require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../test/test_helper') # Ensure that we are using the temporary fixture path Engines::Testing.set_fixture_path require 'webrat' require 'fakeweb' require 'chili_videos' FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false Webrat.configure do |config| config.mode = :rails end module IntegrationTestHelper def login_as(user="existing", password="existing") visit "/login" fill_in 'Login', :with => user fill_in 'Password', :with => password click_button 'login' assert_response :success assert User.current.logged? end def visit_project(project) visit '/' assert_response :success click_link 'Projects' assert_response :success click_link assert_response :success end def assert_forbidden assert_response :forbidden assert_template 'common/403' end # Cleanup current_url to remove the host; sometimes it's present, sometimes it's not def current_path return nil if current_url.nil? return current_url.gsub("","") end end module TransloaditServiceHelper def workflow_results(identifier = :standard) YAML.load("test/fixtures/#{identifier}_transloadit_response.json")) end def stub_assembly_url(assembly = nil, fixture_base_name = :single_video_processed) response = "test/fixtures/#{fixture_base_name.to_s}_assembly.json" url = assembly.blank? ? assembly_url : assembly.assembly_url FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, url, :response => response) end def assembly_url '' end end class ActionController::IntegrationTest include IntegrationTestHelper end class ActiveSupport::TestCase include TransloaditServiceHelper end class ActionController::TestCase include TransloaditServiceHelper end