Feature: upload command As a Berkshelf CLI user I need a way to upload cookbooks to a Chef server that I have installed into my Bookshelf So they are available to Chef clients @no_run @chef_server Scenario: running the upload command when the Sources in the Berksfile are already installed Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4" """ And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | And I run the install command When I run the upload command Then the output should not contain "Using mysql (1.2.4)" And the output should not contain "Using openssl (1.0.0)" And the output should contain "Uploading mysql (1.2.4) to:" And the output should contain "Uploading openssl (1.0.0) to:" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: running the upload command when the Sources in the Berksfile have not been installed Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4" cookbook "openssl", "= 1.0.0" """ And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | When I run the upload command Then the output should contain "Installing mysql (1.2.4) from site:" And the output should contain "Installing openssl (1.0.0) from site:" And the output should contain "Uploading mysql (1.2.4) to:" And the output should contain "Uploading openssl (1.0.0) to:" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server Scenario: running the upload command with a Berksfile containing a source that has a path location Given a Berksfile with path location sources to fixtures: | example_cookbook | example_cookbook-0.5.0 | And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | example_cookbook | 0.5.0 | When I run the upload command Then the output should contain "Using example_cookbook (0.5.0) at path:" And the output should contain "Uploading example_cookbook (0.5.0) to:" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | example_cookbook | 0.5.0 | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server Scenario: running the upload command with a Berksfile containing a source that has a Git location Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git", ref: "0.9.8" """ And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | artifact | 0.9.8 | When I run the upload command Then the output should contain "Installing artifact (0.9.8) from git:" And the output should contain "Uploading artifact (0.9.8) to:" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | artifact | 0.9.8 | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: Running the upload command for a single cookbook Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "build-essential", "1.2.0" cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4" cookbook "openssl", "= 1.0.0" """ And I successfully run `berks install` And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | | build-essential | 1.2.0 | When I run `berks upload mysql` Then the output should contain "Uploading mysql (1.2.4)" And the output should contain "Uploading openssl (1.0.0)" And the output should not contain "Uploading build-essential (1.2.0)" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | And the Chef server should not have the cookbooks: | build-essential | 1.2.0 | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: explicitly specifying multiple cookbooks to upload Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "ntp" cookbook "vim" cookbook "apt" """ And I successfully run `berks install` And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | | apt | When I run `berks upload ntp vim` Then the output should contain "Uploading ntp" And the output should contain "Uploading vim" And the output should not contain "Uploading apt" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | And the Chef server should not have the cookbooks: | apt | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: uploading a single group of cookbooks with the --only flag Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ group :core do cookbook "ntp" end group :system do cookbook "vim" end """ And I successfully run `berks install` And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | When I run `berks upload --only core` Then the output should contain "Uploading ntp" And the output should not contain "Uploading vim" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | ntp | And the Chef server should not have the cookbooks: | vim | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: uploading multiple groups of cookbooks with the --only flag Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ group :core do cookbook "ntp" end group :system do cookbook "vim" end """ And I successfully run `berks install` And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | When I run `berks upload --only core system` Then the output should contain "Uploading ntp" And the output should contain "Uploading vim" And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: skip uploading one group of cookbooks with the --except flag Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ group :core do cookbook "ntp" end group :system do cookbook "vim" end """ And I successfully run `berks install` And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | When I run `berks upload --except core` Then the output should not contain "Uploading ntp" And the output should contain "Uploading vim" And the Chef server should not have the cookbooks: | ntp | And the Chef server should have the cookbooks: | vim | And the exit status should be 0 @chef_server @slow_process Scenario: skip uploading multiple groups of cookbooks with the --except flag Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ group :core do cookbook "ntp" end group :system do cookbook "vim" end """ And I successfully run `berks install` And the Chef server does not have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | When I run `berks upload --except core system` Then the output should not contain "Uploading ntp" And the output should not contain "Uploading vim" And the Chef server should not have the cookbooks: | ntp | | vim | And the exit status should be 0