![Edge Framework](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/logo.jpg) EDGE FRAMEWORK ========================== Edge is a light-weight responsive Sass framework. No gimmick, just the barebone to build modern website. It is based on [Foundation by ZURB](http://www.zurb.com). **OUR PHILOSOPHY** My personal preference is to have a framework not do something and implement it myself than have a framework do something and figure out how to do the opposite. INSTALLATION ----------------- gem install edge_framework Windows PC doesn't come with Ruby pre-installed, so you can follow [this Ruby installation guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/155e-Dx4SnQj_bMrM24kI4_ZEmBp-TQ_tuinhMvZsIhM/edit?usp=sharing) we wrote. After you installed Ruby, type in the command above on `cmd` (command prompt). GRID SYSTEM ================== .row .column .large-x .small-x Our Grid is divided into **12 columns**. Start with "row" followed by "column" used in conjunction with its width.
![Edge Grid - Large only](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-large.jpg)
![Edge Grid - Large and Small](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-large-small.jpg) The tag doesn't have to be div, it can be section, article, header, etc. Never style either row or column, you might see unexpected behavior. Sizing: - Large - above 768px - Small - below or equal to 768px, width will be 100% if not specified. Nesting -----------
![Edge Grid - Nesting](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-nesting.jpg) Collapse ----------- .row.collapse Remove the gutter.
All nested rows inside collapsed one will be collapsed too. ![Edge Grid - Collapse](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-collapse.jpg) Centering ----------- .large-centered .small-centered You can make a column **horizontally centered** on your screen by adding the class above. Large centering is inherited on small screen.
![Edge Grid - Centered](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-centered.jpg) Offset ----------- .large-offset-x .small-offset-x Offset is used to leave a **gap** before the column. Large offset is ignored on small screen.
![Edge Grid - Offset](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-offset.jpg) Column Ordering ----------------- push-x pull-x **Push** pushes the column to the right, while **Pull** pulls it to the left. Push and Pull is ignored on small screen. Let's say you want a sidebar to be on the right for large screen; but on the bottom for small screen.
The snippet above will look like this: ![Edge Grid - Ordering](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-ordering.jpg) GRID SYSTEM - TILE ================= ul.large-tile-x ul.small-tile-x Evenly divides the list into block size. ![Edge Grid - Tile](http://cdn.setyono.net/edge/grid-tile.jpg) Without the small size, the tile will expand 100% on small screen. Just like row, you can collapse tile too: TYPOGRAPHY ====================== Outside of CSS reset, we don't offer much feature regarding Typography. Default Unordered list (ul) has bullet point, but most of the time we don't need it. So, we made a convention on how to write `ul`. Without class