Feature: Pio::NiciraResubmit Scenario: new(1) When I try to create an OpenFlow action with: """ Pio::NiciraResubmit.new(1) """ Then it should finish successfully And the action has the following fields and values: | field | value | | action_type.to_hex | 0xffff | | action_length | 16 | | vendor.to_hex | 0x2320 | | subtype | 1 | | in_port | 1 | Scenario: new(:in_port) When I try to create an OpenFlow action with: """ Pio::NiciraResubmit.new(:in_port) """ Then it should finish successfully And the action has the following fields and values: | field | value | | action_type.to_hex | 0xffff | | action_length | 16 | | vendor.to_hex | 0x2320 | | subtype | 1 | | in_port | :in_port |