# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Copyable do [ :clone, :dup ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do let(:person) do Person.new( title: "Sir", version: 4, created_at: Time.now, updated_at: Time.now, desc: "description" ) do |p| p.owner_id = 5 end end let!(:address) do person.addresses.build(street: "Bond") end let!(:name) do person.build_name(first_name: "Judy") end let!(:posts) do person.posts.build(title: "testing") end let!(:game) do person.build_game(name: "Tron") end context "when the document has an id field in the database" do let!(:band) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end before do Band.collection.find(_id: band.id).update("$set" => { "id" => 1234 }) end let!(:cloned) do band.reload.send(method) end it "does not set the id field as the _id" do expect(cloned.id).to_not eq(1234) end end context "when cloning a document with multiple languages field" do before do I18n.locale = 'pt_BR' person.desc = "descrição" person.save end after do I18n.locale = :en end let!(:from_db) do Person.find(person.id) end let(:copy) do from_db.send(method) end it "sets the pt_BR version" do I18n.locale = 'pt_BR' expect(copy.desc).to eq("descrição") end it "sets the english version" do I18n.locale = :en expect(copy.desc).to eq("description") end it "sets to nil an nonexistent lang" do I18n.locale = :fr expect(copy.desc).to be_nil end end context "when cloning a loaded document" do before do person.save end let!(:from_db) do Person.find(person.id) end let(:copy) do from_db.send(method) end it "marks the fields as dirty" do expect(copy.changes["age"]).to eq([ nil, 100 ]) end it "flags the document as changed" do expect(copy).to be_changed end it "copies protected fields" do expect(copy.owner_id).to eq(5) end end context "when the document is new" do context "when versions exist" do let(:copy) do person.send(method) end before do person[:versions] = [ { number: 1 } ] end it "returns a new document" do expect(copy).to_not be_persisted end it "has an id" do expect(copy.id).to_not be_nil end it "flags the document as changed" do expect(copy).to be_changed end it "marks fields as dirty" do expect(copy.changes["age"]).to eq([ nil, 100 ]) end it "has a different id from the original" do expect(copy.id).to_not eq(person.id) end it "does not copy the versions" do expect(copy[:versions]).to be_nil end it "resets the document version" do expect(copy.version).to eq(1) end it "returns a new instance" do expect(copy).to_not be_eql(person) end it "copys embeds many documents" do expect(copy.addresses).to eq(person.addresses) end it "sets the embedded many documents as new" do expect(copy.addresses.first).to be_new_record end it "creates new embeds many instances" do expect(copy.addresses).to_not equal(person.addresses) end it "copys embeds one documents" do expect(copy.name).to eq(person.name) end it "flags the embeds one documents as new" do expect(copy.name).to be_new_record end it "creates a new embeds one instance" do expect(copy.name).to_not equal(person.name) end it "does not copy referenced many documents" do expect(copy.posts).to be_empty end it "does not copy references one documents" do expect(copy.game).to be_nil end it "copies localized fields" do expect(copy.desc).to eq("description") end context "when saving the copy" do let(:reloaded) do copy.reload end before do copy.save(validate: false) end it "persists the attributes" do expect(reloaded.title).to eq("Sir") end it "persists the embeds many relation" do expect(reloaded.addresses).to eq(person.addresses) end it "persists the embeds one relation" do expect(reloaded.name).to eq(person.name) end end end end context "when the document is not new" do before do person.new_record = false end context "when versions exist" do let(:copy) do person.send(method) end before do person[:versions] = [ { number: 1 } ] end it "flags the document as changed" do expect(copy).to be_changed end it "marks fields as dirty" do expect(copy.changes["age"]).to eq([ nil, 100 ]) end it "returns a new document" do expect(copy).to_not be_persisted end it "has an id" do expect(copy.id).to_not be_nil end it "has a different id from the original" do expect(copy.id).to_not eq(person.id) end it "does not copy the versions" do expect(copy[:versions]).to be_nil end it "returns a new instance" do expect(copy).to_not be_eql(person) end it "copys embeds many documents" do expect(copy.addresses).to eq(person.addresses) end it "creates new embeds many instances" do expect(copy.addresses).to_not equal(person.addresses) end it "copys embeds one documents" do expect(copy.name).to eq(person.name) end it "creates a new embeds one instance" do expect(copy.name).to_not equal(person.name) end it "does not copy referenced many documents" do expect(copy.posts).to be_empty end it "does not copy references one documents" do expect(copy.game).to be_nil end context "when saving the copy" do let(:reloaded) do copy.reload end before do copy.save(validate: false) end it "persists the attributes" do expect(reloaded.title).to eq("Sir") end it "persists the embeds many relation" do expect(reloaded.addresses).to eq(person.addresses) end it "persists the embeds one relation" do expect(reloaded.name).to eq(person.name) end end end end context "when the document is frozen" do let!(:copy) do person.freeze.send(method) end it "returns a new document" do expect(copy).to_not be_persisted end it "has an id" do expect(copy.id).to_not be_nil end it "has a different id from the original" do expect(copy.id).to_not eq(person.id) end it "returns a new instance" do expect(copy).to_not be_eql(person) end it "copys embeds many documents" do expect(copy.addresses).to eq(person.addresses) end it "creates new embeds many instances" do expect(copy.addresses).to_not equal(person.addresses) end it "copys embeds one documents" do expect(copy.name).to eq(person.name) end it "creates a new embeds one instance" do expect(copy.name).to_not equal(person.name) end it "does not copy referenced many documents" do expect(copy.posts).to be_empty end it "does not copy references one documents" do expect(copy.game).to be_nil end it "keeps the original attributes frozen" do expect(person.attributes).to be_frozen end context "when saving the copy" do let(:reloaded) do copy.reload end before do copy.save(validate: false) end it "persists the attributes" do expect(reloaded.title).to eq("Sir") end it "persists the embeds many relation" do expect(reloaded.addresses).to eq(person.addresses) end it "persists the embeds one relation" do expect(reloaded.name).to eq(person.name) end end end end end end