/* * This code is copyrighted work by Daniel Luz . * * Distributed under the Ruby and GPLv2 licenses; see COPYING and GPL files * for details. */ package json.ext; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyArray; import org.jruby.RubyBoolean; import org.jruby.RubyFixnum; import org.jruby.RubyFloat; import org.jruby.RubyHash; import org.jruby.RubyInteger; import org.jruby.RubyModule; import org.jruby.RubyNumeric; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; /** * A class that populates the * Json::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods module. * * @author mernen */ class GeneratorMethods { /** * Populates the given module with all modules and their methods * @param info * @param generatorMethodsModule The module to populate * (normally JSON::Generator::GeneratorMethods) */ static void populate(RuntimeInfo info, RubyModule module) { defineMethods(module, "Array", RbArray.class); defineMethods(module, "FalseClass", RbFalse.class); defineMethods(module, "Float", RbFloat.class); defineMethods(module, "Hash", RbHash.class); defineMethods(module, "Integer", RbInteger.class); defineMethods(module, "NilClass", RbNil.class); defineMethods(module, "Object", RbObject.class); defineMethods(module, "String", RbString.class); defineMethods(module, "TrueClass", RbTrue.class); info.stringExtendModule = module.defineModuleUnder("String") .defineModuleUnder("Extend"); info.stringExtendModule.defineAnnotatedMethods(StringExtend.class); } /** * Convenience method for defining methods on a submodule. * @param parentModule * @param submoduleName * @param klass */ private static void defineMethods(RubyModule parentModule, String submoduleName, Class klass) { RubyModule submodule = parentModule.defineModuleUnder(submoduleName); submodule.defineAnnotatedMethods(klass); } public static class RbHash { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, (RubyHash)vSelf, Generator.HASH_HANDLER, args); } } public static class RbArray { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, (RubyArray)vSelf, Generator.ARRAY_HANDLER, args); } } public static class RbInteger { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, vSelf, args); } } public static class RbFloat { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, (RubyFloat)vSelf, Generator.FLOAT_HANDLER, args); } } public static class RbString { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, (RubyString)vSelf, Generator.STRING_HANDLER, args); } /** * {@link RubyString String}#to_json_raw(*) * *

This method creates a JSON text from the result of a call to * {@link #to_json_raw_object} of this String. */ @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json_raw(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { RubyHash obj = toJsonRawObject(context, Utils.ensureString(vSelf)); return Generator.generateJson(context, obj, Generator.HASH_HANDLER, args); } /** * {@link RubyString String}#to_json_raw_object(*) * *

This method creates a raw object Hash, that can be nested into * other data structures and will be unparsed as a raw string. This * method should be used if you want to convert raw strings to JSON * instead of UTF-8 strings, e.g. binary data. */ @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json_raw_object(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return toJsonRawObject(context, Utils.ensureString(vSelf)); } private static RubyHash toJsonRawObject(ThreadContext context, RubyString self) { Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime(); RubyHash result = RubyHash.newHash(runtime); IRubyObject createId = RuntimeInfo.forRuntime(runtime) .jsonModule.callMethod(context, "create_id"); result.op_aset(context, createId, self.getMetaClass().to_s()); ByteList bl = self.getByteList(); byte[] uBytes = bl.unsafeBytes(); RubyArray array = runtime.newArray(bl.length()); for (int i = bl.begin(), t = bl.begin() + bl.length(); i < t; i++) { array.store(i, runtime.newFixnum(uBytes[i] & 0xff)); } result.op_aset(context, runtime.newString("raw"), array); return result; } @JRubyMethod(required=1, module=true) public static IRubyObject included(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject module) { RuntimeInfo info = RuntimeInfo.forRuntime(context.getRuntime()); return module.callMethod(context, "extend", info.stringExtendModule); } } public static class StringExtend { /** * {@link RubyString String}#json_create(o) * *

Raw Strings are JSON Objects (the raw bytes are stored in an * array for the key "raw"). The Ruby String can be created by this * module method. */ @JRubyMethod(required=1) public static IRubyObject json_create(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject vHash) { Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime(); RubyHash o = vHash.convertToHash(); IRubyObject rawData = o.fastARef(runtime.newString("raw")); if (rawData == null) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("\"raw\" value not defined " + "for encoded String"); } RubyArray ary = Utils.ensureArray(rawData); byte[] bytes = new byte[ary.getLength()]; for (int i = 0, t = ary.getLength(); i < t; i++) { IRubyObject element = ary.eltInternal(i); if (element instanceof RubyFixnum) { bytes[i] = (byte)RubyNumeric.fix2long(element); } else { throw runtime.newTypeError(element, runtime.getFixnum()); } } return runtime.newString(new ByteList(bytes, false)); } } public static class RbTrue { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, (RubyBoolean)vSelf, Generator.TRUE_HANDLER, args); } } public static class RbFalse { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, (RubyBoolean)vSelf, Generator.FALSE_HANDLER, args); } } public static class RbNil { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vSelf, IRubyObject[] args) { return Generator.generateJson(context, vSelf, Generator.NIL_HANDLER, args); } } public static class RbObject { @JRubyMethod(rest=true) public static IRubyObject to_json(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject[] args) { return RbString.to_json(context, self.asString(), args); } } }