source specified def draw_footer footers_to_print, source footers_to_print.reverse_each do |group| draw_line(@posY + @sections[:body][:settings][:height]/2) source[group][:footer].each do |field, settings| settings = [settings[0], @posY, (@defaults.merge (settings[1] || { }).symbolize_keys!)] settings[2][:style] = settings[2][:style].to_sym set_options settings[2] draw_text @footers[group][field], settings end draw_line(@posY - @sections[:body][:settings][:height]/4) set_pos_y @sections[:body][:settings][:height] reset_footer group end end #Resets the footer to next groups def reset_footer(group); @footers[group].each { |field, value| @footers[group][field] = nil }; end #Based on the Key names of the :body section at the rules, the function draw columns with #baselines on the top and bottom of the header. def draw_columns @sections[:body][:fields].each do |field, settings| settings = [settings[0], @posY, (@defaults.merge (settings[1] || { }).symbolize_keys!)] settings[2][:style] = settings[2][:style].to_sym set_options settings[2] draw_line(@posY + @sections[:body][:settings][:height]/2) field = settings[2][:column] || field.to_s.split('_').inject('') do |str, part| str << part.camelize << " " end draw_text field, settings end draw_line(@posY - @sections[:body][:settings][:height]/2) set_pos_y @sections[:body][:settings][:height] end def has_groups? !@sections[:body][:settings][:groups].nil? end end end