#ifndef BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_FIELD_H #define BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_FIELD_H /*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2014 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #include "nsTable.h" #include "fieldNameAlias.h" class CField; // atl interface namespace bzs { namespace rtl { class stringBuffer; } namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { class stringConverter; /** @cond INTERNAL */ /* non copyable */ class DLLLIB fieldShare { friend class field; friend class table; friend class recordCache; private: struct Imple* m_imple; struct { unsigned char myDateTimeValueByBtrv : 1; unsigned char logicalToString : 1; }; fieldShare(const fieldShare&); // no implememt fieldShare& operator=(const fieldShare&); // no implememt protected: fieldShare(); virtual ~fieldShare(); stringConverter* cv() const; bzs::rtl::stringBuffer* strBufs() const; void blobPushBack(char* p); void blobClear(); }; /** @endcond */ class DLLLIB fielddefs : public fieldShare { friend class table; friend class recordsetImple; friend class writableRecord; friend class memoryRecord; friend class recordsetQuery; friend struct recordsetQueryImple; friend class fieldsBase; friend class fields; friend class field; struct infoImple* m_imple; void aliasing(fielddef* p) const; fielddefs(); ~fielddefs(); fielddefs(const fielddefs& r); fielddefs& operator=(const fielddefs& r); bool mysqlnullEnable() const; bool canUnion(const fielddefs& r) const; size_t totalFieldLen() const; void resetUpdateIndicator(); void setAliases(const aliasMap_type* p); void push_back(const fielddef* p); void calcFieldPos(int startIndex, bool mysqlNull); void remove(int index); void reserve(size_t size); public: void clear(); fielddefs* clone() const; int indexByName(const std::_tstring& name) const; const fielddef& operator[](int index) const; const fielddef& operator[](const _TCHAR* name) const; const fielddef& operator[](const std::_tstring& name) const; bool checkIndex(int index) const; size_t size() const; void addAllFileds(const tabledef* def); void addSelectedFields(const class table* tb); void release(); static fielddefs* create(); }; class DLLLIB field { friend class table; friend class fieldsBase; friend class CField; // atl interface friend class memoryRecord; // nullPtr() friend class recordsetQuery; //nullcomp friend class recordsetImple; //offsetBlobPtr friend struct logic; //isCompPartAndMakeValue /** @cond INTERNAL */ friend int compBlob(const field& l, const field& r, char logType); /** @endcond */ fielddef* m_fd; unsigned char* m_ptr; const class fielddefs* m_fds; mutable unsigned char* m_cachedNullPtr; mutable unsigned char m_nullbit; unsigned char m_nullSign; void nullPtrCache() const; int blobLenBytes() const { return m_fd->blobLenBytes(); } __int64 readValue64() const; void storeValue64(__int64 value); double readValueDbl() const; void storeValueDbl(double value); void storeValueStrA(const char* data); const char* readValueStrA() const; #ifdef _WIN32 void storeValueStrW(const WCHAR* data); const WCHAR* readValueStrW() const; #endif void storeValueNumeric(double data); double readValueNumeric() const; void storeValueDecimal(double data); double readValueDecimal() const; void* nullPtr() const; int nullComp(const field& r, char log) const; int nullComp(char log) const; bool isCompPartAndMakeValue(); void offsetBlobPtr(size_t offset); // ---- bigin regacy interfaces ---- // const char* getFVAstr() const; #ifdef _WIN32 const wchar_t* getFVWstr() const; #endif __int64 getFV64() const; double getFVdbl() const; void* getFVbin(uint_td& size) const; inline unsigned char getFVbyt() const { return (unsigned char)getFV64();} inline short getFVsht() const { return (short)getFV64();} inline int getFVint() const { return (int)getFV64();} inline int getFVlng() const { return (int)getFV64();} inline float getFVflt() const { return (float)getFVdbl();} #ifdef _WIN32 void setFVW(const wchar_t* data); #endif void setFV(double data); void setFV(__int64 data); void setFVA(const char* data); void setFV(const void* data, uint_td size); #ifdef _UNICODE inline const wchar_t* getFVstr() const { return getFVWstr(); }; inline void setFV(const wchar_t* data) { setFVW(data); }; inline void setFV(const std::wstring& p) { setFVW(p.c_str()); } #else inline const char* getFVstr() const { return getFVAstr(); }; #endif inline void setFV(const char* data) { setFVA(data); }; inline void setFV(float data){ setFV((double)data); } inline void setFV(unsigned