package org.embulk.filter.row.where; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.spi.PageReader; import org.embulk.spi.time.Timestamp; import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding; import org.joni.Matcher; import org.joni.Option; import org.joni.Regex; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; // Operation Node of AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) public abstract class ParserExp extends ParserNode { public abstract boolean eval(PageReader pageReader); } abstract class BinaryOpExp extends ParserExp { ParserLiteral left; ParserLiteral right; int operator; public BinaryOpExp() {} public BinaryOpExp(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.operator = operator; } public BinaryOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(left.obj), (ParserLiteral)(right.obj), operator); } static BinaryOpExp create(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { if (left.isTimestamp() || right.isTimestamp()) { // Either of left or right would be a string or a number return new TimestampOpExp(left, right, operator); } else if (left.isString() || right.isString()) { return new StringOpExp(left, right, operator); } else if (left.isNumber() || right.isNumber()) { return new NumberOpExp(left, right, operator); } else if (left.isBoolean() || right.isBoolean()) { return new BooleanOpExp(left, right, operator); } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } } static BinaryOpExp create(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { return BinaryOpExp.create(((ParserLiteral)left.obj), ((ParserLiteral)right.obj), operator); } static boolean isOperatorAllowed(int[] operators, int operator) { for (int o : operators) { if (operator == o) { return true; } } return false; } } class BooleanOpExp extends BinaryOpExp { public static int[] operators = {Parser.EQ, Parser.NEQ, Parser.GT, Parser.GE, Parser.LT, Parser.LE}; public BooleanOpExp(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { super(left, right, operator); if (! left.isBoolean()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a Boolean column", ((IdentifierLiteral)left).name)); } if (! right.isBoolean()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a Boolean column", ((IdentifierLiteral)right).name)); } if (! isOperatorAllowed(operators, operator)) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not an allowed operator for BooleanOpExp", Parser.yyname[operator])); } } public BooleanOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(left.obj), (ParserLiteral)(right.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { boolean l = left.getBoolean(pageReader); boolean r = right.getBoolean(pageReader); if (operator == Parser.EQ) { return l == r; } else if (operator == Parser.NEQ) { return l != r; } else { assert(false); return false; } } } class NumberOpExp extends BinaryOpExp { public static int[] operators = {Parser.EQ, Parser.NEQ, Parser.GT, Parser.GE, Parser.LT, Parser.LE}; public NumberOpExp(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { super(left, right, operator); if (! left.isNumber()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a Number column", ((IdentifierLiteral)left).name)); } if (! right.isNumber()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a Number column", ((IdentifierLiteral)right).name)); } if (! isOperatorAllowed(operators, operator)) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not an allowed operator for NumberOpExp", Parser.yyname[operator])); } } public NumberOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(left.obj), (ParserLiteral)(right.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { double l = left.getNumber(pageReader); double r = right.getNumber(pageReader); if (operator == Parser.EQ) { return l == r; } else if (operator == Parser.NEQ) { return l != r; } else if (operator == Parser.GT) { return l > r; } else if (operator == Parser.GE) { return l >= r; } else if (operator == Parser.LT) { return l < r; } else if (operator == Parser.LE) { return l <= r; } else { assert(false); return false; } } } class TimestampOpExp extends BinaryOpExp { public static int[] operators = {Parser.EQ, Parser.NEQ, Parser.GT, Parser.GE, Parser.LT, Parser.LE}; public TimestampOpExp(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { this.left = left.isIdentifier() ? left : new TimestampLiteral(left); this.right = right.isIdentifier() ? right : new TimestampLiteral(right); this.operator = operator; if (! this.left.isTimestamp()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a Timestamp column", ((IdentifierLiteral)this.left).name)); } if (! this.right.isTimestamp()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a Timestamp column", ((IdentifierLiteral)this.right).name)); } if (! isOperatorAllowed(operators, operator)) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not an allowed operator for TimestampOpExp", Parser.yyname[operator])); } } public TimestampOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(left.obj), (ParserLiteral)(right.