require "active_support/core_ext/string/strip" require "fileutils" require 'spec_helper' describe JsRoutes, "compatibility with UMD" do describe "generated js" do subject do JsRoutes.generate( module_type: 'UMD', include: /book|inboxes|inbox_message/, ) end it "should include a comment in the header" do app_class = "App" include("File generated by js-routes #{JsRoutes::VERSION}") include("Based on Rails #{ActionPack.version} routes of #{app_class}") end it "should call route function for each route" do include("inboxes_path: __jsr.r(") end it "should have correct function without arguments signature" do include('inboxes_path: __jsr.r({"format":{}}') end it "should have correct function with arguments signature" do include('inbox_message_path: __jsr.r({"inbox_id":{"r":true},"id":{"r":true},"format":{}}') end it "should have correct function signature with unordered hash" do include('inbox_message_attachment_path: __jsr.r({"inbox_id":{"r":true},"message_id":{"r":true},"id":{"r":true},"format":{}}') end it "should have correct function comment with options argument" do include(<<-DOC.rstrip) /** * Generates rails route to * /inboxes(.:format) * @param {object | undefined} options * @returns {string} route path */ inboxes_path: __jsr.r DOC end it "should have correct function comment with arguments" do include(<<-DOC.rstrip) /** * Generates rails route to * /inboxes/:inbox_id/messages/:message_id/attachments/new(.:format) * @param {any} inbox_id * @param {any} message_id * @param {object | undefined} options * @returns {string} route path */ new_inbox_message_attachment_path: __jsr.r DOC end it "routes should be sorted in alphabetical order" do expect(subject.index("book_path")).to be <= subject.index("inboxes_path") end end describe ".generate!" do let(:name) { Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'javascripts', 'routes.js') } before(:each) do FileUtils.rm_f(name) JsRoutes.generate!({:file => name}) end after(:each) do FileUtils.rm_f(name) end after(:all) do FileUtils.rm_f("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../routes.js") # let(:name) is not available here end it "should not generate file before initialization" do expect(File.exists?(name)).to be_falsey end end end