char data) { setFV((__int64)data); } inline void setFV(short data) { setFV((__int64)data); } inline void setFV(int data) { setFV((__int64)data); } inline void setFV(const std::string& p) { setFVA(p.c_str()); }; inline void setFV(const bitset& v) { setFV(v.internalValue()); }; // ---- end regacy interfaces ---- // /** @cond INTERNAL */ #if defined(SWIG) || \ defined(SWIG_BUILDING) // SWIG Wrapper need public constructor public: #endif inline field() : m_fd(NULL), m_ptr(NULL), m_fds(NULL){}; /** @endcond */ public: /** @cond INTERNAL */ // nullPtr and nullbit is all field same. inline field(unsigned char* ptr, const fielddef& fd, const fielddefs* fds, bool nullField = false) : m_fd((fielddef*)&fd), m_ptr(ptr), m_fds(fds), m_cachedNullPtr(NULL), m_nullbit(0) { if (nullField) { m_cachedNullPtr = (unsigned char*)&m_nullSign; m_nullSign = 0xff; m_nullbit = 1; } } /** @endcond */ /* swig using copy constructor */ inline field(const field& r) : m_fd(r.m_fd), m_ptr(r.m_ptr), m_fds(r.m_fds), m_cachedNullPtr(NULL),m_nullbit(r.m_nullbit), m_nullSign(r.m_nullSign) { if (r.m_cachedNullPtr == (unsigned char*)&r.m_nullSign) m_cachedNullPtr = (unsigned char*)&m_nullSign; } inline field& operator=(const field& r) { m_fd = r.m_fd; m_ptr = r.m_ptr; m_fds = r.m_fds; m_nullSign = r.m_nullSign; m_nullbit = r.m_nullbit; if (r.m_cachedNullPtr == (unsigned char*)&r.m_nullSign) m_cachedNullPtr = (unsigned char*)&m_nullSign; else m_cachedNullPtr = NULL; return *this; } void* ptr() const; inline const fielddef* def() const {return m_fd;} inline unsigned char type() const { return m_fd->type; } inline unsigned short len() const { return m_fd->len; } inline const _TCHAR* c_str() const { return getFVstr(); } inline const char* a_str() const { return getFVAstr(); } inline int i() const { return getFVint(); } inline int i8() const { return getFVbyt(); } inline short i16() const { return getFVsht(); } inline __int64 i64() const { return getFV64(); } inline float f() const { return getFVflt(); } inline double d() const { return getFVdbl(); } bool isNull() const; void setNull(bool v); template inline field& operator=(const T c) { setFV(c); m_fd->enableFlags.bitE = true; return *this; } inline bool operator!=(const _TCHAR* p) const { return !operator==(p); } inline bool operator==(const _TCHAR* p) const { return (isNull() == false) && (_tcscmp(p, c_str()) == 0); } inline bool operator!=(int v) const { return !operator==(v); } inline bool operator==(int v) const { return (isNull() == false) && (v == i()); } inline bool operator!=(short v) const { return !operator==(v); } inline bool operator==(short v) const { return (isNull() == false) && (v == i16()); } inline bool operator!=(__int64 v) const { return !operator==(v); } inline bool operator==(__int64 v) const { return (isNull() == false) && (v == i64()); } inline bool operator!=(float v) const { return !operator==(v); } inline bool operator==(float v) const { return (isNull() == false) && (v == f()); } inline bool operator!=(double v) const { return !operator==(v); } inline bool operator==(double v) const { return (isNull() == false) && (v == d()); } inline void setBin(const void* data, uint_td size) { setFV(data, size); m_fd->enableFlags.bitE = true; } inline void* getBin(uint_td& size) const { return getFVbin(size); }; inline bitset getBits() const { return bitset(i64());} int comp(const field& r, char logType = CMPLOGICAL_VAR_COMP_ALL) const; }; /** @cond INTERNAL */ #ifndef SWIG /* For template tget type num by type.*/ inline int getFieldType(int) { return ft_integer; } inline int getFieldType(__int64) { return ft_integer; } inline int getFieldType(short) { return ft_integer; } inline int getFieldType(char) { return ft_integer; } inline int getFieldType(double) { return ft_float; } inline int getFieldType(float) { return ft_float; } inline __int64 fieldValue(const field& fd, __int64) { return fd.i64(); } inline int fieldValue(const field& fd, int) { return fd.i(); } inline short fieldValue(const field& fd, short) { return (short)fd.i(); } inline char fieldValue(const field& fd, char) { return (char)fd.i(); } inline double fieldValue(const field& fd, double) { return fd.d(); } inline float fieldValue(const field& fd, float) { return fd.f(); } inline const _TCHAR* fieldValue(const field& fd, const _TCHAR*) { return fd.c_str(); } DLLLIB const fielddef& dummyFd(); #endif // ndef SWIG /** @endcond */ } // namespace client } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs #endif // BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_FIELD_H