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { Timestamp l = left.getTimestamp(pageReader); Timestamp r = right.getTimestamp(pageReader); if (operator == Parser.EQ) { return l.equals(r); } else if (operator == Parser.NEQ) { return ! l.equals(r); } else if (operator == Parser.GT) { return l.compareTo(r) > 0; } else if (operator == Parser.GE) { return l.compareTo(r) >= 0; } else if (operator == Parser.LT) { return l.compareTo(r) < 0; } else if (operator == Parser.LE) { return l.compareTo(r) <= 0; } else { assert(false); return false; } } } class StringOpExp extends BinaryOpExp { public static int[] operators = { Parser.EQ, Parser.NEQ, Parser.GT, Parser.GE, Parser.LT, Parser.LE, Parser.START_WITH, Parser.END_WITH, Parser.INCLUDE, Parser.REGEXP }; public StringOpExp(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { super(left, right, operator); if (! left.isString()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a String column", ((IdentifierLiteral)left).name)); } if (! right.isString()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a String column", ((IdentifierLiteral)right).name)); } if (! isOperatorAllowed(operators, operator)) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not an allowed operator for StringOpExp", Parser.yyname[operator])); } } public StringOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(left.obj), (ParserLiteral)(right.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { String l = left.getString(pageReader); String r = right.getString(pageReader); if (operator == Parser.EQ) { return l.equals(r); } else if (operator == Parser.NEQ) { return ! l.equals(r); } else if (operator == Parser.GT) { return l.compareTo(r) > 0; } else if (operator == Parser.GE) { return l.compareTo(r) >= 0; } else if (operator == Parser.LT) { return l.compareTo(r) < 0; } else if (operator == Parser.LE) { return l.compareTo(r) <= 0; } else if (operator == Parser.START_WITH) { return l.startsWith(r); } else if (operator == Parser.END_WITH) { return l.endsWith(r); } else if (operator == Parser.INCLUDE) { return l.contains(r); } else { assert(false); return false; } } } class RegexpOpExp extends BinaryOpExp { Regex regex; public RegexpOpExp(ParserLiteral left, ParserLiteral right, int operator) { super(left, right, operator); byte[] pattern = (((StringLiteral)right).val).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); this.regex = new Regex(pattern, 0, pattern.length, Option.NONE, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE); if (! left.isString()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a String column", ((IdentifierLiteral)left).name)); } } public RegexpOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(left.obj), (ParserLiteral)(right.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { byte[] l = left.getString(pageReader).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(l); int result =, l.length, Option.DEFAULT); return result != -1; } } class NullOpExp extends ParserExp { protected ParserLiteral val; protected int operator; public NullOpExp(ParserLiteral val, int operator) { this.val = val; this.operator = operator; } public NullOpExp(ParserVal val, int operator) { this((ParserLiteral)(val.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { boolean isNull = val.isNull(pageReader); if (operator == Parser.EQ) { return isNull; } else if (operator == Parser.NEQ) { return ! isNull; } else { assert(false); return false; } } } class LogicalOpExp extends ParserExp { protected ParserExp left; protected ParserExp right; protected int operator; public LogicalOpExp(ParserExp left, ParserExp right, int operator) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.operator = operator; } public LogicalOpExp(ParserVal left, ParserVal right, int operator) { this((ParserExp)(left.obj), (ParserExp)(right.obj), operator); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { boolean l = left.eval(pageReader); boolean r = right.eval(pageReader); if (operator == Parser.OR) { return l || r; } else if (operator == Parser.AND) { return l && r; } else { assert(false); return false; } } } class NegateOpExp extends ParserExp { protected ParserExp exp; public NegateOpExp(ParserExp exp) { this.exp = exp; } public NegateOpExp(ParserVal exp) { this((ParserExp)(exp.obj)); } public boolean eval(PageReader pageReader) { return ! exp.eval(pageReader); } }